
Andrea: The Alpha Wolf

Andrea, the mythical white wolf, known for its ability to foretell tragedy. Carl, the ever silent and brooding eldest brother with a pack to protect and a revenge mission to accomplish. Would Andrea abandon everything and everyone to go on a dangerous adventure with her soulmate or would she fight to stand up tall in the place where no one wants her?.

Agatha_Peters · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Chapter 4

Author's Note: This is the very first of my many works, let's all support this book. Thank you


Trey Huxley, that is my name. Last child of Leah and Carl Senior. Wild and sunny that is who I always was and will be. Right now I am in LA with my brothers after the fire at our home.

I now school at Nocturne and I am 16 years old and in the 11th grade. School is fun, with my looks I get all the cool girls and flashy kids. Currently I am rated best athlete and that's just after 2 months of school. They would not know though that I have super powers that is why I am amazing at almost everything.


Trey walked down the hall, morning classes have just ended and he was heading to the cafeteria which he does every day because the food is free and if he doesn't eat he might go hungry. No one knows though.

"Yo, Treyson, heading for meals today?"

"No, Sicko I am heading to the gyms",

"You should not call me that you know, I am not sick just hyperactive that's all".

"Besides, with your cool attitude if I behaved normally I am sure we would not be friends by now", Chichi said

"Then, quit calling me Treyson, it's Trey and stop bugging me. I am very irritable right now"

"That's coz you are hungry dude, hahaha" Chichi really knew how to make fun of him.

"Hi, handsome", That's Julia the school belle or so she thinks, personally I think Miss Miller our Math teacher with her holier than thou attitude was way better.

Which is saying a lot because Miss Miller dresses in stiff black skirts and shirt whites, is 45yrs old, single and with a permanent frown on her face. Oh let's not forget the moles too, she has them all over her face.

"The seniors will be leaving soon, which includes your brothers, could you help me inquire from the twins if any one of them has got a date yet, if not, I wouldn't mind going with the both of them, just for fun, don't misunderstand me", she stood there blinking her eyes like she got something in them. Probably thought they were sexy.

"I don't know about that and if you want to join them for the poem night how about you ask them, personally?!"

He walked around her and headed for the cafe. 'Man, he was hungry'.


He took his order and sat down where the basketball always sat at, the right hand corner is as to face the door and catch any gossip coming in, which is weird for boys but very common here.

"Ah, it's the star boy, what's for lunch today champ?" Rock said

As fellow players everyone tries their very best to be at least friends to help communication on the pitch.

"Well, as champ, I eat champion meals, ya know like a big boy eats"

"That wasn't what I asked"

"But I thought that was what you meant, Rocky, what you wanna beat me up cause I answered wrong?"

Everyone snickered.

"Told you to stop with the dumb jokes, man"

"How was practice?"

"Well, as champ it was cool, while you guys are on probation for noise making in class here I am living my best life, sweating 7 hours a day because my teammates were such assholes to abandon me"! He said fake angrily.

"No sweat champ we will be back by tomorrow okay?!.