
An Osmosian in Marvel (MCU Fanfiction)

A man from our world dies and ends up in the MCU with the powers of the Retconned Osmosian from the Ben 10 series Follow his journey as he navigates his new world filled with aliens, monsters, and gods. Note: This story is an AU, since it will not be strictly MCU but will also include the X-men films, the early F4 films, and all of the Spidreman films from Tobey Maguire to Andrew Garfield MC/Laura Kinney/Emma Frost

ArifuretaForever · アニメ·コミックス
96 Chs

Chapter 82: The Birth of Spiderman

A/N: Hey readers. Let me just say, today's episode of X-men'97 was insane.

The classic suits, the battles, and that ending.

So comic accurate.

Not to mention the character dialogue and the VA's emotions.

I really love whoever thought it was a good idea to revive the show, and I can't wait for the season finale next week. I'll definitely re-watch the entire season in preparation.

So without further ado, the chapter.


(3rd Person: POV)

An extra hop in his step, because of today's field trip to Oscorp, Peter arrived at his school, the Midtown School of Science and Technology, a bit earlier than usual.

Entering the school he wanted straight for his locker.

Arriving he began getting his books and supplies for class.

Then as soon as he was done he closed his locker door.

But upon doing so Peter saw a girl leaning against the locker on his left side, staring at him with a smirk on her face.

This girl is Gwendolyn Stacey. But people close to her simply call her Gwen.

[Insert Image of Gwendolyn Stacey Here]

She is one of Peters best friends and his childhood friend.

"Oh my, Peter Parker here early. The world must be ending or something." Gwen joked.

Since Peter never arrived at school early.

"Haha, very funny Gwen." Peter dryly replied. "And just for the record I could arrive early to school if I wanted to, but I don't see the point. I mean it's not like arriving early will make the time at school pass by any faster."

"Right, right. Let's go with that." Gwen playfully retorted.

The two friends then shared a laugh.

"Well, well, if it isn't puny Parker and his little girlfriend."

But they immediately stopped when a arrogant voice called out to them.

A voice that belonged to Flash "Eugene" Thompson.

[Insert Image of Flash Eugene Thompson Here]

A blonde jock, and captain of the Midtown football team.

As well as a bully who always got a rise out of picking on Peter.

A cocky smirk on his face Flash, and his clock of friends, arrived in front of Peter and Gwen.

"What's up nerds? Showing off your nerd love for all to see?" Flash arrogantly asked.

Eliciting laughter from his followers.

This angered both Peter and Gwen.

"Lay off Flash." Peter spoke.

"Yeah." Gwen added. "Just because you act like a dick doesn't mean yours will grow any bigger." She spoke.

"What?!" Flash roared. His face going red with embarrassment upon hearing Gwens comment.

Meanwhile his group of friends laughed at him and now with him.

"Why you little!" Flash grumbled.

He then took a step towards Gwen. Only for Peter to get in between the two.

"Leave her alone Flash." Peter spoke.

"Oh yeah, and who's going to make me? You?" Flash asked. Picking Peter up by the front of his shirt, and slightly lifting him into the air.

"Let him go Flash!" Gwen shouted.

"Who's gonna make me?" Flash asked. A smirk on his face.

Peter glared at Flash, wanting to wipe that smirk off his face.

But he couldn't.

He couldn't even break free of Flashes grip. No matter how hard he tried.

"Yeah, that's why I thought. You nerds are all bite and no bark." Flash spoke. "Now, I think it's time I teach and your girlfriend a lesson puny Parker." He said.

"Mr. Thompson. What do you think you're doing?!"

But before Flash could carry through on his threat a teacher arrived on scene.

"Put Mr. Parker down this instant." The teacher spoke.

So with that Flash dropped Peter.

"Now, follow me to the principals office." The teacher said.

They then began walking, Flash reluctantly following behind him. Giving Peter and Gwen the stink eye as he did.

Flash's group of friends gave them the same treatment.

But unlike Thompson no one moved to touch either Peter or Gwen.

Seeing this Gwen moved to help Peter up to his feet.

"You okay Peter?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah. What about you?" Peter replied.

"I'm good." Gwen replied. Putting a soft smile on her face.

"That's good." Peter spoke.

As he did two people arrived.

They were Peter's other friends.

Ned Leeds and Harold "Harry" Osborn.

[Insert Image of Ned Leeds Here]

[Insert Image of Harry Osborn/James Frankie Here]

"Pete you okay? We just heard what happened." Harry spoke.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Really." Peter said.

"Oh. That's good. I was so worried." Ned spoke.

"Once more. I'm fine Ned." Peter replied. "Just Flash being Flash."

"That's the problem." Gwen spoke. "Somebody really needs to put him in his place."

"You read my mind Gwen." Harry added.

"Woah, hang on. Are you saying we're going after Flash?" Ned asked in a whisper.

"Guys, that's enough." Peter spoke. "Listen, what Flash did is wrong. What he does is wrong. But let's deal with that another day. I don't want to think about that on the field trip."

"Right, the field trip." Harry mused.

"You not excited for it Harry?" Ned asked.

"Well since my dad owns Oscorp and I've been in the building too many times to count, then I can safely say no Ned. I am not excited for the trip." Harry explained.

"Well the rest of us are, so maybe you could fake your excitement just for us." Gwen proposed.

Getting a round of laughs from everyone.

Turning the bad mood upside down.

Once it was the group of four headed to home room.

Then before they knew it they were on a bus towards Oscorp.


A bright smile on his face Peter walked through the halls of Oscorp with his class.

Loving every second of their field trip since it began.

Seeing the scientific research Oscorp was doing stroked the scientist inside of Peter.

The same was true for Gwen.

The two had been discussing all subjects the tour guide had shown them. In their own little world.

Leaving Harry and Ned to watch the pair, wet smiles on their faces.

"I wonder. Why aren't those two dating yet?" Harry asked.

"Come on Harry. Not you too. Peter and Gwen are just really good friends." Ned spoke.

"Sure, they are." Harry spoke in a high voice.

Peter and Gwen not giving the conversation between their friends any attention.

Since they were wrapped up in their own.

That is until they reached the Oscorp genetics lab.

Once this happened the conversation between Peter and Gwen stopped and they both began paying attention to the tour guide again.

Gwen more so than Peter, since she wanted to be biologist/geneticsis in the future.

As the group from Midtown was guided through the genetics lab, no one noticed a singular spider descending on its web toward them.

Then upon reaching the group the spider ended up falling onto the exposed arm of Peter Parker.

It then bit the young man.

"Ow!" Peter suddenly cried.

He then looked down at his hand and saw the spider on it. So he brushed it off onto the floor and then stepped on it.

"Peter, are you okay?" Gwen asked.

"I think so. A spider just bit me, but I feel fine..." Peter trailed off.

Since all of a sudden he was seeing double and his vision was slightly blurring.

"What the-" Peter began to say.

Only to fall to his knees a second later.

"Peter!" Gwen cried out.

"Pete, you okay?" Harry asked.

"Doctor, am we need a doctor." Ned cried out.

While the other students looked on.

Needless to say this was a day Peter Parker would never forget.

For more reasons than one.

Since it was the day Spiderman was born.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I know I enjoyed writing it.

Now as to why Gwen and Harry from the Sam-Reimi trilogy are in the story. I said earlier I was adding both those film series into this MCU world for this fic.

Now what does will they play you ask?

Keep reading the story to find out.

Until next time.