
The present

I was so panicked I didn't know what to do I called the only person I knew to call, my best friend Hue. I packed my things and Matt begged me to stay but I left with Hue.

I got into the car crying putting my bags in the back and Hue got out and helped me.

We got into the car and I explained everything that happened and Hue politely listened until I was done and said "I'm so sorry Sky I know how much he meant to you where are you gonna stay though?". Wow I really haven't even thought about that. "I honestly don't know" I said.

Hue looked at me with with his ocean blue eyes and replied, "You can stay with me as long as you need It actully works out because my roommate just moved in with his girl and I've been looking for a new one".

Wow I can't belive he'd do this for me I really appreciate him I think. "Thank you so much you don't know how much this means to me how much is rent?" replies Sky. Hue smiles and says pulling into the parking lot "Ofcourse this will be so much fun and we split rent so 420 a month".

We grab my bags and start unpacking.

After unpacking I pull out a bong and fill it with water and grab some weed. I pack a bowl and Hue comes in the room and says "you sharing?". I think why wouldn't I share after everything you've done for me but I reply "ofcourse I'm gonna share silly".

We smoke getting blazed and we take a few shots. God I can't belive hed do this to me Matt is such a doush I wonder if I could've been better, put on more makeup, put in more effort I don't know where I went wrong I think as I fight back my tears and Hue says "Hey you okay?" and I start crying. "I just don't understand why I wasn't enough for him im so tired of feeling so shitty all the time".

God did I say to much he probably thinks I'm weak I think and he looks at me in a caring way and hugs me and says "Sky you did nothing but treat that asshole with nothing but love and respect there wasn't nothing else you could've done". His words made me feel warm and comforting and I move a bit closer to him and say "Thank you it means alot".

I take a few more shots and around 25 minutes later I start to feel more effects getting drunk wandering in and out of my thoughts. I wonder how Hue would feel If I cuddled him? Right as I thought that Hue puts his arm around me and pulls me closer to him. Well that worked out I smile leaning my head on his shoulder.

He smiles back and says "how you feelin?" I pause for a second "pretty drunk and im also very comfy" I say while pulling the blanket onto us. We watch TV for awhile both falling asleep.