

20: Dark History and Weasley Again (July 29, 2003 to July 30, 2003)

The classrooms at Durmstrang were much like the Grand Hall, arranged in such a fashion that the teacher to student distance was minimal. The rectangular desks, made for two students to be seated, were wrapped around the middle area of the circle where their Professor was standing. It would certainly make discussions interesting, if there were any. If this class was anything like Professor Binns, it'd be a tragedy they couldn't hide more easily behind other people's backs to fall asleep. Maybe that was the purpose. Torturing the students to stay awake.

Harry knowing how much Hermione liked to sit next to Draco, allowed those two to sit together and took a seat next to Susan Bones. He noticed out of the corner of his eye that Ron was sitting next to Gabrielle Delacour. Interesting choice, he thought, since Ron had been quite captivated by the half veela's older sister. It seemed the younger sister had also captured his fascination as well, good news he hoped since Hermione was quite taken by Draco even if the Slytherin didn't realize it yet.

"Welcome to the History of Dark Arts," greeted the medium height and average size man, "I'm Professor Avery, and while some of you," he stared meaningfully at the Durmstrang 7th years, "know my theories on the Dark Arts, others don't. I'm afraid my current students will have to pardon me while I enlighten those that have no background in Dark Arts History." His eyes shifted to the side where the Hogwarts and Beaubaxton students were seated. "I assure you all that Dark Arts has as much of a place in the Wizarding World as the Light Arts."

Deliberately, Avery seemed to focus his most criticizing gaze at Weasley and Bones especially Harry saw. He understood why. Both the Weasley and Bones family were staunch supporters of the Light side and were currently residing in the Americas. Harry noted that Avery's eyes study him and Draco without interest not condemnation, but they rested briefly on Hermione with carelessness. He didn't miss the flippant way Avery dismissed Hermione when he saw the amulet that rested on her throat hollow.

"Some wizards," Avery emphasized, "believe that only the Lights Arts have any magical importance, but that is only because they refuse to see the good side of the Dark Arts. Every essence of magic can be used for good and for bad. It is true that most the Dark Art spells have been used for bad rather than good, but they can still be used for good just as some Light Art spells can be used for evil intent. Any spell can be used for good, even the Killing Curse."

"Impossible!" Ron exclaimed, standing up from his seat, his cheeks flushed from his outburst. "How can the Killing Curse be used for good?"

"Tell me how the Levitation charm can be used evil intent," Avery countered. Ron's face was turning as red as tomato, and his struggle for control was rendering him incapable of speech. "Anyone?"

"If you levitate," began the Durmstrang Champion, Draco's cousin- Sahar Lestrange, "someone high enough off the ground you can effectively kill the person as easily with that charm than with the Unforgivable."

"Very good, Lestrange," Avery commended. "And," he continued, "the Killing Curse can almost be seen as a mercy since the intensity of the pain lasts only a fraction of a second. It certainly is more merciful than the Dementor's Kiss."

That Harry had to agree with. He would rather die than to live his mind as a mindless soul-sucking vermin of society. Who wouldn't? He shuddered to think how narrowly his godfather had escaped it, how close Sirius had come to receiving the kiss before- his demise. His stomach clenched in pain. It was still hard, even though it had happened nearly two years ago. But here, he had a chance to know his godfather more. And he would, oh he would.

He wasn't about to let fate run out on him again. Life here was giving him a second chance, giving him time to redo what his life had been like before. It wasn't going to be easy. Here he hadn't lived past his first birthday, and he wasn't Sirius' godson here either. But there had to be a way. There certainly was a way. His green eyes rested on Draco calculatingly. Sirius was Draco's mother's cousin, like an uncle figure he would think. Draco would introduce him.

