
And so, the current flows

You will remain a mid-ranked demon slayer until the day you die. Despite this, you are perfectly content with your lot in life as long as you can assist the demon slayer corps. Falling in love with Shinobu Kocho was never part of your plan. Male!Reader/Shinobu. Second person POV. *Story will eventually catch up with canon events of Demon Slayer.

TowfuSan · アニメ·コミックス
45 Chs

Chapter 5: Interlude - Through her eyes

A delicious scent wafted through the crack between the wooden doors. It trickled into the lab and gradually dispersed, filling the room with a delicate, mouth-watering aroma.

"Oh, lunchtime already?" Shinobu capped the jar of wisteria poison and glanced out the window. The sky was cloudless, the blazing ball hanging from the highest point circled by blue in all directions. Time seemed to pass too rapidly when she was engrossed in her work.

Shinobu looked at the mess of documents around her. She reached for her notebook, only to be halted by another pang of hunger. Shinobu sighed. She skipped breakfast this morning since she'd dearly wanted to achieve the objectives she set out for today's experiment. She had certainly done what she set out to do, but looking at everything else she'd yet to complete…

Shinobu brought her hands together, the clap dissipating some of the heavy silence. "I had better not push myself too hard. Since Aoi's already made lunch, I'll take this chance for short rest."

After the years spent running the Butterfly Mansion, Shinobu had a good grasp on her limits. Skipping two meals in a row was normal on a mission, but it would be unbeneficial to tax herself during her 'rest periods'. If she were suddenly sent on an emergency mission, her odds of success would be far lower than if she left in peak health.

Reluctantly setting her work aside, Shinobu left her lab and made her way to the mansion's shared dining hall. It was empty of kakushi at this time of day since they preferred to eat at the end of their shifts, and the Slayers recuperating here were placed on strict diets for faster recovery, which meant whatever they ate had already been preplanned and prepped.

Enjoying the company of her family during lunch was one of the small, but no less significant things Shinobu enjoyed when she wasn't on a mission.

When Shinobu stepped into the dining hall, she realized she was earlier than she'd anticipated when there was no one to be seen. The direction of the kitchen bustled with noise, so she assumed today's cook, Aoi, was still in the midst of preparing food. Shinobu was about to seat herself at the table when she saw sets of bento boxes already placed in front of each respective seat. In the center of the long table, steam wisped from the spout of the teapot in long, translucent tendrils.

Shinobu blinked, taken aback by the sight. Everything seemed to be prepared, so why was Aoi still in the kitchen? She couldn't be cleaning up, that was something she usually left for after everyone had taken their meals. Perhaps there would be an additional dish or some kind of dessert?

Shinobu turned when she heard the door behind her slide open. Sumi and Kiyo walked in, their faces vividly expressive as they chattered. Directly behind them was an equally buoyant looking Naho, followed by the stone-faced Kanao. Shinobu couldn't help but smile.

"Shinobu-neesan!" Kiyo chirped. Her greeting was echoed by the rest save for Kanao, who defaulted to her usual address for Shinobu. "Master," she mumbled, dipping her head in a short nod. They walked around the beaming Insect Pillar towards their seats, and Shinobu rubbed the top of Kanao's head when the girl toddled past.

Kanao had come a long way from when she used to sequester herself in her own room, her blank gaze fixed at the wall for hours. She and Kanae, though it was more her older sister's doing, had gradually coaxed the girl into interacting with the others. It wasn't rare to see Kanao taking the initative to spend time with the younger girls these days, but it never failed to warm Shinobu's heart. Kanao's blind obedience had also been mostly been wrung out of her, but Shinobu had yet to succeed in getting her to address anyone with familial terms.

When the girls had settled into their chosen seats, Shinobu moved to do the same. Settling into her chair, Shinobu asked, "Does anyone know what Aoi is doing? If she's cleaning up, I'd rather she do it after she's had her lunch. The food she made is going to go cold."

