
Chapter 4: The Visit

A few hours later I was fine. I got up and tidied myself up to see my uncle king Leo. I was announced and went in with my two guards. "You needed me your majesty?" "Oh this is an old friend of mine. You can call me uncle in front of him." "Oh ok. Uncle you needed to see me?" "Yes this here is my old friend Trian. I came here to tell you that you are going to visit the village for a break. You have been here for a month now. So in a week you will be Leaving. Also if its ok with their parents, you could bring your old friends with you." "Uncle. Are you sure? How long will I be staying?" "Hm lets see I'll give you 2 weeks. To visit." "Thank you uncle. I knew I liked you." "Haha yeah we know I'm your favorite uncle." "Well you can say that because you are my uncle. I bet the king side wouldn't have allowed it." "Actually no. The king side would let you, just less time." "Is that all uncle?" "My friend here will be the one driving the carriage to see you off." "I see that's why he's here. Nice to meet you Tian." "Likewise Cace."


Then I left and went to my room to pack. This was the only time I can really relax. I will bring my commoner clothes. Oh and I got stuff for the boys and in case the others are still there for them too. "Ok I'm all packed. Now I just have to wait for the day." Until then I had to work myself to the bone with crown prince stuff. I wonder what Keely is doing? Sigh.


Days past and it was finally time for the visit to the orphanage. I didn't tell anyone because I wanted to surprise them. So first we headed out to visit the boys in the village.


We stopped the carriage and I knocked on the door. (Knock Knock) A man answered it. "Oh welcome your highness please come in." "Oh I said to call me Cace but its fine. Where are the guys?" "Oh here they come. They must have heard your voice." "Ha they could hear me a mile away at the orphanage." "Hey Cace. So what brings you here? Not that we aren't happy to hang out." "Oh um I'm visiting the orphanage for 2 weeks. I was told to see if its ok with your parents to bring you. Of course we will drop them back off when we come home." "If its ok with your mother it fine with me." "Of course go ahead." "Yes!" Then they all went to pack and came back within minutes.


I fell asleep on the way to the orphanage so the boys had to wake me up like they always did. Jumped on me. "Ok ok. I'm up. Are we there now?" "Uh yeah we got here like 5 minutes ago!" "Sigh Fine. Lets go." I jumped down and walked with my guards to the door. I knocked and old man Riley opens it. "Long time no see. Can we come in?" "Yes of course please come in." "I want to surprise the kids. Please come into the office. When I come back in you will come with me." So we waited. He called for all the kids to gather since he had a surprise for everyone.


"Ok Everyone settle down! Is everyone here?!" "Yes it looks like it sir." Said Liam. "Oh wait where are the twins?" "Oh found them! They were hiding. Now we got everyone." "OK now everyone stay here I will be back with the surprise."


We heard him coming and finally he came in. "I heard the twins were hiding. Still have them huh? Too much trouble to adopt?" "You have no idea." "Ok lets go but stay behind me. I have to tell them a little something." "Ok everyone. There are a lot of you missing some of our friends. But, Who is the one we miss most?!" Then I heard most of them say my name. "My eyes watered. OK everyone close your eyes. I'm going to do some magic." Then He moved and said, "Ok open your eyes." Not even a second, and everyone was surrounding us. "I'll be here for 2 weeks then I have to go back." Then Liam and Will handed me the twins. "Woah you boys are getting heavy. Are you still being troublemakers?" They both laughed. Then I put them down. "Damn they are bigger than I saw them last. I guess a month goes by fast huh?" "Oh and My uncle told me there is going to be a ball to welcome me. You all are invited. Also suits will be provided for you. You will get a full makeover by our Cosmetic people. So you don't have to worry. When we send out the invitation you will know when it is ok?" "Also if you get adopted before that, your family will be invited as well."


"Ok everyone. Lets let him rest in his old room. He had a long drive." I went back to my room and put my stuff down. I haven't had time to draw or anything. Oh maybe after dinner I can give everyone their gifts.


