
Anamnesis: Queen of the Apocalypse

"The world is your lemonade, within your lemon veins, and your heart's a lemon grenade." Awakened to the future where humanity is a rare flower amongst many bioengineered demi-human developed by an underground civilization, in order to survive the calamity brought by none other than the above. Ironically, an Angel was supposed to be a sign of hope and purity, not brutal massacre and destruction. It starts with a feeble soul being chosen by two shady entities who speak nonsense and then brought to the body of woman with a weird name. Lacking any proper knowledge and common sense of the new world, it's the time to learn how to do spells and formation! People deem magic as a superstition of false input to the human brain, but here? Magic is a scientific phenomenon that was made into reality by one of the noble pantheons, giving the rebels of fate a chance to send a gigantic middle-finger sharp clear to the sky. Using the Mana Sea within one's body, they can develop a path to glory and immortality to usurp the throne we call life. Expand the miniature realm of your mana depository to research Technique's Core, Magic Virus Factory, Golden Orb, and many other powerful discoveries within hidden realms with great secrets to uncover! But magic alone is not enough, you need to gather allies, develop your own blade, and enrich your dopamine in the face of danger. So rejoice, as the only way to survive this heinous world is to adapt to the spontaneous Calamity and the future danger for thee who's wise in the way of destruction. To survive this ride, this heaven, this hell, this neverending vagabond— This Anamnesis. — The one of a kind Second-Person Pov, ready to give you a seat to an action packed and emotional rollercoaster. A brand new experience, to a colorful memory. Become Long Leggy, and venture the broken world with no clear information given, with some slick reference and comedy thrown along the way. The cover belongs to its rightful owner, the sauce is in "General Info." — Unused to read second person pov and still reluctant? Read "Enter Me! The Skillionaire Says In Parentheses"

Yokoyokai · 幻想
99 Chs

Briefing With Ratatoskr [Kolme]

"Is it clear? Ratatoskr?"

"Again, pardon me?"

Within a soundproof room on the 4th floor, Seizequill tries to shove down all the information of Ratatoskr's next mission to no avail. It was all because within the briefings it involved two new recruits who were ancient vampires possibly originating from the Primordial Era.

"W-why the Moose Squad? What about the Veilas Squad!? Or the Ragnarok Squad!?" Ratatoskr's face is filled with anguish and despair as soon as the realization kicks in.

The Ferrakhian only leans forward. "Because I trust you."

In embarrassment at the sudden statement, Ratatoskr rotates her whole body into a wall and hurls a heavy punch full of disbelief. "THIS IS DEFINITELY NOT THE TIME FOR ME TO BE PROUD!"

"In any case, the objective of the mission is to retrieve an Artifact on the ruins. The Scout Department already gave all the information you need." Seizequill packs up all the documents and offers it to her junior. "There is also a Grade Eight Calamity observed within the area, possibly an A-rank."

The antiquated Graded Calamities is still in use within the G-to-S Ranking system where the grade indicates the resilience of the referred Calamity from one to ten, the system had changed where the calamity is ranked from their threat level instead of resilience as time passes. Despite this, the Grading is still used from Eight to Ten.

Eight Grade Calamity refers to a highly resilient Calamity with almost no weaknesses, Grade Nine means the Calamities are immortal such as Timorea where it has been observed to be literally unkillable on many battlefield, and Grade Ten refers to a threat that is out of mortal comprehension such as the 'Killer Dusk' who on the latest expedition appeared in Kauhu Forest, intercepting the returning Coalition Unit from the dreaded Aghanim.

Ratatoskr immediately calls her squad member telepathically, the message is as follows, "Blast, Woez, Obrez. Briefing room 11, floor 4, now! Godspeed."

Before her henchmen comes, two frightening figures can already be seen within the room, with a small cubed Tekhanure.

"Good morning, both of you! Who is this little guy over here?" asks Seizequill, rather excited than pissing her pants like the other senior operator in the room.