Naho's hand shot up. "She should be preparing a bento for Tsuchinoto-san! Sumi told all of us that she saw him go past the mansion earlier, so he's probably going to be back soon!"

"Is that true?" Shinobu asked. Sumi's head bobbed enthusiastically.

"He was carrying a large sack with him, and his crow kept circling his head and singing, 'mission complete'!"

Aoi chose that moment to enter the dining hall with a large bento balanced on her hands. Shinobu noted that the Tsuchinoto's meal was twice the size of theirs and took an admiring glance at his tower of fried kaarage. The pile of delicious smelling meat wobbled with each cautious step Aoi took, and Shinobu smiled in amusement, wondering if she ought to be jealous at the preferential treatment their guest was receiving.

"Oh, Nee-san!" Aoi halted mid-step. The miniature mountain of fried chicken shivered precariously. She smiled sheepishly at the awed looks her sisters were giving the bento she held. Perhaps she was silly to hope that none of them would notice that she'd overdone it. "Um, I'm sorry for the delay… And, I know everyone must be hungry, but do you think we could…?"

Shinobu instantly understood. "Tsuchinoto-san might be sad if there's no one to greet him upon his return," she said. "If everyone is fine with it, shall we await his arrival before we attend to our meal?"

Everyone save for an impassive Kanao chirped their agreement without hesitation. Shinobu laughed inwardly at their outburst of excitement. It hadn't been long since that Tsuchinoto had started staying here and the children had already grown irrevocably attached. From the way he acted around them, it was obvious that he had a way with children, but it wasn't just his friendly attitude that made him so endearing.

Unlike most Slayers, he didn't treat people that weren't her like servants. Her girls were mature for their age due to what they had experienced, but they were still children. His friendly attitude and endless patience towards them was a welcomed anomaly among the cold and patronizing personalites that revolved in and out of the mansion's beds. Though he acknowledged their youth, he treated them with the courtesy and respect others reserved for their superiors.

Shinobu could tell by the way Sumi, Naho and Kiyo sulked in the days following his departure that they already considered him their big brother. He easily took up the role her girls sorely lacked in their lives, and it was partly for this reason she'd coerced him into staying despite having completed his task.

Shinobu wondered if he had siblings, but it was a question she would likely never bring herself to ask despite her curiosity. For most of the members of the Corps, matters of the past were touchy at best, tragic at worst.

Kanae's smiling visage floated through her mind, and Shinobu's mood turned somber. Had he lost someone he loved dearly as well?

"Aoi," Shinobu looked up at the sound of Kanao's voice. She caught the gleam of a coin in Kanao's open palm before she stowed it away. "You forgot to take out the tea cups. Should I get them?"

"Ah jeez, I forgot. It's fine, Kanao, I'll go get them." Aoi left with that harried reply and swiftly returned with a stack of cups. Shinobu watched as Kanao pushed out of her seat and quickly moved forward to help her. She nodded at their display, her heart melting at the sight of their easy camaraderie.

"Huh, what's this?" Aoi held up a peculiar tea vessel that fitted perfectly in her grip. The glazed surface was blended with light shades of pink and purple, the colours eye-catching even from a distance. "I don't remember us owning such a beautiful tea cup. Look at how detailed the design is! The sakura petals look so realistic, as delicate as the real thing."

The girls exchanged blank looks. None of them could remember seeing it. At their silence, Shinobu finally managed to recall where this particular object had come from. "It was only given to us just recently," Shinobu said, drawing their attention. "Do you recall the man who visited the mansion several days before? I believe he was the one brought it as a gift."

Aoi's admiring expression immediately soured. "Oh… him." Her mouth curled in distate. "He definitely meant for it for you to have it, Shinobu nee-san. I don't remember him mentioning anything about us."

And it was true, Shinobu realized as she scanned through her memories. During his visit, he hadn't spoken a word to anyone except for her. When Aoi had brought in a pot of tea, their visitor had scarcely glanced at her before continuing on some inane topic.

