
Ancestors: Starting with Gwen Spider-Man . Volume :2

Webnovel_Addicted · アニメ·コミックス
123 Chs


Chapter 107: Absolute Plot Point

Felicia's blunt words left everyone in the room speechless.

"You've preached so much about integrity and feelings, yet here you are, speaking without sincerity?" Tony's voice cut through the tension as he entered the room.

"Tony?" His abrupt arrival seemed uncharacteristically rushed, but he quickly regained his composure, casually taking a seat among the group. "Looks like it's quite lively here. Did I miss the party? No one thought to give me a heads-up?"

Banner, still wearing a bitter smile, replied, "Stop teasing, Tony."

Tony raised his hands in a conciliatory gesture. "Okay, okay. So, what's the discussion about?"

"Just some thoughts on Black Superman…" Banner began, voicing his ongoing confusion.

Tony's brow furrowed deeply upon hearing this. "So, you're upset he didn't rescue you sooner?"

"No, that's not what I meant…"

"That's what you're implying," Tony interjected seriously.

Banner was momentarily taken aback. Without Black Superman's intervention, he might never have achieved the life he now had.

"I'm not saying Black Superman doesn't…" Tony paused, clicking his tongue. "He complicates things sometimes, but overall, he improves situations, doesn't he?"

"If it weren't for him, I'd have died in that cave, and Ethan wouldn't have been saved," Banner admitted.

"I understand, Banner. But dwelling on what he didn't do won't help," Tony advised, his tone unusually sincere. "Before asking him to do better, ask yourself if you're giving your best."

"And are you?" Banner murmured.

Tony's timely entrance redirected the conversation. Curious, Felicia asked, "You're interested in how everyone perceives Black Superman. Who's next?"

"I plan to speak with Spider-Woman and Spider-Man. Peter might offer some insights," Banner replied.

Connors, with a wry smile, could only manage, "Good luck, Banner."

Banner, puzzled by Connors' cryptic reaction, simply nodded. "Thanks."

Suddenly, Pepper's voice echoed from outside, "Tony? Tony! I know you're here. You better explain why your health report says you're perfectly fine!"

Tony's expression shifted abruptly. "Looks like I can't stay here any longer."

The tension broke, and laughter filled the room.

Pepper entered, bewildered by the laughter but determined. "Did Tony come through here?"

Connors and Banner, mindful of their research funding from Tony, stayed discreet. Felicia, not bound by any such concerns, pointed in the direction Tony had fled. "Mr. Stark said not to mention he went that way."

Pepper smirked. "Thank you, Felicia. If you need anything, come to me."

And with that, she chased after Tony.


Manhattan, Upper East Side.

Today, Peter, Gwen, George, and Uncle Ben had gathered here.

Manhattan, known for its affluence, held within its Upper East Side the pinnacle of New York's wealth. Central Park graced its midst, alongside diverse cultural institutions, shopping hubs, and the homes of the city's wealthiest denizens.

George, now Chief of Police, had long dreamed of residing in the Upper East Side, but only recently considered it feasible. His neighbor's son, Peter Parker, also expressed interest in moving here.

Initially skeptical of Peter's aspirations, George reconsidered upon hearing of Peter's connections to Osborne and Stark. Even then, Gwen's confirmation of Peter's abilities cemented George's acceptance.

Peter is not usually the kind of person who likes to talk big.

But this gave George even more of an urge to fuck the dog.

He had worked hard for most of his life and finally got the position of police chief, so he could move into the richest area in New York.

But now Peter is lucky, he has caught up with him at such a young age?

"Well, my daughter is Spider-Woman. I thought that was incredible, but you, Peter, you're something else." George couldn't help but offer some paternal advice. "You've achieved so much at such a young age."

"But rather than moving there now, you might as well make good use of the money and purchase some effective assets, which can help you go further. ."

Peter understood George's perspective but remained firm. "Uncle George, didn't you plan to move here already? Gwen and I don't want to be separated."

George hesitated. "Just because we move doesn't mean you and Gwen can't date."

Gwen, hugging Peter, beamed. "Peter, you're amazing."

