
Ancestor System : Creating a Family From Scratch

[100%] .... .... .... [Congratulations, Host. You successfully completed hidden requirements] .... .... [System bound successfully] .... [Ancestor System Started] .... ... .. . So, I had a system all this time, huh? This is my first novel, or first try writing a novel I should say. I'm not native in English so there'll be mistakes.

NightTheFox · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Just Another Outer Disciple

I am Yin Meng

"Senior Brother Meng… Hey!! Will you be coming with us?"

An adorable girl called me to go play with them. They were inner disciples of the Drunken Immortal Sect. I was a disciple of this sect for the last 60 years, but I was stuck at Qi Condensation Realm. Today is my last day at the sect and no one knows.

"Sorry, Jia'er. I won't be able to come with you today. Actually, today might be the last day for me in the sect. Today is my 60th year here."

Chen Jia was shaken, literally. She dropped her bag and stood there facing me.

"B-but, s-se-senior brother."

"It's okay, don't worry, I'll just resign from my position and go down the mountain. Haha, you can come see me after I manage to deal with formalities in the city."

I could see tears dripping down her face. She joined this sect about 50 years ago, she was, like me, an orphan. I helped her during her first years in the sect and she was always by my side even though she managed to become an inner disciple, she still stayed at outer disciples housing. She always tried helping me with excess resources she had gotten.

Outer disciples in Drunken Immortal Sect have 60 years to break through Foundation Building stage. If they do not manage to do it by the time they're 70 years old, they have to give up their positions as outer disciples to help the sect manage business throughout several cities to carry their own expenses or just leave the sect and create their own businesses to support the sect.

"You don't have to be sad, I still don't know what I'll be doing. Maybe I will find a wife, have kids, a family, stuff like that. You're like a sister to me. You know you'll have a family down the city too."

"I c-could be your wife."

She started sobbing heavily, her friends just hugged her and tried to console her. She mumbled something but I couldn't hear it clearly. Her friends just looked at me like they were looking at some idiot.

"Anyways, I'll be visiting elders after packing up and leave. Don't worry, I'll come find you when I manage to get a decent house and settle down. You're a strong girl, get yourself together, I believe your future is bright as it is."

After my words ended she stopped crying, she looked furious. She came in front of me and started screaming to me.


She mumbled that last sentence, maybe only I could hear her. I don't know what to think. She is beautiful, I loved her for years, but she was out of my league and I decided to forget about her years ago and now she's saying she loves me.

I'm happy.

I don't know what to do but my body moves by itself. I'm hugging her now. It feels good, she is soft.

"I love you, Jia'er. I'm sorry, please come with me. Marry me, be my wife."

"H-huh, o-o-ok-okay."

Others were shocked, they just witnessed their foolish friend confess after years, another fool accepted her after many years. They had tears in their eyes.

We packed our stuff together, we both went to see our respective elders to announce we are leaving our seclusion in the sect and merging with mortal world once again, not seeking immortality actively. They were not surprised about my decision but Chen Jia's decision shocked them. Foundation Building practitioners could live up to 300 years and she was about 60 now. She was one of the so called 'Four Drunken Fairy', one of the most beautiful ladies in the sect and many people pursued her, looked up to her but she was leaving with me. I was not bad looking myself, my looks were the best in the sect but still, I was too weak. Everyone pitied me when they looked me in the face before. They now envied me.

After leaving the sect, we directly went to the Drunken City. This city was named after our sect, it was the base city of the sect and many mortals provided wealth of the sect here.

We walked around the city for a couple of days and looked for a decent house for ourselves. After thinking about it for a while, we decided we shouldn't buy a small house but a mansion, surrounded by a village. We bought the whole thing, this village was managed by one of the families in the city but they were declining currently and they wanted to get rid of this village to provide funds for this generation. Every small family tried to get in Drunken Immortal Sect, so things like this are not abnormal, resources used for cultivation are expensive.

"Brother Meng, I'm so happy. We'll live together from now on."

"Jia'er, call me husband from now on. You're my wife, I love you." I kissed her for the first time. She trembled and I could feel her nervousness. We kissed for hours after that, we were strangers to the concept so we didn't know what to do. We started exploring each others bodies after a while.

I carried her to the bedroom, we had our first night.

I love her.

I'm so lucky.

For years I thought my second chance was not a chance at all.

I appreciate constructive comments about anything. I've started writing just to spend time but I think this looks promising so I decided to publish it here. I'll mess up a lot for a while, I'm sure of it but as this story goes on quality of writing will get better too. I'm not Chinese, but I think Chinese names fit better in a novel like this so I'm using a name generator.

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