Shinobu cleared her throat, letting out a small laugh. "That might be so. But everything I own will eventually be passed down and shared between all of you, including this cup."

Looking at the neutral and impassive faces of Aoi and the rest of the girls, Shinobu wished the man hadn't bothered to bring gifts in the first place. She knew her suitors bore no ill will. It wasn't a crime to appreciate beauty, nor was it to seek those who were beautiful. But why did her appearance rank higher on her suitors' lists than the people she treasured?

Her charges received words of praise and thanks, but never gifts. Words were easily given; items of appreciation were not. The girls never complained, but they probably found it hard to stomach when when they regularly witnessed her receiving floods of useless trinkets, jewellery and paintings.

"This tea cup is truly exquisite," Aoi said, sounding grudgingly impressed. "Such a gorgeously illustrated vessel couldn't have been cheap. I bet this costs more than what a Mizunoto can earn in a month."

"That might be so," Shinobu agreed. "Still, it is only just a tea cup. It might be valuable, but it doesn't hold much significance."

She knew this was how her suitors saw her. A delicate vessel to be worshiped, adored and used when it suited them. Looking at the tea cup, Shinobu felt nothing but annoyance.

A low thud sounded in the hallway from the direction of the main entrance. The energy levels in the room instantly spiked. Sheer excitement emanted off Aoi and the rest of the girls.

"The door!" Sumi squealed.

"There's someone at the door!" Naho cheered, pumping a fist in the air.

Kiyo was the first to jump out of her seat, "Tsuchinoto-san is here!"

Kanao stared after the stampeding girls and slowly turned her stunned gaze to Shinobu. The Insect Pillar stifled a laugh at her younger sister's disturbed expression and said, "There will also come a day when you'll show as strong a reaction towards someone."

When Kanao scrunched her nose and lowered her eyes to stare at her bento, Shinobu turned to look at the tea cup that had been left abandoned on the table.

"Maybe one day…" Shinobu nearly laughed at her own words. No, it wasn't possible. She had already embarked on the path to vengeance. Her scorching desire to avenge Kanae would definitely overpower all other feats of emotion. How could she give her heart to another, knowing what she'd planned to do…?

"Good afternoon, Shinobu-san. It's been awhile."

"My," Shinobu's head shot up in surprise. "My apologies for not receiving you at the door, my dear Tsuchinoto." Though he was dressed in the same fitted navy haori, the man that stood before her looked significantly more exhausted compared to when he'd left. "You like you haven't slept in ages. If you aren't feeling well, I could arrange for a check up for you, later."

His expression twisted in a mix of embarrassment and wryness. Despite how cold her initial impression of him had been, he turned out to be anything but. He could be surprisingly emotive when she caught him off guard, and his reactions to being caught flat footed was absolutely adorable.

"I feel fine, thank you for asking." He threw a glance over his shoulder. "And don't worry. The girls greeted me with plenty of excitement and fervour. I've never felt happier returning from a mission before."

Shinobu smiled, acknowledging his words with a nod. His frankness was worthy of admiration. Her girls would be thoroughly pleased to hear that their affection towards him was equally reciprocated. She peered around him, asking, "And where have they disappeared off to?"

"I brought gifts, so they've probably gone to put it in their rooms." He stared over her shoulder, trying and failing not to look overeager. "I hope I'm not late for lunch."

"Don't worry, Aoi made sure to include your share." Shinobu folded her arms, screwing her face into an exaggerated pout. "Why Tsuchinoto-san, did you not bring any gifts for me? I'm disappointed." She placed a finger on her chin. "Oh my… it couldn't be that you're holding any improper intentions towards my girls?"

"Of course not!" He caught her smirk and heaved a frustrated sigh. "Shinobu-san, I am starting to wonder if purposely angering me has become your favourite hobby."

