
What Is Love?

After watching Len leave, I took a deep breath in and sighed. It has been a while since we had such an intense moment, even in our long history as friends. Well, knowing Len, it'll take him a day or two to get over it, and we'll return back to our buddy ways.

For now, at least I've averted the major crisis.

Speaking of crisis, I returned to my apartment and saw Althea seated on the high chair for the kitchen island. Usually, she would be lounging on the couch or would have sunk her body into the comfortable bean bag. But now, she was as tense as can be.

Althea had her back straightened, and her posture was extremely stiff. Rather than a girl resting at home, Althea now looked like a nervous employee that was called to their supervisor's office.

The contrast in her behaviour was quite amusing to me, but I kept it to myself. Putting on a wry smile, I walked over and said: "Don't worry, Len left. He won't be disturbing you anymore."

"D-Desir… I'm sorry…"

"Haha, I don't mind you coming over, but you have to tell me first."

"T-That's… I'm sorry..."

I'm sure that Althea could spin plenty of excuses, yet the girl did none of that. Instead, she dropped her head down in shame and refused to look me in the eye. Hehe, she really did look like a pet dog.

Hmmm… Since I can't rear a pet in my apartment, maybe I should consider adopting Althea?

As I was pondering breaking the law to kidnap this adorable creature, Althea's voice brought me back to reality.



"There's no stayover this time?"

"What makes you think that Len only comes here to stay over?"

I laughed at Althea's odd misconception. Len didn't just come to my apartment to stay over. He would also… and also…

Damn, does he really only come here to stay over?

Wait, does Althea think that something is going on between him and me?! Len and I are definitely not in a relationship, okay?! Shit, I can't let this misunderstanding grow within this young, naive soul!

"Len has a girlfriend to return home to! He doesn't need to sleep at my place!"

"Oh… Okay?" Althea tilted her head, confused that I was putting out an aggravated cry. "I see... So your friend already has a girlfriend..."

Huh? What's with that disappointed look?! Did she really think that I was in a loving relationship with Len?! Good thing I nipped that idea in the bud.

"What kind of person is his girlfriend?"

"Sienna?" I raised my brow, confused that Althea was showing interest in Len's girlfriend. "Sienna was a friend of ours in badminton activities. Back when we were in university, that is. One thing led to another, and Sienna became Len's girlfriend."

I gave a brief description of how Sienna got into our friend group. Although I could recall the minor details of their relationship since Len kept coming to me for advice, it wasn't my story to tell. Perhaps, if Althea met Sienna one day; she would be glad to share all of the juicy details.

But for now, a short introduction would suffice.

"I see..." Althea closed her eyes as she finally relaxed. Returning back to the couch, the girl took a little sip of her lemon tea before giving a soft monologue: "It kind of feels unfair..."

"What's that?"

"N-No, I was just wondering what you were like in university!"

"Haha, nothing has changed since university. I'm still the same guy."

"... Did you have other friends?"

"Other than Sienna and Len?"


"Well, of course, I had some university friends. After all, group projects can't be done alone, right?"

Having multiple social circles was vital to surviving in university. Imagine the pain of doing a year-end project with a cancerous group mate in your midst… That was literally the bane of every university student. So, I managed good relations with many of my peers, several of whom had become my colleagues and close associates.

"Oh, I see… Then you must have gotten a girlfriend or two during your university days, right?"


I think I've heard her ask this question before. Seriously, what's with her and my love life? Hah… Girls these days, only thinking about romance.

"Nope, never."

"Not even one?!"

"That's what never means, Althea," I gave a solemn sigh.

"Weren't you ever tempted? I mean..."

Althea looked at me shyly, and there seemed to be a torrent of questions filling her mind. Hmmm, come to think of it… I've never actually explained my take on relationships, have I?

"Althea, I've sworn off all relationships."

"... what does that mean?"

"Quite simple, actually. I've never had a girlfriend, and I'll never get one. In simpler terms, I'll be an eternal bachelor."

"... Why would you think that?"

"Althea… Why do you think people fall in love?"

I replied to Althea's question with a question of my own. The girl paused for a moment and seriously considered my query. Her index finger touched her chin, and she spun her eyeballs around in their sockets. Althea's snowy white face gradually turned red as veins started to form on her forehead.