A brilliant smile appeared on his lips. It wasn't everyday that he decided he was going to get to meet and know his godfather all over again. Even the ten feet paper that Professor Avery assigned them to list examples of how Light Arts could be used for bad and how Dark Arts could be used for good failed to dampen his spirits. He was being given a chance to know Sirius again, and this Sirius was more like the Sirius that his father and his mother had been best friends with.

"She'll win it."

"Of that there is no doubt," the other student agreed. "I am surprised that her cousin, Draco Malfoy wasn't the Hogwarts Champion. From all rumors I have heard, he is an extremely powerful wizard."

"Yes, he is. The strange thing is that the bushy hair girl that's always with him is the top student at Hogwarts and the Head Girl. I can hardly believe that a mudblood would beat a Malfoy. His father must be furious with Draco. I know my father would be; however, no one can deny Sahar's brilliance."

He wasn't suppose to be hearing this conversation, but he was bristling from behind the statue that conveniently hid his presence. While they weren't exactly talking in an openly public spot, they certainly weren't gossiping in a secluded location either. Those darn snobs must think that it's okay for them to disparage other people's name. This would be the perfect school for Draco Malfoy, why hadn't that gitty Slytherin gone to Durmstang? He would have fit right in!

"It doesn't hurt that Sahar's mother is Bellatrix Lestrange either. From what I hear, her mother has the Dark Lord wrapped around her finger. I've heard it's only a matter of when he'll make her his consort." Ron struggled to control his temper when he heard this interesting tidbit, important information to be stored away. But how was he going to be able to send an owl to his parents about this? It wasn't safe, being so deep within the Dark Lord's dominion.

"You don't really believe that, do you?" the other student scoffed. "Lestrange may be Dark Lord's whore, but that doesn't mean he'll take her for his consort. If he's waited this long, I doubt he's going to give her that position. There are other more viable choices after all. And why would he want to strengthen his alliance to the Black family? He's already got the entire family in his fold. He ought to be looking for other alliances, particularly in families that haven't been entirely persuaded."

"True, but there's no need to name call now. You know that Lestrange may just be that, but that doesn't make her any less of a power threat. She has a higher position with the Dark Lord than either of our parents do. And as I've said before, Sahar will undoubtedly win the Tournament. How could she not? She knows about all the challenges already. I pity the other two champions. They have no idea what awaits them."

Damn all the whole lot of them! The Triwizard was suppose to be an honorable and respectable affair! One wizard- witch shouldn't have the upper hand on another simply because her mother had the Dark Lord's favor! That wasn't fair! That was not the noble thing to do! It seemed beneath the Dark Lord, who for all that he heard horrible things mentioned about him appeared to be a man that believed in fair play. It didn't seem to be the case anymore, did it?

"Sahar knows the challenges," the other student countered, "but that doesn't mean she's had time to actually prepare for them. Not unless they decided to give her a crash course lesson at Azkaban. You know how much Lestrange dotes on her daughter, it's positively sickening at times. You know she's currying Sahar to be Dark Lord's next favorite. I doubt our Lord would be interested in a girl as young as her."

Oh, sick! Even if he was dense, he'd gotten the meaning of that last bit. The mother was his mistress, and the mother was trying to secure her daughter's spot as the next one? Disgusting. Despicable. What those Dark Wizards wouldn't do for power! He didn't even notice that he was the only one there, that there was no one else. It was too bad that they hadn't mentioned exactly what the First Task was. He could pass it on to Sebastian Biggerstaff.

He wrinkled his nose at the thought of helping the Slytherin, but the harder he thought about it- the more he was willing to help Biggerstaff if it meant that Hogwarts would win the Tournament. As much as he disliked the slimy House of Slytherin, it was much more preferable for his school to win the Tournament than to allow the Durmstrang bastards to win it! While Gabrielle was nice and all, he had his school pride at stake!

The problem was the approach. Ron had made it very clear that he despised Slytherins, and it was hard getting anywhere near Sebastian and his friends to warn him of what he knew. That the Durmstrangs were cheating gits and didn't deserve to win. Every little bit of information would help, it wouldn't hurt to tell him what he knew. Warning him not to underestimate the Durmstrang Champion would indisputably help keep Sebastian on his toes.

