
The First Day

Surprise Motherf*ckers!

You thought I wouldn't be uploading but here's a chapter for you guys (although, I did have to end the chapter early to upload it).

If you guys have any advice on how to write the academy arc please do give, I'm not used to writing so many social interactions. Also please tell me how fast you want the pace of this arc to be.

Hope you enjoy the chapter :)

[2265 words]


Chapter 16

The First Day

I was walking down the street ecstatically towards the academy. Normally at this time of day I'd be training with Ryuuji as he puts me through all kinds of hell. The training itself was more torture than the actual torture training, it was still a mystery how I was able to go through all of that.

The academy was quite a ways off from the uchiha compound making it take quite a long time to get there. Upon reaching there, the area in front of the academy was filled to the brim with children and parents waiting in front of a podium with the third hokage on there. I could hear him talking about the will of fire propaganda that he usually spouts causing me to immediately filter out such useless information. What interested me more was the third hokage himself, the man was practically oozing with power. It was clear he was different from the counterpart that was depicted in the anime.

His eyes were like a hawk scanning each and every person, it was as if he could see through each and every person. His body language displayed his confidence in his power and the air around was no less than Masa-jii's. It was obvious the person in front me was truly deserving of the title of hokage, one that still had his motivation.

Eventually, the hokage finally finished his speech and the crowd started to rush to the building. Following the crowd, I walked to the class 1-A, the class meant for students of important clans and the like.

Entering the classroom, I could see an exact replica of what I saw in the anime. It was still surreal seeing something you only saw from a tv come to life, but I had already gotten used to the feeling so I just brushed it off and looked around trying to find the best seat.

While looking around, I caught sight of a familiar black pineapple head leaning his head on the table sleeping in the middle row of the class. Seeing it as my opportune time for some teasing, I walked to the sleeping pineapple head and sat beside him, taking the window seat. Seeing that he hadn't woken up yet, I moved my head beside his ear and shouted.

''BOO!'' The poor boy immediately woke up with a murderous look in his eyes trying to find the culprit of his abrupt awakening. Once he looked to his side and found me snickering at his reaction, the look calmed down slightly but he was still agitated.

''Arata, if you ever do that again, I'll make it my life's mission to hunt you down'' Shikaku said as a dangerous gleam flickered within his eyes. Seeing that he was serious, I just pacified him.

''Hai hai, I apologize but you can't leave yourself so defenceless, you were just asking to be woken up'' I countered while playfully smiling at him.

''Tch, just don't do it again'' he said as he leaned his head back to the table. Seeing that I had nothing to do, I struck up a conversation with the boy.

''Shikaku, how have you been, it's been around 2 years since we last saw each other'' I asked.

''Horrible, my old man insisted I had to start training a few months ago ever since I've become successor, now all I know is training'' He said as his eyes conveyed to me the horrors he faced/

''They got you too, huh'' I said sympathetically, patting his shoulder.

He looked at me and we felt a brotherly bond slowly form between us and we started cussing our teachers to our hearts content, trying our best to express our frustration with them.

''Oi, Shikaku since when have you been this lively?'' A boy with light blond hair said behind Shikaku.

''Ah, Inoichi, Choza'' He said as he turned around.

''Are you really fine Shikaku, are you sure you don't have a fever, if you're up this early and talking there's definitely something wrong.'' he said as he placed his hand on Shikaku's forehead worriedly. Seeing his actions, Shikaku swatted away his hand in irritation and just moved his head away from the boy.

Once he looked up and found me, his eyes turned wide open and stared with his mouth agape.

''MASAKA!...Shikaku has a...a...friend…Choza! Come look at this Shikaku found a friend! Quickly, before the world ends!'' He started shouting hysterically at a boy who was standing behind him. He was an obese boy with a long mane going down his back and was clutching a large bag of chips.

''Inoichi, stop lying there's no way that's poss-'' The boy had the same reaction, and looked at us wide eyed and started to rub his eyes trying to digest the sight, he then started to look rapidly between me and him, trying to see if the sight was true.

''Even I can have friends, you idiots!'' He shouted irritatedly, slamming his back down to the table.

''I find it as baffling as the boy, to think you're able to have friends other than me'' I said, turning to look at the boys, who were still rubbing their eyes trying to discern if they were dreaming. Seeing it as my opportunity to introduce myself, I speak to them.

''I'm Arata Uchiha, what are your names?'' I said to the two boys as they took their seats beside us, obviously still baffled.

''I'm Inoichi Yamanaka, the fat one is Choza Akamichi'' He said pointing to the boy beside him, who was still gorging himself on chips.

''Oi, this ain't fat, it's glorious flesh that I have worked painstakingly to create, don't insult my sculpted body just because you're jealous'' He countered, raising his head up high, looking down on Inoichi.

''Who'd be jealous of your fat!'' Inoichi shouted in exasperation, poking at Choza's fat which immediately bounced up and down.

''Of course, this flesh is something that most seem to treasure. Why else does everyone look at me in admiration when they look at my body...'' He said in a prideful tone.

''It's fine Inoichi, just because you don't have a beautiful body like mine doesn't me I'll judge you, we can still be friends, just don't take out your jealousy on me.'' he said as he patted his friend's back, while looking at him in pity.

''YOU DAMN!'' Inoichi shouted in vexation as pounced on the obese boy who sent a punch in retaliation.

