
Ancestral Blessing: Moneymaker System

In his past life, Kim Gojin was a common office worker with no family, drifting through life with a series of missed opportunities and unfulfilled dreams. But fate grants him a second chance as he is reborn into his teenage years, determined to rewrite his destiny and seize the opportunities he once lost. With the foresight of his previous life, Gojin begins his journey. Armed with knowledge from his past life and an unwavering determination, he ventures into the business world, founding a modeling agency that evolves into a sprawling entertainment empire. As Gojin navigates the challenges of building his business, he strategically recruits several promising female artists who were celebrated stars in his former life. Through his mentorship and guidance, these talents flourish, and deep, intimate relationships develop between them, enriching both Gojin's personal and professional lives. *** Title has been changed from Reborn For Success to Ancestral Blessing: Moneymaker System. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Vihaan_ · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Seo Ahri's Surprise (1)

Taking a deep breath, Gojin walked into the classroom. As soon as he entered, the room went silent. Everyone was staring at him, and for someone like Gojin, who usually kept to himself, this kind of attention felt really strange.

Just then, Gojin's [Perception] skill kicked in, and he realized the myriad emotions swirling around him—most of his classmates were intrigued, and a few were even scared.

By now, everyone knew about his fight with Taejun, the self-proclaimed king of their class. They had expected Gojin would be the one to take the fall, but surprisingly, it was Taejun who got expelled, and not Gojin.

Besides that, his newly built physique attracted a lot of attention. Most of the boys were curious about how Gojin had transformed from being skinny to having a pretty decent body.

But Gojin didn't care about any of that. He shook his head a little and walked to his seat, doing his best to ignore the intense stares. He had more important things to think about than what his classmates thought of him. As he sat down, Minho was the first one to greet him.

"Good to have you back, Gojin!" he playfully punched Gojin, only to realize how hard his muscles were. "Whoa, I didn't know you were working out."

"It's something I picked up last week," Gojin grinned. "And thanks for your help. If it weren't for those photos you took, I wouldn't be here."

"It's the least I could have done after, you know-"

The classroom door opening again cut short their conversation. This time, a collective gasp went through the room as a girl wearing the senior's uniform entered the room.

Her name was Seo Ahri, and she was one of the most admired girls in the school. Her presence instantly captivated the boys, and even the girls couldn't help but feel a pang of envy noticing the boys reacting to her.

Ignoring the reactions around her, Ahri scanned the room, her eyes searching for someone specific. When her gaze landed on Gojin, a smile spread across her face.

She walked towards him, her hips swaying gracefully. The boys' jaws dropped as they watched her walk, and even the girls seemed taken aback by her confidence in blatantly showing off her figure.

Seo Ahri looked at Minho, who quickly vacated the seat next to Gojin.

"I'll just... give you two some space," he muttered, slipping away.

"Minho!" Gojin exclaimed, but it was too late.

"Mind if I sit here?" Ahri asked, but she didn't wait for a response.

Ahri sat down, leaning in close to Gojin. Her perfume was intoxicating, and Gojin could feel the heat of her proximity. In his previous life, he had regarded her as unattainable, and sitting so close to her wasn't something he ever expected.

Yet now, one of the school's three idols was sitting right next to him. Gojin couldn't help it, and his eyes fell on Ahri's body. She noticed his gaze and leaned in further to give Gojin a better view.

"Enjoying the view?" Seo Ahri chuckled.

Her voice prompted Gojin to snap back to reality and calm his burning cheeks.

"I-I have something to take care of-"

However, Ahri grabbed his hand before he could get away, pulled him in, and said, "Meet me on the terrace during the break."

Then, without warning, she kissed his cheek and stood up.

"I'll be waiting," she said with a wink before leaving the classroom.

The room was stunned into silence once again. The boys glared at Gojin with envy, while the girls whispered among themselves, wondering how Gojin knew Seo Ahri.

But the fact was, Gojin was as clueless as the rest of them. As far as he knew, he had done nothing to get Ahri's attention. But no one else would believe him if he said that. After all, people didn't go around kissing strangers.

However, not everyone was pleased with what happened. In the back of the room, Jiyeon was fuming, her face twisted in rage.

She and Gojin had a history, and despite their breakup, her desire for him was as strong as ever. Seeing another girl, especially one as stunning as Ahri, getting close to him was more than she could bear.

She was glaring at Gojin, her fists clenched in anger. She couldn't believe that he was getting attention from someone like Ahri. Her mind raced with thoughts of how to reclaim Gojin, to remind him he was hers and hers alone.

Fortunately, the boys in the class began fighting over the seat Ahri had sat on, which took all attention off Gojin. Gojin looked at them and sighed. It was difficult to believe that once he was just like them.

As for the girls, they were busy speculating about the sudden interest Ahri had shown in Gojin. Some thought it was a joke, while others wondered if there was something more going on. But they kept talking about it.

As the break approached, Gojin tried to stay focused on his lessons, but his mind kept drifting back to Ahri's request. What could she possibly want to talk about? And why him, of all people?

When the break came, Gojin felt uncertain about meeting Seo Ahri. He kept reminding himself of what the Tactician spirit had told him: people might use underhanded means to get back at him.

Seo Ahri could work for Taejun, but it seemed unlikely. Still, Gojin decided it would be as long as he was being cautious.

Besides, it would be foolish of Taejun's parents to provoke me within the school. Especially now that even Principal Lee can't touch me.

With that thought, he opened the door and stepped out into the open air, only to feel someone's arm wrap around him. Instinctively, he twisted free and spun around to face his would-be assailant. To his surprise, it was Seo Ahri, but she wasn't smiling like before.

"Quick reflexes," someone announced. "You'll need them to get out of here in one piece."

Gojin's eyes darted around, and he saw a group of senior boys, armed with makeshift weapons, emerging from the storeroom. The leader of the group, a large, overweight boy named Kang Daeho, smirked while looking at Gojin.

Gojin's eyes darted around, and he saw a group of senior boys, armed with makeshift weapons, emerging from the shadows. The leader of the group, a large, overweight boy named Kang Daeho, smirked at Ahri.

Ahri glanced at Gojin, her eyes filled with regret. But Gojin gave her an annoyed look. He was hoping his day would be peaceful, but that was far from the case, all thanks to her allure.

"Sorry," Ahri mumbled before quickly leaving the terrace and one of the men locked the gate behind.

"You shouldn't have messed with Taejun," Daeho said, playing with the iron rod in his hand.

"Taejun... of course, it had to be him," Gojin raised an eyebrow. "Did he pay you to fight me?"

Daeho smirked but didn't answer. Instead, he looked at the dozen students around him.

"Alright, boys, let's get this done quickly."

However, instead of feeling scared or worried, Gojin smiled. It was the perfect opportunity to test his skills.

Passive skill [Fistfight (Beginner)] is in effect!