
Angel across the MULTIVERSE.

The worlds need saving and who better to the job than an ANGEL? So, things happen and one thing leads to the other, and a lot of things happen. Oh, curious are we? Just give it a read.

PuRplE · アニメ·コミックス
75 Chs

Chapter 1: Goodbye.

Somewhere in Great Britain, 2021

The sound of a chopper flying overhead, people shouting and cursing while the dogs added to the travesty of a symphony, just what the 'perfect' mayhem should sound like.

The rising sun softly illuminated the beautiful cityscape of London, but the people were no longer inclined to enjoy the ambiance of the situation.

And all of this mayhem was caused by a single person who decided to paint graffiti on 'The Big Ben' and managed to do a real good job with it.

Discovered by a random guard who went out to take a leak, the artist was about to sign his masterpiece.

Both the guard and the artist stared at each other and the art piece, the awkward situation was broken by the guard who had finally regained his bearing, while the artist decided to finish signing his work and decided to make a run for it.

Looking at the running figure, the guard started to blow his whistle in alarm, and we have the scene now.

The artist was none other than our MC Thomas, just as you would have already guessed. The man kept running and jumped into the Thames from the bridge, barely managing a getaway.

Somewhere in an unknown alley, a sewer hatch slid open, and a man around his twenties popped up, looking around to make sure that he was safe.

He had a tall figure covered with a black cloak smeared in paint and drenched in water, making his physical contour stand out.

He climbed the pipe to open a window on the third floor and entered the house sneakily.

As he turned after closing the window behind him, he saw a beautiful woman around her early thirties sitting there on a barstool facing him with a beautiful smile.

"Welcome back, Thomas, had another pleasant nightly stroll, I presume?" she asked in a not-so amused voice.

"It was wicked fun, and just wait for the news channels to go nuts today."

Thomas chuckled with not a hint of remorse on his handsome face.

"Oh, and before I forget, the stuff you asked for is on the table, but please leave the job. I earn a lot already, and you can drop the job already, you know?" Thomas said as he looked at her with a worried expression as he entered the bathroom for a shower.

She breathed a sigh as she rubbed her temple, sighing again as she stood up and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the two of them.

In the living room lay trophies and award certificates for academics, piano awards, and even some military awards and medals. The house had one picture of two, a man in special forces uniform and a woman in police attire.

Thomas came out of the shower wearing a towel as he walked towards the kitchen. His looks were perfectly suited to model work, and his body was carved by God's own two hands, simply perfect.

A perfect war god body with lean muscles filled with explosive power, his raven black hair and dark brown eyes seemed to match each other in perfection with his fair skin tone.

The only blemishes he had, were the long scars running across his body and a few gunshot wounds. But, even they served to make him even more appealing to the wild natured ones.

"Silica, are the pancakes done? I'm starving!" Thomas hollered while wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts.

The two sat at the table and turned on the television to see the heated debates and a picture of The Big Ben with a full-scale life-like graffiti of the Harry Potter and the Deathly hallows poster on it.

"Bloody well done, if I say so myself. Tell me, sis, tell me that you are proud of your little brother, you can brag about being the big sister to the artist of the century or the God of Graffiti as the press calls me." Thomas lauded with a mouth full of pancake, and a wide grin plastered all over his face, striking a proud pose, ready to be praised to the seventh heaven.

"Yes, I can very well do that, but you will be declared a wanted criminal by no less than six nations, including our own." She sneered with mock disappointment *chuckle*

"I can't even imagine if the special forces come to know that their youngest Major, the decorated Thomas Grey was the one behind these works of art. I'm sure it will give another field day to the press channels." She smirked, cutting into her pancake.

"Hah, says the one who gave the idea of doing so." Thomas crossed his arms on his chest and sneered.

"What?? That was ages ago. We were brats back then, and you can't hold me responsible. And if you dare slip out any of this, I promise to write a well-worded letter with a scanned copy of your sacred tome to all press channels in Britain, so don't even dare." She threatened with a face that promised pain.

Thomas had a gobsmacked face that screamed injustice, while his eyes made the most pitiful look that even put the puppies to shame as he slumped on the table and glared at his sister.

"Ho-How could you do this to me? Do you still love me or what?" Thomas pouted.

"Huh, be grateful that I am the greatest big sister alive who takes care of you. all these years of tolerating your antics." Silica shot back.

"I'm not weird; just face it that I am one of the smartest people to have ever walked the earth with an IQ above 260," Thomas spoke as he shoved a whole pancake in his mouth.

"Yes, your highness." *fake bow* She chuckled.

"Now finish eating and help me with the case. If I get a promotion because of this, I will get you an appointment with your fairy." She said with a bribing look on her face.

"Deal, and you can't take that back." Thomas vanished from the spot and went to the work table to sort the files and started looking into the Russian mob.

Time trickled as he sorted every bit of the information and started planning the raids and drafting the necessary paperwork.

And then suddenly,


The front door blasted in, armed men in black clothes and masks broke in.

Thomas sprang up onto his feet and rushed to the closet to grab his gun and loaded the bullets in it.

Gunfire started. Thomas kept shooting precisely to kill or cripple the intruders. As he was getting down the numbers, his heart was racing while the only thought inside his head was of his sister's safety.

And then it happened, his worst nightmare came to life as the intruders were about to set the place on fire.

Three of them were dragging the unconscious or dead Silica outside the room, shooting at him with automatic rifles, not giving him a chance to peek or shoot back.

The men were coordinated and well trained, they matched the timings of the reloads and the bullets never stopped coming.

Thomas was panicking as his hands that held the gun were shivering. The image of them dragging Silica was running through his head.


Thomas cursed and made a beeline to the door shooting the assailants while he was shot at. His body was riddled with wounds as blood trickled from his wounds. But he held on, he felt no pain, no fear, just a feeling of weakness and fatigue that asked him to close his eyes, yet he held on with sheer willpower.

The scene lasted no longer than a few minutes, but it seemed no less than hours to him.

Finishing the remaining three men, who were busy bringing Silica down the stairs. Thomas picked her up, stumbling to see her faintly breathing.

She had a slash wound on her abdomen that was losing blood.

Tearing the shirt he wore, Thomas tied it on her wound to put pressure and stop the bleeding.

His body was on the verge of collapse, but he held on...

Tearing the curtains from the staircase window, he wrapped it around himself as he picked Silica off the ground.

He took her down the stairs as he called for help, banging on the door of the old couple that lived downstairs.

The door opened, and they saw the old man was holding a broom while the woman had a frying pan and a flower vase in each hand.

The couple was scared out of their wits by the sound of gunfire, dialing 999 immediately, bracing themselves for what was to come.

Looking through the peeping hole, they found the pair of siblings that lived upstairs and were shocked even more when they saw Silica unconscious in Thomas' arms.

The couple opened the door and quickly let them in, closing the door behind them.

The lady quickly redialled the emergency number, while the old man took the two to the living room and asked Thomas to lay her down on the table.

None of the both had yet noticed the blood dripping from Thomas' body.

The old man was a retired doctor who knew what was to be done and started patching her up. In a while, the old lady came in and was shocked in horror to see a puddle of blood forming under Thomas' feet.

She held her mouth and saw that Thomas was covering his torso with a curtain that was dripping blood from its edges.

She was shocked and saw bloodied footprints across her house, only to wonder if it was his blood.

Just as she was about to bring it to notice, she stopped speaking as she saw that her husband and Thomas were engrossed in closing Silica's wound.

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