
Ancestor System : Creating a Family From Scratch

[100%] .... .... .... [Congratulations, Host. You successfully completed hidden requirements] .... .... [System bound successfully] .... [Ancestor System Started] .... ... .. . So, I had a system all this time, huh? This is my first novel, or first try writing a novel I should say. I'm not native in English so there'll be mistakes.

NightTheFox · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Xiao Xiao

The sun was shining through the gap, and my beautiful wife was sleeping by my side. Last night was crazy, I never knew Jia could be like that. She is sleeping so peacefully now. After kissing her lips lightly, I got up from the bed and changed my clothes. Today was the first day I learned alchemy with my junior sister. I had my own mission to complete too.

When I got to the alchemy room, I saw her checking shelves. She heard me and turned to me, she blushed a little.

"H-hello senior brother. I asked your maids to not wake you up, I was a little nervous so I came pretty early today." She is cute, I never looked at her carefully before, but she has blonde hair that she carefully tied up so that it would stay out of the way while she's working. Her eyes were dark blue, like sapphire, shining brightly. She had a delicate face, and a little baby fat still persisted on her cheeks. She looked like a fairy, her looks were just perfect.

"You look beautiful today, junior sister, be careful outside, other girls might puke blood out of jealousy when they see you." Haha, she was red all over now. If it were a cartoon, I'd be able to see steam coming on top of her head.

"I-I-I.. T-Th-Thank y-y-you s-senior brother" She just looked down, not knowing what to say. I wanted to tease her a little more, but my master came in shortly after.

"Xiao'er, are you okay? You look like a tomato." My master smiled and looked at me for a while after saying this.

Xiao Xiao just waved her hands in the air and said she was okay. After she calmed down a little, master started teaching her while I was working on making pills. After teaching her for a bit, she then started guiding me, and showing my mistakes.

This continued like this for a month, I constantly teased junior sister during that time, she was so cute, master shot me dirty looks from time to time, but Xiao Xiao was pretty open with me now, she was trying to get a little physical with me while handing things to me now.

20 days remained for me to complete my quest, but I didn't care about it now. I was sure today I'd make her understand her feelings for me.

She was waiting, checking out materials, and casually taking notes here and there. She always came early to do this, she was really hardworking. I looked at her, watching her silently. After a while, she looked up and saw me watching her amusedly.

"Hey, beautiful. You look lovely again. You're one of the reasons I want to come study alchemy every day now, haha."

"Senior brother! Don't talk like that." She nervously looked around. "Servants might hear you, and sister Jia will be sad if she hears you talk like that."

I just walked up to her, held her hands, and she looked surprised and shocked, wanting to take her hands back but stopped.

"She wouldn't, Xiao Xiao. She thinks you're adorable too, you know. Also, I think I like you, and nothing will change that. I know you might think of me as a scoundrel, but " I took her hands and kissed them one by one, she was blushing uncontrollably. "But I want you to be by my side forever, you know?"

She didn't know what to say, she just looked me in the eyes. You could see several emotions shining in her eyes.

"Also, your sister Jia and I talk about anything. She already knows I like you, she even pushed me to confess when I didn't have the guts to do so."

Once again, she opened her eyes wide enough that I feared her eyeballs would pop out of their places. Seeing she didn't say anything, I pulled her close to me, hugged her tightly and whispered into her ears

"Do you like me, Xiao Xiao?"

She was silent, but I could feel her nodding. I moved my head a little back, looked her dead in the eyes, and then kissed her lips lightly. She trembled and froze for a minute, but then she hugged me back.

"I love you, senior brother. I wanted to suppress my feelings for you, but ever since I saw you, I wanted you to be mine."

[Ding! The quest has been completed]

[Please accept your rewards]


[Divine Eyes: Divine Eyes are a creation of Goddess of Divinations, she accidentally bestowed her power of divination on her eyes and realized she could see someone's information without using artifacts by using her eyes. She tried to replicate it and give some of her trusted followers the same power, but she failed after several attempts. Using Divine Eyes, you'll be able to read others' status windows, be able to see through illusions, resist charming techniques, and maybe even revert it to the caster.]

[Charming Halo: As the future ancestor of the strongest family, you should be charming. This halo has several effects;

You will smell extremely well, especially to the opposite gender.

It'll make it so you'll leave positive image to beauties above 90 points on systems scale

It'll repel girls below 90 points as they're deemed imperfect for your harem. It won't scare them or anything like that, but this halo will make it so that they'll feel they're unworthy to chase you if you tell the system otherwise.]

[2000 AP]

Pain took over me for a minute. My eyes were transforming rapidly, and it felt like they were pouring metal into my eyeballs. After the pain subsided, I decided to check Xiao Xiao's status window for the first time. After all, she'd become my second woman in this world.

[Name: Xiao Xiao]

[Age: 41]

[Spirit Roots: 6th Tier Spirit Roots – Damaged]

[Cultivation: 3rd Stage Qi Gathering]

[Occupation: Alchemist – 9th Grade ]

[Physique: None]

It shows me the basics about a person, this way, I could check out someone's realm without needing special artifacts or being a higher realm being, like Drunken Immortal Sect Master.

As I was checking out her stats, my master came in and looked at us, Xiao Xiao was hugging me still. She blushed and get away from me a little. Master gave me a sideways look and started giving assignments to Xiao Xiao. While I had time, I checked her status screen too.

[Name: Lin Linxue / Qin Xue(Hidden)]

[Age: 135]

[Spirit Roots: Unknown]

[Cultivation: 1st Stage Golden Core Realm (Injured)]

[Occupation: Alchemist – 5th Grade, Formation Master – 7th Grade]

[Physique: Unknown]

I was shocked, master had another name she didn't tell anyone about. I knew she didn't have a family, but I didn't expect her whole identity to be fake, even her age. It looks like she joined the sect about the same time as I did. This wasn't a problem to me, everyone had a secret, my system was my secret, after all.

The thing that concerned me was her cultivation, it was showing that she is injured, but it didn't give me any details. Should I ask her or not? She may get angry if it is a sensitive subject.

Xiao Xiao too, someone injured her spirit roots, and she couldn't cultivate fast enough because of it.

I should talk with them about their problems in the future, when I'm stronger.

As I was thinking about them, I didn't realize they were looking at me. I looked up and saw them looking at me.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Nothing. What's on your mind? You seem a little off today."

"I'm okay, master, I was just thinking. I'm okay, you don't have to worry about it. Anyway, when will we start?"

"Oh, okay. Come with me, I believe you should be able to follow any 9th Grade Pill recipe now. We'll focus on your pill quality." She then started correcting my mistakes as I created pills.

I'll be writing a chapter about the world mc is in right now but I don't have the time at the moment. I have to plan it well, so I have a guideline to follow in the future too.

NightTheFoxcreators' thoughts