"His name is Goyang," replies the blue primordial with a smile. "He was supposed to be in the hotel with one of our companions but he managed to sneak into the transportation."

The Ferrakhian touches the cube. "A Tekhanure is highly sought in battle, raise him well and you have a great warrior on your side. I assume that you don't have the license but we can help with that."

"Much appreciated, so where is our new squad leader, if I may ask?" asks Long Leggy.


"AH YES! 'TIS I!" shouts the startled supposed-leader with a finger on chest and the other hand above her head in an awkward pose. It takes a while before she realizes her own blunder and fixes her dignified image as the squad leader. "I hope we can get along in the future. Ehem, forget about that pose, I'm just excited, that's all."

She is panicking, that's all.

Ratatoskr glances over their ID card hanging from their neck, Long Leggy for the blue primordial and Liberia for the fearsome red. She doesn't want to question the naming sense for the new operator with a 'Dominus' piece on the Vampire's shoulder that signifies the status of a high-ranked class called the Annihilator.

Leggy shoots a quick judgemental scan over Ratatoskr, the pitiful leader notices this as numerous nightmares encapsulate in her mind— 'I definitely screwed up, she must be thinking why the hell that a mere cultivator in the hollow orb phase is becoming their leader, she must be thinking on how my pitiful life has been led to this state, why is she staring at me for so long!? Do they want my blood!? Woez, I'm sorry but I think that I won't be alive before we avenge your homeland.'

After the ten seconds glare, Ratatoskr has survived the onslaught. Liberia also scares her as how Ratatoskr can't read the terrifying newbies' mind with that suspicious bangs and grin all the time.

Seizequill is curious. "Both of you have a slightly different appearance than the last. Seems like the rumors about shapeshifting vampires is true." She smirks.

The blue Primordial shrugs, closing one of the eyes as she talks. "Of course. Nevertheless, I still wonder about what has been written about us by mortals after all."

"As a matter of fact, we have our own Library on the 7th floor, do visit if you have the time." Seizequill then notices the arriving guest outside of the door.

Deftly, two of the Moose Squad's members come into the room. Lining up, an event where new faces try to read each other's mind.

A tired reindeer type Aekha with a compact crossbow at the size of her body even when folded, is strapped on her back. Wearing a long grey cloak outside of her Assailant uniform, she gives her salute. "Operator Woez, present."

The other is a male Aiseirighian with two unliked restraining cuffs on each wrist that signify a pseudo-criminal history, a double-barrelled shotgun strapped on his back, and other ancient firearms can be seen strapped into his apparel. Wearing a tactical vest outside his uniform, he gives his salute. "Operator Obrez, present."

Both of the two ignore the choking presence of the two Primordials.

Realizing one of them is missing, the leader asks for a confirmation, "Where is Blast and Ollie?"

"Blast has been in his garage for a while, making some explosives," replies Woez.

The Ferrakhian taps at both of the newbies as she walks out of the room with no sounds.

"We'll go into his garage, but firstly, let me introduce both of you to our new members to the squad," says Ratatoskr with sweat running down from her forehead. She gestures unwillingly to the two powerhouses. "Long Leggy and Liberia, p-please introduce yourself."

"Long Leggy, just call me by my real name, Pitka," says the vampire with a tactician cap, holding the goofy Tekhanure.

The floating vampire seems doesn't care much about the introduction as she proceeds to lay down in the air while her body is facing the wall. "Liberia, I'm not gonna kill anybody."

"Woez, B-rank Huntress, it's a pleasure for me to meet with both of you," she says as her expression tells otherwise.

"Obrez, B-rank." His heavy voice with a thick russian accent fills the room. "I'm not the smartest guy, but I can be relied on."

With a forced smile, Ratatoskr wipes her sweat once again as she opens the document.

"Russia is really strong." - TaffyCaster

"RUSSIANS IN 12,000 YEARS!?" - Binocular

"Don't ask me." - Yokoyokai

Yokoyokaicreators' thoughts