
Chapter 3-Memories

Jack sighed, "Very well but only so you'll stop nagging me, when I was 6 years old my sister and I were playing in our backyard when suddenly everything went dark it was as though the sun just stopped shining I was unable to see anything and when the light returned my sister was long gone I don't know why but she was taken and has been missing ever since and when I was fifteen my entire family was killed in front of my eyes while I hid and did nothing to at least try and save them!" shouted Jack remorsefully "I'm feel so hurt". "Well yes, I do, we all do you've probably felt it longer than others but still we were all hurt one way or another Jack not just you so stop feeling sorry for yourself, stop complaining you say life has been bad to you but so what! Do not let that hurt you, it was not your fault!! So just stop I hate when people do that, I just hate it!" shouted Scarlett infuriated as she stood up from her chair and ran out the room.

He just sat there thinking about what Scarlett had said think to himself," Wow she is right I need to stop being a baby and probably try and listen to other people's stories,".


Jack knocked on Scarlett's door saying that he was sorry, would like to hear her story also "I brought snacks". She immediately let him in upon hearing snacks, they sat on her bed talking Jack then said, "We have been talking for a while now and I would like to hear your story,". "Hmmm very well I trust you enough well at age 14 I woke to the sound of screaming and shouting, my mom came to my room at gave me a kiss goodbye then told me to hide under the bed, so I hid she then ran out of the room to help my dad and in the process, they were both shot I was clueless as to was happening, so went downstairs upon hearing both my parents.

cry out in pain and that's when I was captured and token to a concentration camp for 3 years till my bff Katie and I escaped,". Jack then gave her a hug and she did the same Scarlet then looked up into his eyes intimately kissed Jack he immediately pushed her away and said awkwardly, "I'm sorry but I don't see you that way I actually have a crush on Katie," he then left with a remorseful look on his face. Scarlett then dressed to visit the gym on her way there she thought to herself, "What!? How couldn't he like me am I too mean? Or not pretty enough? I am sure I saw all the signs coming to see me, being kinder than normal and frickin' hugging!! Ugh I need to let out some steam dammit,".

At the gym she fought her heart out like crazy kicking and punching with no hesitation letting out all her anger.


Nehliah lay there in her bed thinking about her next move to eliminate all members of the underground burrow's top field team, Jack's team. "Hmm" she began, "I'll start with the newbies Katherine and Scarlett they're perfect,".

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Potato_Mellycreators' thoughts