
And He Was

(BL) Prince Sebastian has spent his entire life huddled in a cloak of solitude, isolated by the weight of his royal responsibilities and the burdens of his past. However, his world is shattered and irreparably transformed when he encounters a mysterious stranger who challenges the boundaries of his solitary existence. As their paths intertwine, Prince Sebastian is faced with a choice that could redefine his future and break the shackles of his loneliness. AND HE WAS… PilinyTheYounger / Mercury -AND- Fatewells / Dodo Cover was made by Ai generator, so credits to the generator. Also availible on! Royal Road .com, Readict N, Inkkit, Radish (or it will be soon), Barnes & Noble, Everand, Tolino, Overdrive, bibilotheca, Baker & Taylor, Odilo, vivilo, Borrow Box, Smashwords, Palace Marketplace, Gardeners

PilinyTheYounger · ファンタジー
172 Chs


"Hah, those idiots," Sebastian muttered to himself as he headed back toward his office. Ever since his parents had died in an accident, he had been forced to change his personality to that of a tyrant. what was he becoming? he was consciously aware of his attitude, but at the same time couldn't afford to change it. "They can't do anything useful. I wish I could just catch a break for once; go to town or something."

"May I assist you with that, my prince?" a voice asked. Right on time. 

Sebastian stopped in his tracks, turning around to see a boy his age. He was thin and tall, but he had wide eyes and a smile that could only belong to a person filled with joy. He was wearing a black suit too formal to just be a commoner, a signature blue bowtie popping out from his outfit. 

Sebastian snorted. "You? Helping me?"

"Well, my prince," the boy continued. "I am a butler, and I know my way well around the busy town. I can give you the best of experiences." 

"A butler?" the prince echoed, the wheels of his brain turning furiously. "... Perhaps you may, then." 

"It's a now-or-never deal. Choose quickly!" the butler urged, checking his watch.

 "Uh – well – maybe –" Sebastian gritted his teeth and looked away, the tyrant making a soaring comeback. It took quite the person to boss him around. "Okay, fine. I can go with you."

"Two minutes, then!" the butler exclaimed, grinning. Randomly, it occurred to Sebastian that it had been almost 5 years since he had smiled like that, but the thought faded as quickly as it had come. "This will surely be a day to remember, my prince!" 

Sebastian clenched his fist and raised it. Tyrant mode: on. "You daresay order me when to leave?! I'm taking back my request; I'll have you thrown in the dungeon, you doof!" 

The butler froze, bowing down quickly with his hand to his chest. His smile was now completely gone, leaving only a grim line in its wake. "I apologize. I can give you as much time as you need."

Sebastian sniffed in annoyance. His heart distantly panged with guilt. why? he dismissed it, for it was nothing of importance. He had stoned his heart long ago. "Then get me some commoner's clothes. Now." 

The butter clapped. "You look astounding, my prince!" 

Sebastian pouted, placing a cap on his head and pulling the tip down so his face was hidden. "As a mere commoner? Are you fine up there?" At this, he took a hand and pointed it at the side of his head, where his brain would be.

"Hah! I don't think so!" the butler exclaimed. Then he paused, and questioned, "Actually, what did you say again?" 

 "Pfft. Let's get going already," Sebastian grunted, stifling back a laugh. He turned away from the butler. Since when, had he started to laugh? Perhaps there wasn't something wrong with the butler, but with him. Something wrong, indeed, because the darkness that had plagued his heart for who knows how long was now chipping and cracking away.