
Ancestor System : Creating a Family From Scratch

[100%] .... .... .... [Congratulations, Host. You successfully completed hidden requirements] .... .... [System bound successfully] .... [Ancestor System Started] .... ... .. . So, I had a system all this time, huh? This is my first novel, or first try writing a novel I should say. I'm not native in English so there'll be mistakes.

NightTheFox · ファンタジー
14 Chs


Hey, this is not a new chapter, sorry if you wanted to see a new chapter now but I gotta ask some questions about what you all wanted. Do you want R18 chapters or do I just write a lightweight version of it for love scenes? I normally wanted to write full scenes, but for the last couple of days I've been stuck at chapter 11 and I just can't write smut. I cringe so hard while trying. So I wanted your opinions. Tomorrow will be the last chapter I prepared beforehand so I just want to move forward with this. If you want smut I'll just say fuck it and write some cringy scene every once in a while. Also, webnovel activated the tab for me to apply for a contract, but I don't think I'll apply for it. If any of you want to support me in the future, I may create a patreon or ko-fi page for it but I don't think I deserve any payments for doing something for myself.

Since I'm gonna publish questions about the future of this series, I might as well clarify some things. For Ancestor System, I'm planning to make about 300 chapters in total, and chapters will be around 1000-1200 words per chapter excluding status screens.

Power system is a total mess right now, I don't have the time to create a whole new level system so please bear with it for now but in the future I'll create a complete power/quality assessment system that I can use on other series IF I write one. Foundation building and 8 Tier Pagoda is actually just Foundation Building but I added this imaginary phase just to tell readers that the place mc is in right now is really backwater kingdoms, cities, and sects. They can't even tell the difference between two seperate stages of cultivation, just think of it like this.

I'm currently doing interviews actively irl so there may be times that you don't see updates for a couple of days. But I won't leave this novel to rot by itself like some other novels out there, If one day I decide I won't be able to finish this, I'll just announce it here.

Thank you for reading this novel so far, your comments are really nice and I'm glad you liked this as much as I did. I'm waiting for your suggestions about r18 scenes