Shinobu laughed. "A woman does not give out her secrets so easily."

"Yes, yes." He grumbled and jabbed a thumb over his shoulder. There was a large clay jar resting directly against the wall outside the dining hall door. "After hearing what you said, I'm almost tempted to keep the plum wine I bought for the kakushi."

"Now, now, don't be that way. Please accept my thanks in their stead for your thoughtful gift, Tsuchinoto-san."

"Since you thanked me so pleasantly, I can't withhold your present now, can I?" The man brought out a meticulously wrapped bundle that jingled when he placed it in her hands. "Here, the fruits of my labour. I was lucky enough to find someone who had what you needed for your accessories. They told me they tried to make the colours as accurate as possible, and I took their word for it."

Shinobu sucked in a surprised breath. "These are the paints I asked for?"

At his nod, Shinobu gently fisted the bundle. Her heart ached. "Thank you. I never expected you would truly search for it. This is…" Shinobu couldn't bring herself didn't finish. He reacted with a slight tilt of his head and a quick, empathetic glance that both discomfited and gratified her. She forced herself to smile. "I suppose I can forgive you for not bringing another gift for me."

The Tsuchinoto smirked. It was her first time seeing it, and it baffled her for a moment. "Another gift? Shinobu-san, your demands are getting tougher to fulfil." He produced a small bundle of papers. "Here, I hope this will convince you to spare me. I managed to buy the recipes for these acrylic paints. I assumed you'd have no trouble understanding the techniques, so I had the artisan be as in-depth as possible."

A thrill of warmth surged through her body. Shinobu's tense smile softened into something more genuine. "Thank you for being so thoughtful," she said.

"Who's thoughtful?" Aoi walked in. "Nee-san, Tsuchinoto-san bought me a new cooking pot!"

"I'm glad you like it." He ruffled Aoi's hair, earning loud but good natured grumbles. "Aren't I the best?"

Aoi batted his arm away, giggling when he pretended to be injured. "You're definitely way better than the other guy who bought that stupidly expensive tea cup!" She pointed out the tea vessel sitting innocently on the table.

Shinobu watched his face sour as he caught sight of it.

"What a coincidence." At Aoi's questioning stare, he explained, "It's nothing. I was just thinking about how I recently saw another tea vessel exactly like that somewhere…"

"Really? Then it must have been a common tea cup after all," Aoi replied.

"Aoi, don't be impolite. It was still a gift for us, after all," Shinobu said. "However, I agree that Tsuchinoto-san's gift is far more useful than a simple tea cup."

The other girls raced into the room just as Aoi began to chatter about what she would be cooking with the new pot he'd gifted her. Shinobu watched as he entertained their questions, his longing glances at the food growing more frequent.

"Girls, save your questions for after the meal," Shinobu finally called, taking a pity on him. "Everyone, take your seats. Aoi put a lot of effort into cooking today's meal, and it's already gone cold. Let's not wait any longer and dig in."

"Thanks for your timely intervention," he whispered as the girls scrambled for their seats. "I was so hungry, I almost Kiyo had turned into a piece of kaarage. I think I might have started drooling if you didn't interrupt."

Shinobu shook her head. "You spoil them far too much. Don't be afraid to speak your mind. They won't fault you for it."

The Tsuchinoto chuckled. "I understand what you're saying. But how can I, when they look like they're having so much fun?"

Shinobu fell a step behind him as he moved forward to take a seat beside Sumi. The girl immediately drew him into conversation, pointing to the fried chicken in front of her. With the bundle of papers pressed against her chest, Shinobu sat herself in her own chair. She watched them interact animatedly and wondered.

Updated/Rewritten on: 22/3/2021

Interlude chapter, where we get to see Shinobu's thoughts. This is the end of the first mass upload. Let me know what you think about the story so far. I'll upload the rest when I finish the next arc.

Thanks for reading!

TowfuSancreators' thoughts