After I got some drawing down, I went to the old man's office. "Hey you in here?" "Yes I am. Is something wrong?" "Well not really. Mind if we talk?" "Sure sit down." The others waited outside the door for me.


"So what seems to be the problem?" "Well my uncle Leo, my fathers twins brother is the king. I also found out I had a twin sister who I met at the art store but I had a glimpse of her is all. I've been doing a month of boring crown prince stuff. The only thing I enjoy is going to the village and seeing if anyone needs help. I think he sent me here for a break. Thank goodness he did. That personal butler of mine is really strict! I didn't know how much more I could handle." "I see so things are getting busier huh? What is your personal butlers name if I may ask?" "Oh his name is Nova." "Oh? Does he have red hair and glasses by any chance?" "How did you know?" "Haha We'll I'll be. He got his job after all. Ah right you don't know. I knew him when he was a little lad. He was in the village where my old man Tyrus and I lived. I'm glad he is doing all right." "Um there is another thing I want to talk to you about. Its about the boys. The twins. I sort of want to convince one of my aunts and uncles to take those devils in. My Aunt Talia and her husband, Oh and Aunt fawn as well. They have been talking about adopting since they saw me. I'll write them a letter and make sure they don't get adopted before they decide." "Oh ok I promise."


Then I left to see Will and Liam to tell them the news. "Hmm. I see. Finally getting some peace without them. Of course we will miss them but they are too much." "Oh is there anyone here besides you two that the twins are close too? When they get older they will need a big brother. I know they are going to want a girl too so they will be going to the girl orphanage as well." "Good they will need all the help they can get with these two running around. As for the boys they are attached too is the newer addition. His name is Dian. He is 10 years old. " "ha-ha your telling me." "I laughed with them like old times then I went to my room to write and gave the letter to the old man. Luckily it was the day mail was coming. It should be here anytime now. Oh and I wrote one for aunt Fawn too."


It was a couple of days later we got a response from them. They will be coming in 2 days. "Yes! All right!" I ran to tell Old man Riley. "Riley! They are coming in 2 days! Both my Aunts! And my aunts husband! Also my uncles Zayan, Cole, and Zane. All of them except for Leo are coming. We might have more out of here today than we thought. I can see them anytime." "Haha that would be nice isn't it?" "Don't worry Riley. We will visit when we can. Also you have more kids coming in and out all the time. You will never be bored. Plus will and Liam are always here." "Haha that's true. Have you visited his grave yet?" "NO I will visit later Today. I have to tell the twins the good news." I ran out and asked Liam and will were the devils were. They told me and I ran to them. They each grabbed a leg. "Ok Little devils I have some good news!" They sat and listened. "You will be having a new family soon. You will be staying together and see me anytime! You will be my cousin! Yay!" I know they didn't understand they were only 3 and will be 4 in a couple of months. Also I need to tell Dian as well. Then I left the twins to do their thing and told Dian what was going on.


"Hello Dian." "Oh hello. Your Cace right?" "Yes. How long have you been here?" "I have been here a month." "Oh I know you get along with the twins right?" "Yes they love me like a big brother. They are annoying." "Well what if I said they could be your brothers. That you will have a sister too?" "Really?" "Yeah you will be my cousin. Since my Aunt would be adopting you. Not sure which ones but you will be a family. Should I say we will." "I would like that." "Good get ready then. They will be here in two days." So he did just that. Will and Liam were packing the twins bag. I Don't know who my uncles and Aunts will pick. This is frustrating.


I went back to the old man's office, sat down and sighed. "What seems to be the problem your highness." Joked Riley. "Ok enough with the jokes. I told Dian and the twins they were getting a family and a new sister as well no matter who adopts them. As for my uncles and aunts though I don't know who wants what kid so I can't tell anyone anything except for them." "Its ok. I have it covered. I'll have all the kids out here doing what they like in 2 days." "Ok thanks old man. I better go say hi to the others." Then I left and went to go play with everyone.


