
Ancestor System : Creating a Family From Scratch

[100%] .... .... .... [Congratulations, Host. You successfully completed hidden requirements] .... .... [System bound successfully] .... [Ancestor System Started] .... ... .. . So, I had a system all this time, huh? This is my first novel, or first try writing a novel I should say. I'm not native in English so there'll be mistakes.

NightTheFox · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Good News

It's been 3 months since we left the sect, and we're already getting used to our new life. We're waking up early in the morning, walking around the city for a couple of hours, getting home to take care of our spirit garden, and having sex before we go to sleep.

I've been embracing my wife every night since we bought our house. Every single day, I feel like I've been falling in love with her more and more. I say that my days are going well.

"Master, may I come in?" A voice drifted inside my office.

"Come in."

An old lady wearing a maid's uniform came in. She was one of many caretakers in the mansion. After buying this mansion and village, we didn't send the villagers away but gave them work in several areas, be it farming or caring for the territory. They were thankful to us because they'd be able to work for cultivators and not lose their home or relocate.

"Master, Madam is calling you to the dining hall. She didn't give me any context, but she seemed nervous."

I hurried to the dining hall without saying anything. I was getting nervous too. What could've happened? Did a war break out? Did the sect call us for something, Or were there some other problems I couldn't think of? This wasn't a peaceful world, everything could've happened and we could lose our lives easily.

I rushed into the dining hall, somewhat breathless.

"Baby, what happened, are you okay?"

I was talking nonstop, babbling my worries out while holding my wife's hand strongly.

"Husband, I have to tell you something, I don't know if you'll be sad or angry." She looked worried.

"What is it, my love? How can I be angry with you?" I hugged her and asked once again.

"I… Ohh, this is hard. I think, I think I might be pregnant, Yin Meng."

I just froze in my place like a statue, my brain stopped working, and I couldn't think of anything.

"I-I k-knew you'd be angry I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten pregnant." She started crying and wanted to run away.

I just looked at her and hugged her. I started crying, I was so happy to hear this news.

"Jia'er, I will become a father. Hahaha I, Yin Meng will become a father!!!"

She looked at me confused for a few seconds and started bawling her eyes out.

"I-I-I didn't know what you'd think, I normally check my safe days, but we had so much fun that I forgot a couple of times. I was scared you'd hate me."

"Hahaha, I love you, Jia'er. Don't you know that I want a family more than anything? How can I not want a kid?" I kissed her passionately for minutes.

I wanted to share this with everyone, so I decided to visit my master in the sect, I didn't have the face to see her before I left. I'd just give her the news and beg for forgiveness. I wanted her to be present as a godmother to my child. She was my biggest supporter during my time in the sect.

"Jia'er, let's get ready, we will visit our sect this week. I'm guessing you'd want to tell the girls about this.I want to go and apologize to my master for my wrongdoings and ask her to be our kids godmother."

She was smiling, and she couldn't stop smiling. She silently said in her heart that she'd have many kids with this man.

"Yes, husband, I want to share news with Xiao Xing and others."

A couple of days passed, we finished a couple of works beforehand, and we headed to the sect.

Outer Disciples at the gate saw us and welcomed us since we were seniors and juniors before. I headed to my master's peak while Jia'er headed to her friends' caves.


My master was one of the Outer Sect's High Elders. She was just 250 years old, but she had already completed her 8th level of her Pagoda to the Peak Stage. She was seeking an opportunity to breakthrough. She had many disciples, but I was her first disciple. She had just become an elder when I joined the sect, nobody wanted to be her disciple, but she had this charm that pulled me in. I asked her to be my master and she became my second family. She brought me to this peak, which was under another High Elder at the time, and asked me why I chose her.

"I-I think master looks beautiful. I feel like something pulls me over to you, and I love master, so I choose you."

She laughed so hard, I looked like a tomato, red all over.

"Hhahah, look at you, love me you say. From today on, you will be my, Lin Linxue's first disciple. I hope you'll live forever and become the strongest, kid."

"I-I hope master lives forever with me to see me become strongest too!"

"Hahaha, tell me now, kid, what is your name?"

-Flashback Ended-

"Master, an unfilial disciple seeks audience with you. Please." I announced myself. After waiting for minutes and hours, no one responded. I thought master wanted nothing to do with me, so I dejectedly started getting up, wanting to leave the sect.

"Humph, stay where you are, you fool! Where do you think you are going, leaving your master behind once again!" I saw her once again, and she was as elegant as ever. She flew down the peak, meaning she broke through in her cultivation.

"Congratulations master, it seems you broke through!" I bowed my head to her, as per her orders, I was not supposed to kneel in front of anyone, not even her. There is gold under a man's knees, she says.

"I was just lucky. Now, you fucking fool, do I beat you senseless or just ignore you for the rest of your life."