So far, he'd tried everything but he hadn't been able to get close to Sebastian. It was darn frustrating. How in bloody hell had his attempts to sit next to Sebastian in three classes been entirely foiled? Whenever he tried to move close to Sebastian, he was always stopped by Susan or Hermione. When he attempted to sit next to him, he found that either seats next to Sebastian were occupied. Same thing happened at dinner too, even when he had positioned himself next to Sebastian. This was a conspiracy!

Yes, the approach was definitely the problem. How was he suppose to approach him? It wasn't like Sirius knew who he was. Well, at least Draco was his best friend. It wouldn't be entirely out of the blue for him to want to talk to him. He had heard some incredible things about Sirius' polo playing talents. That was something they could talk about. The problem was that he couldn't very well approach Sirius without good reason. At the same time, he couldn't very well tell Draco the real reason he wanted to talk to Sirius.

Darn, he was stuck in a hole. A hole that he didn't think he'd be able to climb out of easily. He was so lost in his thoughts, his plans for action that he had become too silent. Hermione and Draco thought that Sebastian was upset and not happy with being named Hogwarts Champion even if it was an incredible honor. Both of them knew that he disliked fame and glory, not exactly Slytherin of him, but that was the Sebastian they knew.

They had tried everything, sitting next to him and chattering to him to get his mind off whatever was bothering him but nothing was working. They were about to scream in frustration when they saw Sebastian lift his head and fixate his eyes on the Dark Lord's representative. Draco knew something more than pure admiration was up with his best friend. While it wasn't unusual for people to admire the man that Draco considered his honorary uncle, it wasn't like the Sebastian he knew.

Besides, he knew damn well that Sebastian wasn't interested in Sirius in that fashion. Good luck to because he knew firsthand that Sirius was as straight as straight could be. If anything, Sebastian was salivating for their resident Potions Master, Severus Snape. He also knew that Sebastian wasn't the type for his feelings to stray crazily like young people's feelings tended to. There was something older about Sebastian, much older than himself. He was straying off topic, why the hell was Sebastian staring so ferociously at Sirius?

He elbowed his best friend sharply. "Why do you keep staring at Sirius?" he hissed into Sebastian's ear. "I've already told you once that it doesn't look right. You can't very well seduce Severus if you're focusing all your attention on another man." Sebastian blushed lightly.

"I'm not interested in Sirius in that way," Harry whispered back.

"I know that!" Draco exclaimed. "Do I look like an idiot?" Sebastian stared at his dubiously and Draco scowled. "Fine, don't answer that." He waved his hand carelessly in the air. "Anyway, I know your affections don't roam like others do at our age; however, I must admit it's strange the attention you pay Sirius. It's bloody unnerving, and Severus has been shooting odd looks at you. I know something's up. Tell me."

Harry didn't know whether to believe it or not. But he had caught Severus looking at him a few times, yet the man he wanted looking at him- Sirius- refused to meet his eyes. Deliberately avoiding, he wondered why? He sighed as Draco kept nudging at his side. Draco was insatiable when he wanted to know something. A Slytherin with the curiosity of a cat wasn't a desirable trait. "I want to talk to him."

Draco blinked as if to say 'that's it?' "About what?" he asked suspiciously.


"I don't believe you."

"Then don't."

"You're impossible," Draco muttered.

Harry grinned. "Just give me a chance to talk to him, okay?"

Draco sighed. "All right. After dinner, then."

"After dinner," Harry agreed.

Something was up with those two, Hermione reflected as she stared at the whispered exchange of Sebastian and Draco. She wanted to know what they were talking about, but prided herself with more control over her curiosity. She'd get it out of Sebastian later tonight. There wasn't much that he didn't tell her. Well, there was that whole matter of his crush, but she didn't let that bother her too much. She knew other stuff after all. She was confident Sebastian would relate everything to her at a later time.

