
Ancestral Blessing: Moneymaker System

In his past life, Kim Gojin was a common office worker with no family, drifting through life with a series of missed opportunities and unfulfilled dreams. But fate grants him a second chance as he is reborn into his teenage years, determined to rewrite his destiny and seize the opportunities he once lost. With the foresight of his previous life, Gojin begins his journey. Armed with knowledge from his past life and an unwavering determination, he ventures into the business world, founding a modeling agency that evolves into a sprawling entertainment empire. As Gojin navigates the challenges of building his business, he strategically recruits several promising female artists who were celebrated stars in his former life. Through his mentorship and guidance, these talents flourish, and deep, intimate relationships develop between them, enriching both Gojin's personal and professional lives. *** Title has been changed from Reborn For Success to Ancestral Blessing: Moneymaker System. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Vihaan_ · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Gojin's Triumph

Yeji paced nervously outside the principal's chamber, her hands clasped tightly together. She glanced at her husband, Jinho, who stood beside her, trying to appear calm but failing miserably at it.

However, they weren't alone. Across the hallway, Taejun's parents stood with serious looks on their faces. Mrs. Choi impatiently tapped her foot, her lips pressed into a thin line, while Mr. Choi was preoccupied with his phone. Even Vice Principal Han was accompanying them.

"Why is this taking so long?" she muttered to her husband. "Principal Lee should have expelled that boy by now."

Upon sensing her displeasure, Vice Principal Han immediately jumped to soothe her mood and assured her, "Please, don't worry. The principal has already made his decision. He is just dealing with the rowdy kid. I'm sure everything will be resolved soon."

Yeji glared at the vice principal before turning to Jinho. "Our son is in there all alone. What if the Principal manipulates him or something-"

Jinho placed a reassuring hand on Yeji's shoulder and smiled. "He is our son. Have some faith in him."

The doors to the principal's office suddenly opened, and everyone turned to see Gojin step out. He wore a broad smile, a look of triumph on his face as if he had just conquered a country. Without skipping a heat beat, Yeji and Jinho rushed towards him.

"Gojin, what happened?" Yeji asked anxiously. "Are you alright? What did Principal Lee say? He didn't do anything to you, did he?"

"Mom, Dad, relax. Everything's fine." Gojin wrapped his hands around her shoulder to calm her. "The principal listened to my side of the story. He said they would announce their final decision by tomorrow."

Gojin glanced briefly at Taejun's parents, who were glaring at him. He shot them a smug smile, knowing that his knowledge from his past life and sneaky tactics had undone all the money they had spent to influence the school board.

They won't be happy about it, but no amount of money will buy them the Principal's loyalty now.

Without another word, he walked past Taejun's parents, his parents following close behind. As he passed Vice Principal Han, he leaned in and whispered something only she could hear.

"Next time, check your surroundings before engaging in co-curricular activities or it might lead to more harm than good."

Vice Principal Han's face twisted in confusion for a moment, but then her eyes widened as the meaning of his words sank in. Before she could say anything, Gojin was already heading down the hallway with his family.

Mrs. Choi threw a confused look at Vice Principal Han. "You said Principal Lee wouldn't fold before a teenager, then why was he acting so happy!?"

However, Vice Principal Han wasn't listening and darted inside the chamber, locking the doors behind her. Right now, she had more important things to worry about than some rowdy teenager.

"That boy!" she shrieked. "I think he knows... wait are those-"

"Evidence of our relationship..." Principal Lee replied, letting out a defeated sigh. "I told you it was a bad idea, but no! You wanted the thrill of getting caught. Now look what it's done to us!"

"Don't tell me he's blackmailing us?"

Principal Lee nodded. Even though Gojin had a good reason to do it, what he was doing was still blackmail. Sadly, there was nothing they could do to stop him. He knew too much for them to even think about betraying them.

"What can we do now?" Vice Principal Han mumbled, massaging her head. "Mr. and Mrs. Choi won't be pleased if we take action against Taejun-"

"We don't have a choice in the matter. We must release the statement and give in to Kim Gojin's demand and hope he deletes the evidence."


"You'd prefer to see our lives ruined over some brat's?" Principal Lee snapped, losing his temper. "In this world, you've got to look out for yourself before anyone else. I'm doing what's best for my survival. That's it!"


The next day...

There was a sudden shattering sound in the hospital room as Taejun's phone hit the floor and shattered into pieces. The noise echoed through the otherwise quiet hospital ward, drawing the attention of nurses.

Taejun sat in his hospital bed, his head bandaged from the injuries sustained during the altercation with Gojin. Despite the pain, his face twisted in anger as he absorbed the news delivered by one of his lackeys moments earlier.

"This can't be real!" Taejun mumbled through gritted teeth, recalling the conversation he had moments ago.

"You're expelled, Taejun," his friend muttered. "And they are suspending the rest of us for a couple of months with community service."

Back in the present, Taejun wasn't reacting well to the news.

"Expelled?! They can't do this to me!" Taejun's eyes widened in disbelief, his fists clenched in fury. "I'll make them pay for this! Especially that bastard Gojin!"

The nurse on duty rushed into the room, followed closely by her colleagues, alarmed by the commotion.

"Mr. Choi, please calm down," she urged gently, trying to approach him cautiously.

"Get out! All of you, get out!" Taejun bellowed, his face red with anger.

His tantrum extended, and he swung his arm wildly, knocking over a tray of medical supplies. The nurses exchanged worried glances but backed away as Taejun continued to rage.

"We need to sedate him," one nurse whispered to her colleagues. "I don't know why, but his blood pressure must be skyrocketing."

As they prepared to administer medication, the doctor hurried into the room, assessing the situation quickly.

"What's going on here?" he demanded, taking charge.

The nurses shook their heads and informed the doctor that Taejun had gone haywire out of nowhere. While they were discussing the situation amongst themselves, Taejun's eyes rolled back as he got dizzy and fell on the bed.

However, even in his semi-conscious state, Taejun continued to mumble threats of revenge. "I'll get him... that Gojin... I'll ruin him..."

Meanwhile, the medical team worked swiftly to stabilize Taejun, administering medication to lower his blood pressure and calm his agitated state. The doctor monitored him closely, checking his vital signs and adjusting the treatment as needed.

After what seemed like an eternity, Taejun's breathing steadied, his body relaxed marginally under the effects of the sedative. The nurses continued to watch over him vigilantly to prevent any more problems for themselves.

"Keep a close eye on him," the doctor commented. "I'll inform his parents about the incident..."