
Angel-Jack avery


I went to school like usual, but this time a group with 6 girls, oh come on this is my lucky numbe... Was waiting for someone, I didn't pay much attention to them and I continue walking. Then one of these SIX girls camr to me and she said

girl 2: angel are u okay?

Huh? How did she know my name. I never see her in school, like the others, and ik everyone in this school how?

Ang- heh sorry but idk and how do u know my name?

Girl 2: huh? Ofc yk us. We are the most popular group of girls!

Ang- names plz. And if u are the most popular group of girls why idk u? Ik everyone in this school, and I never see u.

girl 1: okay u got us. We came yesterday and we are in ur class, we didn't know u either but a boy named Jacob... Yeah Jacob was talking about u to some other friends of him and we went near him and asked him about u. So he told us... He said about ur personality and a lot more. He seems to love u! So we thought it was a good idea to meet u.

Ang-  wow, I never had Jacob to tell about my personality, usually he is the type that, he says " go ask her".

girl 3- so do u want to be with us?

Ang- another question.

1 girl- yeah

Ang- how do u became popular in one day?

Girl 4- we really don't know... Some other guys and girls when we were walking in the hallway, said " the popular girls are coming" so yeah.

Ang- oh, well yk some girls hates me, and if they see me with u they will hate me even more.. So..

Girl1 - don't worry, we don't let other girls or guys make fun of our friends, u are safe.

Ang- I don't really care if they will bullied me, but I care for us.

Girl2 - it okay with us. Well what do u say?

Ang- I'm in, but what is ur names?

Girl 1 - True we didn't tell Angels our names. I start first. I'm Nicky.

Ang- nice to meet you Nicky!

Girl 2- I'm Mary.

Ang- nice to meet u too Mary!

Girl 3- I'm  Sarah.

Ang- hey Sarah nice to meet u too!

Girl 4- I'm Nicole.

Ang- nice to meet you too Nicole!

Girl 5- I'm Lilly.

Ang- nice to meet u Lilly, I have a cousin with that name!

Girl 6- and I'm Iza!

Ang- nice to meet all of u girls!

All the girls - nice to meet u too Angel!

We went inside school, and for the first time the school seemed fun. Like u have 6 crazy girls near u!

I went home and I see...