George sighed, resigned. "With our family, we'll need space for my wife, me, Gwen, and my two sons. That's a lot for an average apartment, unless we buy a villa."

"But even then, affording such a place is beyond me, unless you're a billionaire!" Uncle Ben chimed in.

Their tour brought them to a high-end Fifth Avenue apartment, fulfilling George's need for space and Peter and Uncle Ben's desire for comfort.

As they explored, Peter reminisced about his recent connections with Osborn and Stark, which enabled this move. Uncle Ben, though overwhelmed, couldn't help but marvel at the luxurious surroundings.

Two bedrooms and two bathrooms were enough to meet their basic living needs.

But not only that,

the decoration, facilities and property of the apartment itself are all without faults.

Especially the decoration, which is much more refined and luxurious than the original apartment, at least it jumped up several levels at once, which made Uncle Ben a little uncomfortable.

The view outside the window is also very good, and you can see the most prosperous and beautiful urban areas in Manhattan.

Not to mention the surrounding communities, they have complete functions, convenient transportation, and good public security.

"Peter, this is unbelievable." Uncle Ben sighed.

Over the past six months, Peter has been getting along day and night, and naturally he has not forgotten to share some of his recent developments with his two relatives from time to time.

For example, some connections with Osborn and Stark.

Therefore, he can understand the matter of changing his house, but it is not easy to accept it all at once.

Uncle Ben in this world still has a stable job with a good salary, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to live in Manhattan for so many years.

But he was just good. He was still an ordinary citizen. The only special thing was that the neighbor detective he had been friends with for many years became the police chief one day.

Uncle Ben, a man of steady means, still felt uneasy. "Peter, this seems too sudden. Maybe we should hold off."

"But here. More comfortable, isn't it?"

"I mean, isn't it a little... too fast?"

"Gwen and I don't want to separate. Wouldn't you agree, Uncle Ben?" Peter gently pushed.

Peter did not want to rashly change the lives of Uncle Ben and Aunt May, which has already touched the bottom line.

In the final analysis, it was Ancient One 's original words that gave Peter some sense of urgency.

He is not invincible, nor does he have no enemies. This enemy is even more powerful than ever before.

Peter has been thinking about it since he talked with Ancient One, what is the absolute point in time?

What causes this phenomenon. His underlying rules, logic, and why they exist...

He tried to use various time, space, and causal quantum theories to explain it, but the final results were all nonsense.

The existence of an absolute point in time is extremely unscientific.

So, best solution he came up with was to stay close to Gwen.

"Everything goes well, dear. Where's Uncle George?" Peter looked at Gwen and asked with a smile.

"Dad, he is a little hesitant. You know, we have a lot of people in our family." Gwen said to Peter,

"Dad, mom, me, and my two younger brothers, we all need rooms. , but it is difficult for an average apartment to have so many rooms, unless it is a single-family villa."

"But even dad would find it difficult to afford a house of this level, unless that person is a billionaire!"

Uncle Ben saw two young lovers. They were chatting happily and said very philosophically: "I'm going to see George."

Suddenly Peter and Gwen were left in the room.

Gwen said "We can manage for now, even if my brothers share a room. When they're older…"

Gwen looked at Peter with affection. "We'll marry, right?"

"That's the plan," Peter chuckled.

Gwen embraced him. "I love you so much, Peter."

Peter, caught up in the moment, whispered to Gwen, "Maybe you could move in with me now."

Gwen blushed. "That would drive Dad crazy."

Peter hugged her close. "You also need a lab, and my bedroom isn't the best place for experiments."

Reluctantly, Gwen murmured, "I want that… but…"

She screamed out from the comfort of Peter's touch.

"Of course I'll be there too."

"That's okay..."

In the end, Gwen couldn't bear it anymore and looked at Peter with watery eyes.

She took the initiative to kiss him, as passionately as usual.

Their intimate moment was interrupted by a cough behind them. Gwen turned to see Uncle Ben, his face flushed with embarrassment.

"Dad!" Gwen gasped.

George's stern gaze turned from Gwen to Peter, his expression dark.