
Ancestor System : Creating a Family From Scratch

[100%] .... .... .... [Congratulations, Host. You successfully completed hidden requirements] .... .... [System bound successfully] .... [Ancestor System Started] .... ... .. . So, I had a system all this time, huh? This is my first novel, or first try writing a novel I should say. I'm not native in English so there'll be mistakes.

NightTheFox · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Happy Events

Days passed faster than I thought while studying and spending time with my loved ones. Chen Jia is already 9 months pregnant right now, first time was a bit harsh on her so I decided to wait until she gives birth before taking things further with Xiao Xiao, so for now, I was giving my attention to Chen Jia. She tried persuading me, but I assured her that I knew what I was doing, and she reluctantly accepted.

Today, she gave birth to my second child, this one is a boy.

"Your name will be Yin Long. I hope you'll grow up well."

I didn't forget to check his stats, master had her duties at the sect, so she couldn't help us today.

[Name: Yin Long]

[Age: 0]

[Spirit Roots: 7th Grade Spirit Roots]

[Cultivation: None]

[Occupation: None]

[Bloodline: Earth Dragon Bloodline]

Oh, he had something interesting in his stats, he had a bloodline. I remember my master talking about bloodlines. They're not literal descendants of the said creature, in this case an Earth Dragon. These bloodlines are bestowed on us by the heavens. She once told me that after the primordial chaos subsided, four ancient creatures had their children descend into mortal worlds. Not much detail was given by my master, but heavens punished these 4 beasts and their descendants by giving every creature a chance to have a bloodline of the beasts.

This son of mine was not as lucky as his sister in regards to spirit roots, but his bloodline will work in his favor in the future.

"Jia'er, this child will be a powerful cultivator as well. He has 7th Grade Spirit Roots and heavens bestowed him with Earth Dragon Bloodline." She was surprised, just like me.

She looked at me, brought me closer to her, and kissed me.

"Husband, I don't really care, as long as they're healthy, I don't care even if they don't have any aptitude at all. But I'm glad heavens bestowed our child with a bloodline. I hope he'll carry your burdens in the future." Lately, she has been acting more and more like a main wife should. She was mostly cool headed, controlling everything regarding the house perfectly and loved by everyone.

I spent the next week taking care of her and helping her around the house, she was a cultivator, so she was alright after this one week. I decided it was time to go and see Xiao Xiao's father and marry her.

Xiao Xiao came here every day for the past couple of months, so our relationship progressed steadily, I know she's expecting this talk any minute now. She was drinking tea with Chen Jia when I got into the room.

They looked at me, I saw Jia smiling at me. Xiao Xiao blushed and couldn't look at me in the eyes.

Chen Jia was giggling silently, but I don't think she can hold on long before laughing loudly, so I hurriedly took Xiao Xiao with me and went to the courtyard.

I held her hands, looked into her eyes, and started talking. "Xiao Xiao, looking at you two, I could tell that your sister Jia told you about my plans. I'm planning to propose marriage to your father officially tomorrow. But before all this, I have to tell you a couple of things. I didn't know how I really was before I married Jia and couldn't ask her this openly then, but I won't make the same mistake again. I'll probably have more women in the future, I hope to live forever, and I want a big family with hundreds of children. I'm a lustful man, and Jia made me understand that two or three women will not be enough to satisfy my greed. If you're against this idea, I can only regretfully end our relationship as lovers." I was scared, but I had to let her understand me better before asking her the real question.

"Xiao Xiao, even after hearing who I really am. Will you still marry me and be my woman forever?"

She wasn't shocked, she looked me in the eyes and nodded, she hugged me tightly and started sobbing. Everything had gone well, I was afraid she wouldn't want to be in a relationship with me, considering I had a wife already and took her in as my second wife.

The next day, me and Jia went to the Xiao Manor. Xiao Xiao should've informed them yesterday, so there won't be any problems, I hope.

"Halt! This is a private manor, speak your purpose or leave immediately." Guards stopped us from entering the manor.

"I'm Yin Meng, we seek audience with the Xiao family to propose marriage."

Their attitude immediately changed. They stepped aside.

"Welcome, sir. The patriarch knows that you'll be coming today. Please follow the servants to the guest hall."

They ordered a servant to show us the way.

When we entered the hall, we were welcomed by a group of people, including a couple of youngsters, several old people, and 2 stunning ladies. One of them was Xiao Xiao. The other girl was also stunning, she was staring at me intently, she exuded a mischievous aura that made you want to pinch their cheeks and tease them, cute younger sister vibes oozed from her.I won't lie, she piqued my interest as well.

"Welcome, Mr. Yin. I'm Xiao Long, Patriarch of the Xiao Family. Xiao Xiao mentioned you a lot, please have a seat."

We sat down and started a conversation for a while to get to know each other a little more. Xiao family was a small family consisting of a couple of low level cultivators and a lot of mortals. Xiao Long's cultivation wasn't that good either, he was at Mid Qi Gathering Realm so he was extremely respectful to us because of it. After all, even if I'm still in the Qi Condensation Realm, my wife was a proper Foundation Building Practitioner.

After a while, I asked for Xiao Xiao's hand from her father, he looked hesitant at first, but after seeing Xiao Xiao's excitement, he agreed to my proposal. We scheduled the wedding to be held 3 days later.

Wedding was spectacular, master was present as well, she teased Xiao Xiao a lot during the wedding, after all two of us were her disciples, everything went well, as planned. Everyone was happy, and after the wedding, we finally came back to our house. Jia gave me a blink and went back into her room. Xiao Xiao was looking at me, her cheeks were red, but she wasn't as nervous as before, she could look me in the eyes now.

I don't have a chapter ready for tomorrow, I have several interviews today so I may not be able to complete writing the next chapter by tomorrow but I'll try. Thank you, everyone for your support once again. Almost 150 collections and more thank 20k views are insane, I really didn't expect it when I started writing this.

NightTheFoxcreators' thoughts