
An Osmosian in Marvel (MCU Fanfiction)

A man from our world dies and ends up in the MCU with the powers of the Retconned Osmosian from the Ben 10 series Follow his journey as he navigates his new world filled with aliens, monsters, and gods. Note: This story is an AU, since it will not be strictly MCU but will also include the X-men films, the early F4 films, and all of the Spidreman films from Tobey Maguire to Andrew Garfield MC/Laura Kinney/Emma Frost

ArifuretaForever · アニメ·コミックス
96 Chs

Chapter 91: Press Conference

With the battle over we all gathered around Ross's body.

The moment we did Hulk touched him and the man didn't move.

"Don't Hulk. He's dead." I spoke.

Getting everyone, but Emma to look at me.

Since she too definitely felt the former generals mind fade.

"You sure Sentinel?" James asked.

"I confirmed it isn't my telepathy. Ross mind has stopped functioning." I explained.

"So that means the crisis is averted." Roberto spoke.

"Yep." I said. "We won. Good work Guardians." I spoke.

Everyone then cheered.

Even Hulk.

Who then suddenly started changing back into Banner without warning.

I guess he trusted us enough to do so.

After Banner was back to himself he looked at me and offered out his hand. "Thank you." He said.

I shook it. "No problem doc. Also, sorry in advanced." I said.

I then used my telepathy to knock out Banner.

Laying him gently on the ground I stepped back before creating a portal under him to send him to a bed in the medical bay of the Command Center.

I then touched my earpiece. "Everything is clear on our end. Red Hulk is down permanently and Banner is in the med wing of the Command Center." I informed everyone.

Even those that weren't present.

"I'll go see to the good doctor." Sage said.

"A portal coming right up for you all." Blink said.

One of her portals then opened up in front of all of us.

When it did our entire group stepped through it.

We then found ourselves with Clarice and the others who had been handling the evacuation.

Along with the evacues, first responders, SHIELD, and a whole lot of reporters.

The reporters swarming us as soon as we appeared.

They then began peppering our entire group with questions.

But as planned no one spoke.

They let me take the lead.

So I stepped forward and raised a hand in the air to silence everyone present.

Which happened relatively quickly.

"Thank you." I said. Projecting my voice. "Now I'm sure all of you present have many questions. But I cannot answer them all tonight. Instead here is what I can tell you. As most of you know my name is Sentinel and the people beside me are heroes you've seen around the world. The reason we are together is because in actuality we are team. A team that seeks to protect the innocent and make the world a better place. We are the Guardians." I spoke.

Finally revealing my team to the world at large.

"As for how we came together it is due to the efforts of myself and my personal friend, as well as the man who funds this team, Roman Maxwell." I spoke. "Who will be answering any additional questions you all may have at a press conference he will have on there days time. So with that goodbye and goodnight. Blink."

Upon hearing my words Blink opened up a large portal in front of our group which we all quickly stepped through.

She then slammed it shut before those on the other side had a chance to react.

Creating a perfect end to the Guardians debut mission.

Now the hard part truly begins.

But I say bring it on.

Since I love a challenge.


[Abstergo Industries HQ, Jersey City]

[June 7th, 2010]

Dressed in a pristine Brioni gray suit I exited the hallway I was in and headed straight for the podium, on the makeshift stage that had been set up for the press conference that was about to take place.

Emma walking right beside me. Wearing her pure white power suit that always makes her look even sexier than usual.

But putting my horny thoughts aside for the moment I focused on the task at hand.

Namely the horde of ravenous reporters and media personnel behind the barricades that had been set up around the stage.

Which is being guarded by my absolutely loyal company security.

All of whom are either former soldiers or law enforcement personnel who had debilitating physical injuries which were fixed by the public version of extremis.

Say what you will but sometimes buying loyalty works.

Especially when you test your employees with respect and give them good pay and retirement packages.

Like yours truly.

But enough about my generosity and whatnot.

Stepping onto the stage I headed straight for the podium.

Arriving I tapped the mic attached to the mic stand on it several times.

Sending a loud noise across the entire room, thanks to the speakers that had been set up.

This got everyone quiet.

"Thank you." I said into the mic. "Now then, let's begin." I said.

Finally kicking off the press conference I, as Sentinel, had told everyone about three days ago when the Guardians debuted in Harlem.

Which was an utter success.

YouTube and other social media sites have videos and clips up detailing the Guardians heroic exploits.

There have been news articles written about our actions.

Not to mention a lot of love is going out to Abstergo Industries for its part in the cleanup and rebuilding efforts in Harlem.

This situation has also become a platform from where I can launch Damage Control from.

Since I've decided to found it before anyone else does.

Yes, things are going great.

