
Chapter 3: The Training Begins

I woke up feeling fine the next day. They told me about my mother having the same thing from a childhood accident and the doctors don't know how I got it. I think mom was born with it. when she had the accident it triggered it. Anyway I'm about to visit mom's siblings again. So wish me luck.


"Here we are in the parlor again." Said uncle Leo. "Hello again. I wanted to apologize for the manner I left in." I bowed. "Don't worry about it. Sean told us what was going on. He did tell you it was my fault right?" "Sigh. Yes he did. Don't worry I don't blame you." "Thank you Cace." Said Leo. "Now as for my aunts and uncle I need to know. I am Cace. Which one of you is Cole?" One of them raised his hand. I guess that makes the other one Zane. Nice to meet you. Talia its nice to meet you too. Can I see that picture of mom again?" "Yes right here. Your mom and dad." I was shocked. Other than the blonde hair, she looked like mom's twin. "So this is mom. You know its weird how the girl I saw is my twin. I know her name is Keely. Its hard to think its my twin, because she looks like mom's twin, I look like my dad apparently. I guess we really are fraternal twins." "Um. Do you have any of my sister?" "Actually we have a picture of all 4 of you. Wait just a moment." Said Aunt Talia. She went to the back where the forbidden pictures were and brought it out. "Here you are. You both were babies in this picture though. Since they died when you were both 6 months old here. This was the first and last picture they took of you both with you in it." "Can I have it?" "Yes I made copies. Your mother wanted you both to have one." "Thank you aunt Talia." "NO problem Cace. We forgot to ask. How are you feeling?" "Me? Oh I'm fine now. Its just when I get too excited I get dizzy and need to lay down." "Well we are glad you are ok now." Said Zane. "Thanks Zane. Oh I wanted to aske who is the oldest twin? Me or my sister?" "Haha Your mom said you were going to ask that." Said Zane chuckling. "She also said you would be bummed because your sister was born first. Also she said your sister protected you in the womb. She covered you to protect you for some reason." "Please don't tell me when I meet her she will be an over protective sister." "Haha no it doesn't." "So Zane. Maybe we can hang out sometime and talk about how being the younger twin is?" "Haha yeah maybe."


"Ok now its time for business today. All of you 3 and my brothers will be helping. All of you will be in my office. when we are done here. The others should already be there." "Aww man. Boring work here I come."


We got to his office and went inside and we saw Zayan and Fawn. "OK everyone. We are here to discuss whether he takes the throne or not." I raised my hand. "Um excuse me. I have a question." "Yes go ahead Cace." "Um can I have a choice whether to take the throne or not? Uh I am willing to do the training until I make my decision though." "You know that is a good idea. What do you all think?" "Well we never had a choice. I believe that should change. I agree." Said Cole. Then the others did as well. "As long as they are willing to go through the training that is to be king or queen." Said Zane. "Yes that's right. "Now as for your personal butler and guard." "I have an idea about my knight or guard as you call him. I never asked his name but Sean said there was a man who guarded me when he wasn't there. I would like him." "Oh his name is Ryker. Yes you can choose anyone you want. In fact we put him as a temporary guard because he is the best we have and want to keep up his stamina. But yes you can have him. That means you will have Sean and him following you everywhere." "Sigh I know. Thanks uncle." "Now as for your personal butler is there any you recommend?" "There is one. He seems so serious though. He was the one that guided us to the office after we were dressed." "Haha oh yes. His name is Nova. Yes well he may not look it but when he was little he was a rebel. He is what you call a tsundre person. Once you get to know him which is very rare people don't because of his seriousness then he will warm up to you." Said Leo "Haha you know I actually liked how serious he was. I want him to teach me how be became so serious." "Let us know. We want to know as well." Said Zayan. He stuck his head out to get someone to get Ryker and Nova.