Haha, looks like this little butterfly is lost. I intended for it to be a rhetorical question, but Althea was taking my words to heart.

Anyway, let's put her out of her misery.

"Love is a grandiose term. Movies and storybooks promise that love is eternal. The Princess will find her Prince Charming; they fall in love and live happily ever after."

I paused as I thought of the cliched plot device that appeared in every love story. It was a nice idea, to hope for a love where you could be with another person forever. But alas…

Fiction was just fiction.

"In real life, there's no such thing as a happily ever after." I looked towards the spellbound girl whose ears were twitching at my reality-check words.

"Love is ephemeral. It's a biological reaction that kicks in for two people to join together so that they could create new life. And when they create new life, a biological drug enters your brain to take care of their child. That's the cycle of life."

I stared into the distance as numerous memories came to the forefront of my mind.

"No drug lasts forever. Like a bonfire in the wind, it burns. Sometimes it burns bright; other times, it grows dim. But one thing is for certain… The flame will eventually die out."

I smiled and reverted my gaze back to the silent young girl.

"People change. That's the only constant in the world. Eventually, partners will get tired of each other, and they will naturally part ways. The love and romance that we seek… It does not exist. And since it doesn't exist… Why chase it?"


"Of course, I'm not saying that everyone else is wrong for wanting a relationship. Even I feel lonely sometimes. But ultimately, I believe that my choice to remain single is the right one."


Althea remained silent. She stared deep into my eyes, not breathing a single word. There was a faint pressure behind her gaze, something that brought a bead of sweat to my forehead. Her rigid posture slowly changed into a stern yet firm disposition.

Ah… What am I doing? I shouldn't have shared something so philosophical with a young girl who was recovering from a sexual assault.

I should do something to defuse the situation…

"B-Besides, I doubt there's anyone crazy enough to actually become my girlfriend. I'm not that attractive to women anyway..."

"You're wrong..."


Althea stood up from her couch with a fiery flame burning within her eyes. I don't know what happened, but it seemed like the girl was furious.

"You're not unattractive, Desir! You should be more confident about yourself!"

"T-Thank you?"

"I'm serious!"

Althea slammed her palms on the table and stared at me like I was a child who was caught stealing from the cookie jar.

"You're a good man, Desir! And any girl would be lucky to have you!"


This time, it was my turn to be speechless. I'd never seen Althea this angry in my life, and if I were honest… It was pretty scary. Just imagine, an Angel who never got pissed at anything was now displaying her red-hot rage.

But the topic of her wrath was quite laughable.

Getting angry at me for degrading myself. I chuckled at the absurdity of the situation. However, I didn't stop the girl and allowed Althea to continue on with her lecture.

"Promise me that you won't say something like that again!"


"Promise me!" Althea cried. "If you don't, I'll take pictures ugly photos of you and post them on the internet?"

"Wouldn't that just prove my point?"

"A-Ah? W-What?"

Althea immediately stumbled on her words and fell into a state of panic. Her determined facade vanished like the autumn wind, and her usual clumsy face returned. Ah, there's the Althea we all know and love…

"T-Then, I'll take handsome pictures of you and post them on the internet!"

"Haha, I can't have that..."

This girl… Her tone makes it sound like she's going to do something terrible, but how could I say no to that puffed up squirrel-like face?

"Alright, alright… I promise."

"T-That's better!"

A smile returned to Althea's face, one more radiant than before. Wow, what a refreshing expression. People say that a maiden's smile was enough to brighten up a day… I guess that saying is true.

The sour note that Len had left me with had all but evaporated, and there was sweetness on my tongue. Maybe I should wash it down?

"Hey, now that I think about it? Where's my mud soup?"

"I-It didn't become mud!"

"Oh? Alright, let me try it then. I'm curious to see what little Althea's first try at cooking looks like."

"Hmph! I'm not going to give it to you!"

"Hmmm? So it did become mud..."

"N-No, it didn't! It's just… a little flavourless, that's all..."

"Hahaha! Alright, let me try it!"

Laughter returned to the cold apartment, drawing in a much-needed warmth for both our souls.