2 days passed in the blink of an eye. I helped get the kids together to be ready when my aunts and uncle's came. It wasn't long how before they got here. I ran out to warn them about everyone. To also show them to the twins and Dian.


"Let me guide you to the little devils and Dian. The devils names are Quinn and Conner. Conner is the younger twin and he is the most trouble. I just met Dian. He is 10 years old." "Ha that sounds like a job for your aunt Talia." Said Zayan. "That is what I was thinking. Hey Aunt Talia. Come here." She came over and saw the boys. "Oh and who are these boys?" "This is Quinn and Conner. Conner is the most trouble. They will be 4 in a couple of months." "Yes. They are so adorable. I will definitely take them. Also we will stop by the girls orphanage to pick a girl." "We knew you would. Then they brought them to get the paperwork done. Now as for my uncles and Aunt Fawn. So lets sit in my room and talk to me about what you want in your kid and I can pretty much tell you which kid." "Then Aunt Fawn spoke up. Well a little boy who is energetic but not to much. Like a medium or sporty type of boy or boys. Yeah that. Two boys." "Ok then. I know just the little boys. Now as for you uncles. Who next?" "Zayan spoke. "Preferably likes to read or is energetic. I'll go with energetic. I know just the boy or boys in this case. Last but not least Cole and Zane. "For Zane I am assuming twins and Cole you are more of a reader. I'll give you the readers. Now lets go to Aunt Fawns kids first.


I brought her to the two boys outside who were kicking the ball around. "Boys introduce yourselves please." "My name is Sam. 10 years old." "I'm Zyan. 12. " "Oh so what are you playing today?" "It's a new game we made up. Want to play?" "Actually. This lady here is my Aunt Fawn. She wants to get to know you so she can adopt you. Both of you." "Ok. Cool." They took her to the room they shared. Now Uncle Zayan. An energetic boy huh? How energetic? Regular or very?" "Lets start off with regular. Ok lets go over here. Ah there they are. Is everyone having fun?" "Yeah we made a mud pie. Want to see?" "Yeah sure." We went over to see their mud pies. Then Zayan bent down. "That is a very nice mudpie. How old are you?" "I 5 years old." "Oh you are so adorable. I want to adopt you. Is there anyone you are close too." Then he waved his best friend over. "This my best friend he is 3. My name is Ezra." He said the r like a W so Zayan had to repeat it. "Ezra is that right? Yep and he is Kai." "Oh Ezra and Kai. Do you want to be brothers? Do you want to live with me?" I saw them look at each other and were happy. Luckily Zayan was wearing Commoner clothes they hugged him. He was happy with those two. Now it was Cole and Zane's Turn. Now Cole lets do yours first then Zane's kids.


I went to the readers first. These are where the readers hang out. Go ahead and look. Now Zane. Twins. Well what would you like them to be able to do? There are twins for everything. There is one set of twins that took after me. They should be painting somewhere." "Yeah lets go with them. Where are they?" "Oh found them. Here they are. They have a double easel for them. They are 8 years old." "Boys sorry to disturb you but I have someone who wants to adopt you." "Hello boys you my name is Zane. I am also a twin. He is off getting his own boys. Want to come live with me?" "Can we still paint?" said one of the boys. "Yes of course. What are your names?" "Oh my name is Luke this is Ethan. He stopped speaking after we came here. I'm the older twin." "I see. Well lets get to know each other for a bit before we go home ok?" "Yes." Then they showed him to their room. Now everyone was with their kids. I went to the old mans office.


"Sigh." I plopped my butt on his couch. "Haha hard work huh?" "You have no idea. How did the old man and you do it?" "Well we've had experience. Now as soon as your family leaves, I have job for you." "Yes sir." Finally my aunts and uncles left and I wished the kids luck. Then I wondered what the old man had for me to do.