

I take a few perks and start to feel the effects settling in with the alcohol. I lean back into the couch feeling hurt. I smoke a few bowls in the living room.

I start to think of what life would be like if I left it. My brain starts to go crazy thinking at 100Mph. I start to have flashbacks and I pass out on the couch.

I wake up and im back at the party "what is going on?" I think, im unable to control my body and I walk back into the room with August seeing everything that happened that night that I forgot about.

I watched him as he threw me on my stomach pushing my face into a pillow while holding back my hands as he goes on whispering "nothing will get better just breath".

I jolt up on the couch to Hue shaking me, "Are you okay you were talking in ur sleep". I catch my breath and say "yeah just a bad dream". I walk into the bathroom hiding the perks I got in my pocket. I pop a couple in the bathroom and wash it down with some vodka walking back out into the living room.

"You sure your okay you look really pale are you sick" Hue says as I sit on the couch by him "no im fine no worries".

I don't know if I should tell the whole story and even if I should how should I? Sky thinks, then an idea pops into her head why not just write about it and add it to my story in my book and give it to Hue and make it a lil easier on myself feeling like im writing somone elses dramatic life not my own.

Thats what she did she got to writing and it took her a few days before she was finally done with the next few chapters after long hours of hard work.

I give it to Hue feeling proud I was able to write about everything without dying of a panick attack. Hue looks at it for a sec then says "Sorry ill read it later imma go hang wit a few friends". I was disappointed but I get it so when he left I start writing more and lose track of time and realize I've been writing for 5 hours when he comes home at 10 P.M.

"Hey I got the next chapter done" I say to Hue, and he replies "I'll read it tomarow im gonna go to bed".

I go to bed waking up the next day seeing hue already up and i ask Hue "hey you read the next chapter or 2 yet?". He replies "not yet im gonna go shower".

I grab some coffee starting to write the next chapter. Hue comes back from his shower a bit later. "hey you got time to read that chapter now?" I say. Hue replies with "eh not really about to go play videogames wit my friends".

I blow it off again feeling like im bothering him so I go to my room and start writing more. I start to have panick attacks wondering if Hue blames me or I upset him in some way.

Later that night I go into the living room pouring some jegermeister into a solo cup drinking the whole thing. Hue is still playing video games and I go to sit on the couch.

"Lets get fucked up tonight i can't do it anymore this boaring shit". Hue feels a bit challenged with being called boaring so he takes a few shots and he turns on "I got a feeling".

We both start dancing to the music and I run into Hue and he grabs my hips to stop me from falling, I look up at him almost drowning into his eyes and his mystery.

He looks at me in a frustrated way and I notice the bulge in his pants as he moves closer to me. He leans in to kiss me and I kiss him back. Fuck I've always wanted this I think as we fall back onto the couch leading to me sitting on his lap while we kiss. He starts to slowly kiss up my neak while I grind on him thinking about how long I've wanted this. He leads his hands up my thigh till he almost reaches the end of my ass then he asks "is this okay?".

I start moving faster saying "ofcourse I've imagined this moment every day for months". He smiles at me pushing me onto my back pinning me down. He grips his hand around my neak as he slips off my shorts then starts kissing me and I kiss back with tongue. I move down reaching into his pants feeling his dick imagining how it'd feel inside of me, He reaches into my pants playing with me and I pull down his and start to give him head and he pushes my head down making me moan.

I almost make him finish but he stops me saying "nah I want to wait". I'm confused for a second and ask "for what?". He looks at me with an almost evil look in his eye saying "for this". He pushes me down grabbing my neak and slowly fucking me while I moan telling him how much im enjoying every second of this.