
Ancestor System : Creating a Family From Scratch

[100%] .... .... .... [Congratulations, Host. You successfully completed hidden requirements] .... .... [System bound successfully] .... [Ancestor System Started] .... ... .. . So, I had a system all this time, huh? This is my first novel, or first try writing a novel I should say. I'm not native in English so there'll be mistakes.

NightTheFox · ファンタジー
14 Chs


I died alone, I didn't have a family, a girlfriend, nothing, not even a friend. My father was an abusive asshole, and he was killed when I was 6 years old. My mother was not better, she was a prostitute, whom my father pimped out and married after she got pregnant with me. She blamed everything on me for years, she had cigarette burns all over, and she beat me for years after my father died. I got bullied in school, I was alone. My mother always left home in the evenings and came back in in the morning, working.

One day, she never came back home, I was 16 at the time. I dropped out of school soon after and worked part-time in a variety of settings, including factories, construction sites, restaurants, convenience stores, and anywhere else. Several years passed, when I was 42, I died while watching a movie, thinking I wished I had a family, kids.

I was shocked when I transmigrated.

I didn't hear a sound, I didn't meet a god, and I did not have any guidance. I was just reborn.

I didn't get what happened at first, the first thing I saw was my mother, then my father. I was reborn as a baby, in an unfamiliar world. In a cultivation world.

My mother was an apothecary, and my father was a blacksmith. We were living in a small village, and days were peaceful for 6 years. They loved me with all their hearts, but suddenly everything was taken away from me once again. They were killed by thieves, bandits. They screamed at me, told me to run away before they were caught, and I listened to them. I ran away as fast as I could, they murdered everyone in the village. I was the sole survivor.

Too scared to return, I went to the nearest city I had visited with my parents a couple of times. I wandered the streets for years, stole food, sheltered myself under bridges, and persisted. I wanted to join a sect, get stronger, and take revenge.

Drunken Immortal Sect was taking disciples in the city I was in. They only took in disciples when they're 10 years old, they measured their spirit roots with an artifact, and they'd take anyone in if they have spirit roots above 8th tier. I had one, it was just one of the lowest quality ones, am 8th tier spirit root but it was there. I was fortunate to be able to cultivate in a sect.

I was weak, I didn't have a background, and I didn't have talent. But I had a goal. I had to take revenge.

We were not informed about stages of cultivation before getting said phases. As far as I was informed, I knew 5 stages of cultivation.

Body Tempering, this was the first stage in cultivation, you had to temper your body through physical cultivation. Every single mortal can easily train their bodies after they are 10. This was the easiest stage for me. It took 2 years for me to get 9th stage Peak Body Tempering stage.

Qi Gathering, this was the stage where people take their first steps to immortal cultivation. You have to gather and store Qi to your Dantian in this stage. Qi is the natural energy in the world, it can be collected using several methods. We were given 'Drunken Breathing Method' after we broke through from Body Tempering so we could cultivate with Qi. This stage was the one I took a heavy hit from reality. It took me 40 years to get 9th stage Peak Qi Gathering.

It took me another 3 years to break through from Peak Qi Gathering to Early Qi Condensation.

After I broke through, I knew I had to take my revenge as soon as possible so I went on a journey to my hometown, took care of those bandits, they were just mid to late Qi Gathering stage even though they were near 100 years old and had much more time compared to me.

After 49 years, I managed to take my revenge and light an incense stick before my village.

Foolish me thought that maybe it was because of heart demons that I was unable to cultivate faster before so I gave my everything to cultivate for the remaining years in the sect. Finally becoming 3rd Stage Qi Condensation cultivator.

During my time in the sect, I had many friends, I learned bunch of things, I didn't have that many enemies, I was mostly at the bottom so talented people didn't bother resent me for anything, I was not worthy of attention.

There are 3 more cultivation stages including Qi Condensation.

Qi Condensation, this is the stage where a practitioner starts condensing air like Qi in their Dantian into a liquid-like, dense, strong form. Qi in this stage takes qualitive and quantitative changes non stop and reaching peak in this stage is much harder for 7th tier and below roots.

Foundation Building, this is the stage where a practitioner changes their Qi state once more and crates a semi solid foundation inside their Dantian. After 9th stage, foundation is almost solid and Dantian is at one of its strongest moments.

8 Tiered Pagoda Stage, scholars are thinking this is the continuation of Foundation Building stage because it only consists of 8 stages which is not perfect. They think Foundation Building we call is just 1st stage but since it takes a lot of time they consider it a whole stage still.

This chapter is like an introduction to cultivation stages and a small backstory. Again, I'm open to constructive comments about my writing. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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