
Ancestor System : Creating a Family From Scratch

[100%] .... .... .... [Congratulations, Host. You successfully completed hidden requirements] .... .... [System bound successfully] .... [Ancestor System Started] .... ... .. . So, I had a system all this time, huh? This is my first novel, or first try writing a novel I should say. I'm not native in English so there'll be mistakes.

NightTheFox · ファンタジー
14 Chs


"Now, you fucking fool, do I beat you senseless or just ignore you for the rest of your life." She said these words with overflowing killing intent, it seems like she was really angry.

"Master, please beat me. I shouldn't have left without informing you." I didn't have a choice anyways, she'd beat me even if I said otherwise, I knew her more than anyone.

She restrained me with her Qi and beat me for a couple of hours, healed me again using pills, then beat me once again.

"You idiot! Do you not care about your master anymore? Why did you not consult me first? You didn't have to leave the sect at all, and you left the sect with one of the Four Fairies. Do you know how long I had to hear that old man complaining? Not only that but-" She continued counting how many problems that caused her, but I could tell that she was happy that I was here. I missed her.

"Master, please accept my apologies, the disciple was wrong. But I don't have the talent, disciple could only seek mortal life after many years of failing in seeking immortality. Jia'er is different, I know that, but she is my wife now, she didn't have immortality in her heart in comparison to losing me in the process. You'll get angry with me for this, but I will tell you anyway. If it wasn't for good news, I wouldn't have gotten here, I didn't have the face to do so." Killing intent once again covered the whole peak.

"Hoho, what a cocky boy you are now! Tell me, or you will get another beating from me!"

"This... Master, Chen Jia, is expecting my child.We just learned it and I wanted to share this news with you first. Actually, I want you to be my child's godmother. You're special to me, master."

She stopped emitting killing intent in a moment. Looked at me baffled, and hugged me tightly.

"You idiot disciple, master cares about you most, and you leave without telling me anything. You say you don't have the face to tell me that. I'm glad to see you so happy with something, I could tell you were suffering for years and couldn't do anything, you know. You refused me if I wanted to give you pills, if I forcefully gave you one, you gave it to your junior sisters instead. After you killed those scum, I could tell that you were also dead inside, but now I see light in your eyes once again."

She was crying now.

"Of course I'll be that kids godmother. If your child has spiritual roots, I'll help you raise her and accept her as my legacy disciple."

I was shocked, Legacy Disciple is an important position. High Elders only had one Legacy Disciple, my master wanted me to take this position for years, but I refused. It appears that she intends to give this position to my child regardless of what I say. Jia'er will probably beat me if I refuse this too, so…

"If you say so, master. Disciple will listen."

We talked for hours, and it was time for me to leave once again. She looked reluctant to let me go, she held my hand the whole time, but I reassured her I'd visit her.

"Master, I already told you where I live, and as far as I know, you don't have any family members either. But remember that I am your family. You can come and stay with us anytime you want."

"I know. Don't forget your master once again, or a beating will be the last thing you have to worry about."

I bid farewell and found Jia'er. We once again descended from the mountains, to our lovely mansion.

Several months passed quickly, and during that time I started a couple of small businesses, selling spiritual plants. I couldn't stop earning money, and as an outer disciple, I cultivated spiritual plants for years, I knew how to grow plants relatively well.

Jia'er was already 9 months pregnant, it was almost time for her to go into labor.