
Andrea: The Alpha Wolf

Andrea, the mythical white wolf, known for its ability to foretell tragedy. Carl, the ever silent and brooding eldest brother with a pack to protect and a revenge mission to accomplish. Would Andrea abandon everything and everyone to go on a dangerous adventure with her soulmate or would she fight to stand up tall in the place where no one wants her?.

Agatha_Peters · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Chapter 13

Bruce walked down the hall leading to the innermost part of the basement of SIC organisation. SIC dealt with chemicals legally and firearms illegally. Though most of the monies came from the chemicals they make, their business is run by the money gotten from the firearms business, which only a select few knew about.

The company was founded by his grandfather, the story they always told was that, Mr. Willis Ford had started the business from scratch. It was only the direct first sons that knew what the business really entails. They had a power behind them, a god or a demon depending on one's perspective, this great being was the one who gave them what they had today and right now he was going to pay obeisance to it. He entered his special car and drove out of the city. He drove to a manor, it was well furnished and well maintained though no one lived there except for one old man. He acts as both the butler, gardener, cleaner and cook. In short, only this old man and himself had access to the manor.

He drove straight into the underground car park. He was greeted by the old man and walked into the building.

Contrary to the very bright outdoors, the manor was very dark and gloomy, the evil energy in the house was almost suffocating. He choked on his breath the moment he went in, his heart rate shot up exponentially trying to keep its host alive, then suddenly, he felt free, like he was drowning before but now had air to breathe. He knelt down and bowed his head immediately.

"Greetings, Great One", Bruce could feel the quiver in his voice. He always felt fear every time he came to this place. Though he enjoyed the power and wealth that came with serving their Master, he didn't like having an invisible knife hanging over his head.

After some time, he stood up and continued down the hall, heading deeper into the house.


Jerry stood up in anger. They had been using the blood of the wolf they just caught to test the serum and it wasn't working at all. He couldn't fathom what the secret to unlocking the power in that liquid. They were running out of time and the serum itself was barely enough now to perform more testings. His boss has been breathing down his neck all these while and it was suffocating.

He looked up at the test subject.

Terrence Hayes, estimated to be about 90 to 109 years, wolf age. His blood was ancient enough and potent since he was an Alpha Wolf too. However, this wasn't enough he needed someone else.


Bruce walked deeper into the hall and walked up to a dark and gloomy looking door. He pushes it open with all his might, since the door was made with iron wood and is very heavy. On entering, he is first greeted with a rotting stench. The smell is coming from a small pool in the middle of the room. The interior of the room is quite huge with the pool dead centre, but it isn't filled with water, instead it is filled with human corpses. They are mostly intact but most of it look like they have being cheer off irregularly at some places. At the very edge of the pool is a grotesque looking half human, half wolf. It has the head and torso of a wolf but its lower body is completely human. Currently, it is chewing on a broken piece of flesh. He didn't want to think where that must have come from.

"Ahh, Ford blood. Tsk, I could smell you from miles away. Why have you come to me today?", the half wolf half human snickered with globs of saliva running down its chin.

It was truly a disgusting sight to behold.

"I have come to seek for help. Lately, all our efforts to try and get the full composition of the serum is proving to be very difficult. I had tried to keep the scientist that made the serum alive, but..", he looked towards the pool.

Back then, when they had raided Broke Ridge Pack, this monster had sunk the entire place, later all the bodies and blood had strangely disappeared. He knew they were right here in this pool. And getting a blood sample through normal means is nigh impossible. Especially, the blood of the scientist or that of close relations. He could only ask for help directly from this beast.

"Do you blame me?", the thing snickered.

He felt this wasn't a question but a statement and he did not have the courage to lie to this being, that would only be detrimental.

"I really do need that blood to enable us get closer to our initial goal. These shapeshifters are becoming a threat to us and the society, we need them out of the way", he said instead.

"Well, I would help you if I wasn't so hungry and weak, you know the reason why I need lots of flesh and blood is to rebuild my main body and bring it here, so I cannot spare you even a drop of such rare commodity", the beast haggled.

Bruce felt white hot anger coarse through him. This filthy thing has gorged on the flesh and blood of humans for almost a century now, provided wholesome by the Fords. He had no living relation today because they had all being consumed by this beast in the name of trying to regain it's powers. The false promises it made to his predecessors are never fulfilled and now a simple request too has been denied. He bowed his head to hide the turmoil in his eyes.

"Yes, Great One", he turned on his heel and left. Walking straight out of the villa and to his car. He didn't bother replying to the farewell the butler said to him. He drove for a distance and stopped the car. He let out a scream filled with many turbulent emotions and places his head tiredly against the steering wheel. He wasn't the least bit happy with his current lifestyle.


Carl drove back to the house. He entered and the first person he set eyes on was Trey. He remembered the familiar energy he felt earlier and turned to look at him again. He was dressed in PJ's and looked like he hasn't slept, he could hear the sounds on a video game upstairs and thought that must be why he looked like a crack addict.

"Boss, you are here, huhhhhhhh", Trey yawned very exaggeratedly to drive his point home. He knew his brother must have noticed him but he still tried his best to make it look like he never left the house, even though they knew he attended a party.

"How was the party?", Carl asked while narrowing his eyes at Trey, hoping to catch even a stray expression.

"I left about 2 hours ago, it was a drag. I couldn't fit in, so I decided to get a midnight snack and play games instead", Trey said to his eldest brother while getting a cup of water from the sink. They still did not have enough money to get a refrigerator.

"Oh, that's sad. Your friends jad a great time too, no?", he pestered

"I don't really know, they both swam away when we got there and I couldn't bother them when it was obvious they knew what they were doing. Kai would probably call me when he notices I am gone", he nodded convincingly

Carl decided to drop the issue.

"The twins are still at the store?"

"Yes, they are"

"Alright, I'll go get them, it's almost closing hour anyway"

"No problem, boss".

He went back upstairs and then decided to call it a night. Before he slept, his mind was occupied with the cute young man he saw today. He slept with a smile on his lips.