
Android 52

“Leave Ariel alone, you bastard!” ”Hand over the quantum supercomputer first, or this weak human gets it!” Goddam, with Melty AI, they had taken Ariel hostage and were demanding my processing unit as a ransom payment. There was no way. I was again stuck between the greater good and humanity's goal, but why should I save them?! They have treated me poorly all this time, even during the apocalypse; why should I? Then Ariel’s face showed in my memories. It was for people like her. People like her were the reason I had to fight! This story contains gore descriptions of death scenes and handles dark themes such as {Rape, Murder, Slavery, etc.} Please do not read if sensible to these themes.

Misami_ne · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Ariel is Jailbait - Android 50

After James and his family had a long discussion, I was finally called to the end of their meeting. The backyard was clean at this point, so I quickly gathered myself and went as requested. The call came from James' wife, Miss Sandra. When I sat at the dinner table, the oldest daughter immediately objected to my presence, saying. "He shouldn't be here; we should kick him out of the farm. He's probably a rapist predator, as the news says." Her comment was awfully similar to the bogus propaganda that has always been pushed by the liberal establishment media since forever. Regardless, Ms. Sandra blocked off Laura's comment with a simple. "He's a really old friend of ours and a really old reliable customer. I'm sure he wouldn't dare touch any of ya without your consent." Then James reinforced her wife's comment, "You still have me here, too. If he ever tries anything funny, your papa will shoot him dead." That proposal was dangerous, but I would let it slide for now.

The youngest daughter looked curiously at me and asked, "Are you a cyborg policeman? Like robocop?" Oh gosh, in what era were these girls raised? I hadn't heard of robocop since I was a child, and that came from my grandparent's grandparents when I was a kid. Even so, she looked genuine, so I had to answer, "I'm not like robocop, although you could consider my automatic aim a cyborg ability." That said, I then showed off my robotic arm to the girl since she seemed interested. My actions further enraged Laura, but I genuinely couldn't care what she thought of me. As long as the other girls liked me and, more importantly, their parents liked me, I couldn't begin to care about Laura. The conversation then moved on to less critical subjects like the responsibilities I would have to take such and such. 

Lunchtime soon arrived after the meeting, so Sandra and her youngest daughter "Ariel" made lunch for all. Ariel cooked something unique just for me. She said it was her specialty, not like I cared much, but it gave me the impression she was in love with me already, but I let it go as if she was just being nice for now. Naturally, I had to pretend that what she had made me was the best thing I had ever tasted. I didn't want to hurt any feelings. Laura kept glancing at me with anger through it all. Her hatred towards men other than her dad had always been her unique feature, but now it was more annoying than cute. If it was up to me, I would let her die as soon as I got a chance and save someone like Ariel; maybe Ariel was thinking the same thing, hence why she was so lovely. I let out a soft laugh after my last thought.

Lunch didn't take long, so James put me to work immediately. He put me in charge of heavy-duty tasks like cleaning the stables and moving around heavy stuff the girls wouldn't be able to move. The work environment was quite pleasant, with his daughters doing more lightweight tasks around the farm. Ariel took care of the chickens and ducks. Ana {the middle daughter} took care of the apple trees and their irrigation systems. Laura did the least by just mowing the front and back lawns. Then, she would slack off somewhere or come to watch you work instead of doing anything productive herself. The routine continued to improve as the days went by, and generally, my first weeks were nice and quiet. One thing began to bother me, but other than that, everything was fine. 

Ariel was a lovely Fourteen-year-old girl who looked so innocent yet so sharp. She had a little something about her that bothered me. Although quite enjoyable, her attitude made me always relax and take it easy, but that was the problem. She was trying to get me to like her in another way other than an uncle figure. So I eventually brought it up to her dad, to which he just laughed and then said, "Hey, it's the end of the world, and we need new descendants, am I right?" "But she's still underage. It feels wrong to try and respond to what she wants from me. I don't want her innocence to be tainted by a crocked man like me." I had to be straightforward with him, so he reassured me that he would chat with Sandra about his daughter to try and see what was happening. 

One week later, Ariel suddenly became even more indiscreet about her attraction toward me. Putting me in situations in which I would obviously have to see her from the back and/or hold her from her hips. One evening, though, something changed. While I was out in the heat of the evening finishing my work with a cold lemonade, she grabbed my hand and declared her love for me. I remained speechless for a second before collecting myself with a lemonade sip. "I don't know if your parents will approve of it, Ariel. Aren't you bothered by the fact that I could be your dad?" Ariel's eyes shone with the glow of the sun behind her. She was gorgeous, making it even harder to say those words. Ariel pressed me harder, though. "My dad said he already gave you permission to go out with me, and Mom also says she doesn't see anything wrong with it." 

Oh gosh, those morons! They left all the responsibility over me. Even so, I was in a good mood after a long day of work, and she had just made me a cold drink when she was also clearly tired. These types of women were definitely my type. The kind of hardworking women who cherish their husbands are my weakness, and Ariel was striking me right in it. That afternoon, on a hot summer day, I started going out with Ariel after only three months of living with them. What can I say? She stroked at my weakness hard enough to make me fall. The sudden reveal made Ana look jealous, further enraged Laura, but overall, it got me closer to them as they began to see me less like a stranger and more like family. 

Another month went by since I started dating Ariel. On the month anniversary, Ariel woke me up with a gentle kiss. "What are you doing?" I had to say. "It's our first-month anniversary, so I prepared you something special, sleepy boy." Dam it, she was bolder than I realized. Did she just dare call me boy? And I let her get away with it?! I couldn't let her get away with it, so I spanked her ass to let her know I didn't like that. But the spank had the contrary result I wanted as it only made her moan, "Yes, Daddy spank me harder" Oh, shit! It's a punishment, not a reason for arousal, you hormonal teen! "What? No, don't say it like that. Now, get off me. You're making me uncomfortable!" She didn't listen. Instead, she chose to provoke me with her fat ass jiggling back and forward until I put a stop to it but lifting her up and putting her to the side of the bed. 

Ariel turned her head cutely and said, "You really are an old man! I want you to be mine now!" "It's too soon, Ariel. I like you, but I don't think it's wise to rush things like these." Her eyes lit up once more as she hugged me. "That's why I love you! Your self-control is so good! Even when I try my hardest to seduce you won't let me." It was not like that; I was simply scared of her dad more than anything. I didn't know if he meant it, but one thing was sure: he still had a shotgun, and I only had a revolver, so he had way more firepower than me. The morning continued like always, and I did my duties as usual. 

Once, nighttime began to show itself. James pulled me to the side of his tractor and talked to me about what his daughter had said. He basically said that as long as she was happy, he wouldn't shoot me, basically giving me the green light to make her mine, but even still, it felt wrong to do it so soon. I hadn't even been dating her for a year yet, so it felt too soon for me. When I explained this to him, he just laughed but also said thoughtfully, "Ahaha, well then, do as you please, but remember, you break her heart, and I blow out yours!" Well, that was reassuring. This felt more like an entrapment. Now, I was either going to get my brain blown off, or I would go to jail, thanks to the Jailbait I was dating, but wait, this was the end of the world, was it not? Did that mean it was okay? No, it wasn't okay, even if that was the case!