"Good day to you all. I assume everyone here knows who I am, but if you don't then greetings. My name is Roman Maxwell. Founder of Abstergo Industries. As well as the backer for the superhero team that appeared in Harlem a few days ago, the Guardians. You are here today not only because the team leader Sentinel told you to be, but because I wished for you to be. So that I may explain the purpose of the Guardians and my motivation for founding them." I spoke. "Now then, let's begin. As you all know I am a self-made man. But you also know I grew up without any parents. I only had myself, and my little sister Diana, to rely on. But instead of letting that get me down it just pushed me to strive for what I wanted even more. So I worked hard and eventually Abstergo Industries was born. But during that journey to where I currently am I encountered Sentinel. A man who has fantastic powers and didn't know how or why he was gifted with them. And as a man who likes to look into the unknown I offered to help Sentinel learn about his powers. An offer which he accepted. Thus beginning our friendship. During which we learned Sentinel was not the only person on Earth with special abilities. We discovered others. Some of whom had already learned to control about their abilities on their own. While others had no idea of the power they possessed. Seeing this Sentinel and I began working to help these individuals. But we both knew we could only do so much from the shadows. That's when Sentinel had the bright idea to become a symbol. To fight for something greater than himself. To give other metahumans like himself an example to look to. To let them know they were not alone on the world. He wanted to become a hero. It was a decision he would not back away from. So as his friend I once more decided to help him. Thus Sentinel became the hero he is today, and by gathering other like-minded individuals together, who shared Sentinels ideology, the Guardians were born. A group I do not, nor will ever regret assisting."

As I finished speaking no one spoke s word and fne sea of people in front of me became deathly silent.

All according to plan.

"So I've said my peace and will now be taking questions." I said.

When I did various hands in the crowd shot up.

So I just picked one at random and called on them.

"You sir." I said.

"Mr. Maxwell, can you comment on the true identities of Sentinel and the Guardians?" He asked.

Bringing up one of the questions I hoped would be asked.

"No, I cannot." I replied. "Rather, I will not. For I see no reason Sentinel and the Guardians need to reveal their identities to the public."

"But what about accountability for their actions?" The reporter retorted.

"They can be held accountable without exposing their true identities." I replied. "Besides, forcing heroes to their identities is dangerous. What if a criminal they've help arrest or some sort of crazed stalker seeks them out? Wil you protect them from such threats?" I spoke.

Letting my words sink in for a moment before continuing.

"I didn't think so." I continued. "That is one of the many reasons certain heroes wish to keep their hero and private lives secret. Now, next question." I spoke.

Picking out another raised hand in the crowd.

"Mr. Maxwell, how do you feel about the events that took place in Harlem just a few nights ago? And do they have anything to do with you using your company resources to help with the rebuilding and clean up efforts?" The female reporter I called on asked.

Giving me another question I wished to be asked during this press conference.

Man, these reporters I'm calling on sure know how to do their jobs.

"I'm glad you asked that." I began. "So to answer your second question first, yes the events that took place in Harlem made a huge impact on me personally. That's why I'm dedicating my company resources to the rebuilding and clean up efforts. Now back to your first question, honestly I am angry and utterly disgusted by the events that took place." I said.

Shocking everyone in the crowd in front of me.


I want them shocked.

Since that means they'll pay very close attention to what I have to say next.

"To begin with the United States military had no business conducting such an operation as they did in such a heavily populated area. They put civilian lives, or rather the leader of those soldiers the recent deceased general Thaddeus Ross, in danger. To say nothing of their actions a few days prior at Culver University. They gave civilians no warning. Innocent people could've been killed during both those incidents. And it is by the grace of god, or in the case of Harlem due to the Guardians, the body count didn't rise into the double no the triple digits. Especially in the case of Harlem where not only an agent working for general Ross, and the man himself, turned into monsters and began causing destruction. All in pursuit of one Dr. Bruce Banner. A man they viewed as nothing more than an unruly beast and a weapon, instead of a human being." I passionately spoke. "Now personally I have never met Dr. Banner, but after I learned of the events in Harlem from Sentinel and the other Guardians I did some digging. Finding out that Dr. Banner was a well respected scientist. That is until he suffered the accident that turned him into the Hulk. An accident I might add he got while working for the government. But instead of trying to help Banner come to terms with his new reality they decided instead he was government property. Stripped him of all his rights. He had no choice but to go on the run. Leaving behind his family, friends, and everything else he ever knew. And if that can happen to someone like Dr. Banner then whose to say it couldn't happen to other scientist who work for the government? If they develop superhuman powers will find government try and turn them into WMD's. Make them into living weapons? To say nothing of how they would treat the world's growing metahuman population. What's to stop them from going after Tony Stark or even the Fantastic Four next? Maybe even the Guardians."

Hearing my words and questions murmurs erupted throughout the entire area.

Exactly as I wanted.

Since now I have people thinking about metahumans and superheroes roles in society.

Which I am using as a springboard to prevent any sort of civil war bullshit in this reality.

Whether the MCU version or either wars from the comics.

But especially the Civil Wars from the comics.

Once everyone settled down again I answered a few more questions.

I then started heading off the stage.

While Kurt, James, and Starfire teleported in and took my place in their hero personas.

Since I wanted to give the media today a quick Q&A session with some of the Guardians.

Which I know they are appreciating.

As Emma and I entered the hallway and walked away from the event she spoke to me.

"I didn't want to tell you since he arrived five minutes before the press conference, but the SHIELD Nick Fury is here to see you." She explained.

"Understood." I replied.

Having expected this.

Since I've chosen to ignore SHIELD's attempts to contact me or the Guardians ever since the events of Harlem.

I'll speak to them when I'm good and ready.

Though some Fury has shown up himself it wouldn't do right for me to be rude.

"Have Fury escorted to my office. I'll take the meeting there." I spoke.

"Of course." Emma replied.

She then walked off from me.

While I continued on my way to my office.

Since I wanted to make sure it was nice and clean for my meeting with Fury.

For I am nothing but not a gracious host.