Seeing their antics, Shikaku just sighed and went back to sleep and I just chuckled. The two eventually finished with their brawl as Inoichi came back with a blue eye while Choza just looked at Inoichi condescendingly at winning the brawl.

''Ignoring his idiocy, how'd you become friends with Shikaku, I find it more believable that his parents paid you to become his friend than anything else'' Inoichi said while sighing.

Just before I could tell him my story, the teacher came in and started to quiet down the class and took out a clipboard.

''Good morning class, my name is Miyamoto Shimura, a Chunin that has been assigned to your class so let's get along, first let's get your attendance and then I'll tell you what'll happen next'' He said as he started calling out names with practised ease.

''Arata Uchiha''

''Hai'' I responded.

''Akane Ogata''


He then started calling us out, he was getting closer to Shikaku so I had to give a nudge to wake him causing him to make a disgruntled noise. After Shikaku, he began to call out students that I recognised.

''Hiashi Hyuga''

''Hai'' he responded.

''Hizashi Hyuga''

''Hai'' he responded.

''Tsume Inuzuka''

''Hai'' she responded.

Seeing that I recognized those names, I turned my line of sight to the source of their voices.

The twins were sitting together in an upright manner with stoic faces, while Tsume was sitting behind them with her legs on the table and a fierce look on her face creating a stark contrast between her and the well-mannered twins. The teacher eventually finished with all students and seeing that all of us were present, he then told us to follow him to the training field where we would conduct a physical assessment.

''First, we will conduct your initial physical assessment today, however, every month there will be one so don't be intimidated, you will have multiple opportunities to prove yourself as long as you work hard…''

''This test will be a series of exercises consisting of shurikenjutsu, stamina, and taijutsu exams. We will rank you on each and at the end we will give everyone an overall rank. The ranking system is here to motivate you to do better, meaning that there will be rewards for the best three students''

His words brought excited whispers in the crowd of civilian students but most clan students just stood there silently not attracted by the offer as their clan would be able provide them anything the school could provide.

''Now let's begin with the shurikenjutsu exam, each student will be provided ten shuriken and kunai, and you must throw these at each log and depending on your accuracy we will give you a rank'' He said as he handed out satchels of shurikens and kunais.

After his explanation, a series of students lined up and began taking turns with the teacher's supervision. The overall accuracy of most students was appalling even for the Clan students. The only people who had some semblance of accuracy were the successor's, even then no one was able to get a perfect score.

''Arata Uchiha'' Seeing as it was my turn, I walked up to the grading area and took out my shuriken and kunai, I then flawlessly threw each one into their specific targets garnering shocked looks from the students. I then just walked back and amiably smiled at the examiner who just nodded back.

''10/10, Arata Uchiha'' The teacher noted my score and walked back to the crowd of students

''Now that we have finished this exam, I will read out the scores so you understand your current ranking''

''Arata Uchiha 10/10''

''Hiashi Hyuga 9/10''

''Hizashi Hyuga 9/10''

''Shikaku Nara 8/10''

''Inoichi Yamanaka 8/10''

''Choza Akamichi 7/10''

He then continued calling out all the names and eventually finished. Once he was done he moved on to the Stamina exam which was just was a race around the field seeing who could last the longest.The following stamina training garnered the same result, although, this time I did get some competition in the form of the twins who were able to keep up with for quite a while. We then finally moved on to the taijutsu exam in which the males and females were split into two groups to make the competition fair, and at the end the top female could challenge any male student.


{Third POV}

''The first match of the male group will be Arata Uchiha vs Hiashi Hyuga'' The announcement sent a wave of murmurs as the two highest ranking students were fighting right off the start. The two individuals in question just walked up to the field, unperturbed by the commotion. One wearing a serene smile and the other wearing a stoic face. They stood in front of one another and bowed, making the seal of conciliation.


The instructor shouted, causing the young Hiashi to rush at Arata, aiming precisely at each of the acupoints with ease while Arata dodged each of his strikes with a smile on his face, causing the young Hyuga to slowly become frustrated at his useless endeavours.

Seeing as his efforts were being wasted, Hiashi changed his style from purely Hyuga taijutsu to mixing in some academy arts which were much less graceful. Rather than only aiming for the acupoints, Hiashi took any opportunity to punch and kick at any opening and even grappling at some points, however, Arata just continued to smile while swatting away his attempts.

Growing tired of dodging, Arata grabbed Hiashi's outstretched hand and redirected his punch away from himself and tripped him in the process. Hiashi tumbled on the ground while Arata was just standing there smiling at him. Seeing his opponent take him on so easily left the boy attacking in a frustrated frenzy which Arata easily dodged and eventually took the opportunity to send a high kick to his head leaving the boy in a daze. Seeing the boy so dazed, Arata didn't want to waste anymore time and sent a quick punch to the liver causing Hiashi to fall to the ground, trying his best to get his breath back.Seeing the outcome, the teacher stopped the match from continuing any further not wanting any accidents to occur and announced the result

''The match has been decided, Arata Uchiha is the winner, however, due to Hiashi's high rank he will have another opportunity in this competition'' The crowd just clapped in applause at the spectacle while Arata had caused the same effect as most Uchiha on the girls as they blushed madly at the smiling boy

Hope you liked the chapter, if you have any advoce on how i could write arc better, it would be greatly appreaciated.

Enjoy the rest of your day :)

Riklentcreators' thoughts