
Ancestor System : Creating a Family From Scratch

[100%] .... .... .... [Congratulations, Host. You successfully completed hidden requirements] .... .... [System bound successfully] .... [Ancestor System Started] .... ... .. . So, I had a system all this time, huh? This is my first novel, or first try writing a novel I should say. I'm not native in English so there'll be mistakes.

NightTheFox · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Wake-up Call

I left Pill Tower with Xiao Xiao and saw my master standing there. She smiled at me after seeing my badge.

"Hahahaha, kid, I told you, didn't I. You're an alchemist now!" She hugged me tightly and then looked at the girl besides me. "Who is this girl? You're picking girls after exam now, huh?"

Hearing my master, Xiao Xiao blushed and looked at me.

"Miss Xiao, this is my master, Lin Linxue. Master, Miss Xiao got the first place in this exam. She's likely more talented than me, and she was looking for someone to learn from, so I brought her with me."

"Oh, she beat you, huh. Little girl, how long have you been learning alchemy? Do you have a master?"

"N-no, I've been learning it for 2 years now, I don't have a master. I'm from the Xiao Family, we're one of the small cultivation families in this city. I'm fortunate to have alchemy facilities at home, and my father is a 9th Grade Alchemist himself, so he helped me learn the basics."

My master looked satisfied with her explanation.

"Do you want to be my student? I'll be teaching him in the future, so I can just teach you together if that is okay for both of you."

She fell on her knees and kowtowed three times to her in an instant.

"Disciple shows her respects to the master!!!"

"Get up, you don't have to kneel before me or anyone else anymore. I don't want my disciples to kneel before anyone." She then looked at me. "Meng, you'll be learning alchemy with your junior sister from now on. I'll soon resign from my duties in sect and will come down the mountain to consolidate my cultivation and teach you for 3 years. Please arrange me a permanent residence near yours."

After saying a couple more things to us, she left to resign from her duties in sect. She was young and she wanted to become an immortal still, so she needed time to consolidate her foundations after her breakthrough.

"Junior sister, come with me, I'll show you my home since you'll be coming here daily from now on." I brought her with me and got to the mansion shortly. Jia was waiting for me with Xiu in her hands.

I hugged her and took Xiu from her, kissed her head gently, and turned to my wife once again.

"Baby, this is Xiao Xiao, she's my junior sister, my master took her in as her disciple. She'll be here every day to learn alchemy with me."

"Oh, hi! Nice to meet you, I'm Chen Jia, Yin Meng's wife." She introduced herself.

Xiao Xiao looked surprised to see I had a daughter and a wife, and she was pregnant too. She looked at me and Jia for a minute.

"Nice to meet you too. Please take care of me in the future." She smiled at Jia, and after talking a little bit, she left to bring good news to her family.

"Husband, how did you seduce this little girl? She was looking at you secretly and blushing all the time."

"Haha, it's your imagination, honey, I'd realize if she looked at me." Okay, I might've lied, but marriage needs white lies from time to time, right?

Xiao Xiao was beautiful. You could say day she was a 96. I didn't want my wife to be jealous of a girl, she was pregnant, and pregnant women cared about stuff like this.

"No, no, she blushed really hard, Meng. I know that you know. I've been by your side since I was a little girl. You know that, right? Look, I've been thinking about this for a while. After we got together, I realized you pulled yourself back several times throughout the week, you have a high libido, and I am not able to contain this by myself. I-if you ever want to take in another girl, you have my consent. I don't want you to pull yourself back and suppress your libido. You'll eventually look for others because of it, and I don't want you to look for a prostitute."

**** Okay, I'm going to cut the story for a minute here. I know, this sounds lame, and it probably is. But I'm stuck, wondering how I can progress this story in the direction I envisioned in the first place. It was either killing Jia off and path of revenge or this.****

"You don't have to worry about it, honey, but I'll think about it. I don't want to hurt you."

[Ding! You have a new quest]

[Create a Harem]

Your wife noticed that your libido is out of control and is constantly worried about it. To prevent her from hurting herself out of worry, you're tasked with creating your harem. Your wife decided on the first candidate, and she'll push you towards her.]

[Goal: Conquer Xiao Xiao's heart. Make her fall in love with you and add her to your harem.]

[Rewards: Divine Eyes, Charming Halo, 2000 AP]

[Time Limit: 2 Months]

[Quest Fail Punishments: Your Cutlivation will regress until you're back to Qi Gathering Stage. System will terminate itself.]

"Wtf, system. Do you want me to die, or what? Why do you force quests on me???"

[Host, system was watching you for the past year, again, it is created according to your wishes, and system is detecting mental barriers preventing you from moving forward. This mission is to remind you of your desires, your responsibilities, and your goal once again.]

Deep in my mind, I knew Jia was right and that the system forcing this quest on me wasn't wrong at all. I blocked myself unknowingly. For years, I cultivated without rest, wanting to stand above all so that I could make anyone fall in love with me.

This quest was like a wake up call to me. I still love Jia, and nothing will change that. She'll be my main wife from now on. I'll follow my desires from now on.

"Jia'er. I'm sorry, I made you worry for me. Will you be content, being my main wife from now on?" As I told her this, my cultivation suddenly went up a stage. It seems like mental barriers were holding me back. I went up to 4th Tier Qi Condensation Stage in an instant. Jia looked at me, saw that I had gone up a stage, and smiled at me.

"Of course, husband. I know you more than you know yourself. I already accepted you fully when I asked to leave the sect with you. I'm glad you finally accepted yourself, I'll be by your side forever do not forget it ever." Then she leaned in, passionately kissed me, and whispered something lewd in my ears. All I could say is that the rest of the night was fun.

Again, please make comments if you find anything unsightly. It is my first time trying to write something. I feel like I'm learning slowly and your feedback will help me tremendously

NightTheFoxcreators' thoughts