
Chapter 56

Michael looked her straight in the eyes. She looked concerned, so he decided to keep saying what he felt.

“Do you know what I mean?”

She looked at him waiting for an explanation.

“I have lived for more years than I have left waiting in front of me now. Time flies inexorably. I am getting older and I am closer to retirement, and I have nothing. I don’t have a home, a family, children. I will miss the joy of their first independent steps, the first words spoken, I won’t see them grow up. I will never see my grandchildren. I have nothing. Absolutely nothing.”

It sounded serious. This time she knew that what he just said was him not just playing around, but words flowing from the depths of his soul, from the heart. Finally, a tough guy showed a human face, and in fact, he was starting to fall apart.

“You are one of the greatest columnists I know. I admire you!” Without thinking, she said. “You are my unrivaled role model, an idol.”