Dinner was ending, perfect time to catch Sebastian to the side and pound his brain out with questions. Unfortunately, she was a shade too slow. Sebastian was already up and moving away, heading with Draco to the Dark Lord's representative. Why? Her eyes narrowed in thoughtful contemplation. Was it possible that Sebastian was interested in Sirius Black? It would make sense why he wouldn't tell her. Crushing on a known Death Eater was something he wouldn't want her to know about considering that he knew her allegiances to the Light.

Good time as any to confront him, Ron decided. He made his way toward Sebastian and grabbed his hand before Sebastian could protest and dragged him somewhere more private to talk. Ron deliberately ignored Draco's outburst and Sebastian's shock. "Do you have any idea how hard it is to talk to you?"

"What in bloody hell do you want Weasel?" Draco shouted, his eyes blazing into Ron's equally passionate ones. "You've interrupted something very important!"

"Nothing can be as important as winning the Tournament!" Ron yelled back. "I'm sure-"

Hermione waved a silencing charm over Ron's mouth, since a crowd of students from Durmstrang were glancing over at them with veiled curiosity. "Let's take this somewhere more private," she told them, marching authoritatively to the rooms that they were staying in. She assumed that they would follow her; she assumed right. They did. Once inside, she cancelled the silencing charms. "You need to be more careful about what you say where Ron!" she railed. "The whole school could hear both of you."

Both Ron and Draco flushed lightly with embarrassment while Harry tried to ease the tense stillness by asking politely, "What did you want to talk to me about, Ron?"

Ron glanced at him like he couldn't believe that he was being so nice about everything. He fumbled for a moment and then finally he began, "It's about the Tournament, the Durmstrang Champion already knows about the Tasks beforehand! They're cheating! The no good-"

"Careful," Draco snarled out warningly, "that's my cousin you're talking about, Weasel!"

"Excuse me if I'm trying to help Biggerstaff!" Ron exclaimed hotly. "So back off!"

"Why would you want to help him?" Draco asked suspiciously. "Everyone knows you hate Slytherins."

"Because," Ron said passionately, "I would rather have Hogwarts win than Durmstrang or Beaubaxton!"

The heat between them was beginning to boil so Harry and Hermione pulled Draco and Ron apart from each other, situating them on different parts of the room. When they were sure that they weren't going to try anything, Harry asked Ron courteously, "What do you know that would help me?"

"How could Weasel help you?" Draco sneered despite the threatening glares Hermione and Sebastian shot him. But when they seriously looked at Ron, he stopped his derogatory comments and settled down in a huff at the other side of the room. If they wanted to listen to that infuriating Gryffindor, it was up their own discretion but he didn't have to hear the moronic idiot out.

After Hermione and Sebastian had convinced Ron that they really did want to hear what he had to say, he told them in as much detail as he could remember all that he had overhead. Everything he said Harry already knew, though it was from a bit of a different viewpoint. Draco had told Harry to watch out for Sahar, but not anymore than that. Family loyalties and all. That was perfectly understandable.

Ron's input put another scope to the picture. He knew he definitely had to watch for Sahar. That Sahar was the one to beat. He also knew there was something that Draco wasn't telling him. The whole family loyalty issue. Still it was unusual for Draco, who normally told him everything. But it was probably a family secret. Very understandable. He accepted it and wouldn't push him. Maybe Draco would tell him eventually.

He didn't see anything else important, but Hermione did. She was the possible significance of the Azkaban reference. That made them think. What at Azkaban could prepare someone for one of the tasks? Several thoughts were thrown around, and Harry had the nagging suspicion that he knew exactly what it was. But it couldn't be that. That'd be simple compared to dragons he had last time. Too simple, there had to be a twist.

Guess he'd see it when it came.