We heard the door open and I saw Nova and Ryker. "Nova and Ryker. Welcome. I have sure you know why you have come here?" "Yes your majesty." They said in unison. Then bowed. "I would be honored to be Young masters butler." Said Nova. Then Ryker said the same as being my guard. "Now we were discussing about him training to be the king. So he is temporarily the crown prince until he makes his decision." Said Leo. "Excuse me your majesty. Will he be finishing his training before he makes his decision?" said Nova. (Nova had red hair past his ears and wears glasses. "About that, Yes he will. He has found out about Keely. When she returns then we will decide who will take the throne." "I see. Very well then." (Ryker is a medium built man with medium muscles. He is one of those tall dark and handsome type of guys. With curly locks. Only his hair is short but curly. With purple eyes.) "Now as for where he will start. I will have Nova for the first part. He is good with teaching manners and all that good stuff. Please teach him what a crown prince's duties are as well." "Yes your majesty. Shall we start?" "Yes please. Go on." Then I left with Ryker Sean and Nova to what looked like a personal office. "This will be your study." "Yes sir." "You can address me as Nova young master." "Ok Nova. How should I address Ryker?" "Same as you did just now. His name. Now a before we start teaching you about princely manners, lets start talking about their duties. There will be paper work for treaties and meetings from other kingdoms who will want to know what is going on and sometimes for advice. There are times when the crown prince will go to the village and help them out. There will be a time when villagers do come in the throne room to tell you their problems and see how you can fix them. Also you will have a personal assistant. We need to talk to the king about that when the paperwork starts as crown prince. As of today its going to focus mainly on manner's of crown prince then you have the whole day to yourself. Since you are a beginner we don't want to rush." "Yes Nova." "Now to begin a crown prince must walk standing up straight and head held high." Then manners after manners was tiring me out until finally it was time for me to stop for the day. "Now we are done for today. You can relax. Try to practice as you go out though as the crown prince ok?" "Yes Nova." "OK young master I shall take my leave for now." I collapsed on my bed from exhaustion. "Oh my god. I don't think I want to do any of this. Why did I have to be born a prince of all things?"


It was the next day and I was to go out and see the village which I was happy to do. Since I was raised a commoner. "Lets go young master." Said Nova. "Yes Nova and Ryker." Sean sat in the open carriage with me.


I had to wear my princely attire to let them know I was royal. "Ok so Sean and Ryker stay with Young master Cace. I have some business to attend to." "Yes Nova. I know." Then we walked and people stared at us. "If I saw someone I recognize from the orphanage can I react?" "Well as long as Nova doesn't see its fine." said Sean. Ryker agreed. "Oh speaking of Orphanage friends. Look over there Cace." I looked over and there were my friends I hung out with at the Orphanage. I looked around and didn't see Nova.


"Hey guys. Good to see you got adopted. So did you get to stay together?" "Yeah isn't it great? They weren't going to but old man Riley convinced them!" "How is everyone there?" "They all really missed you. Not long after you left a 5 and 6 year old ended up there. They were brothers. "Hmm I see. Can I meet your parents?" "Yeah sure." They ran back to their house and I followed.


"Mom! Dad! Prince Cace is here to see you!" "Oh hello your highness. What brings you here?" "When its just us alone please call me Cace. I grew up with those boys at the orphanage. Thank you for taking them together. I meant a big deal. I left and it was hard enough." "Well I'm glad I could keep them together. You are always welcome here Cace." "Thank you maam." "Oh you can call me mom if you would like." "Thank you mom." The man finally spoke up. "Same here you can call me dad. Uh I'm sorry for staring. You look a lot like your father." "Thank you sir. I wish I had known them." "Maybe we can tell you about them sometime." Said Dad. "Yeah that would be nice thanks." I was in a daze while talking to them. No one noticed except Sean and his friends. "Ok well we better go. Still training and walking around to see if we can help out." said Sean. "Oh sorry for disturbing your training. Stop by if you have time." Said mom. "OK will do." Then we left somewhere to sit down.


"Sorry guys. I…" "Hey its ok Cace. Its your first time. You saw your friends. Its ok to talk with them once in awhile." "Its not that. They said I can call them mom and dad. Would that be betraying my parents? I mean I know I have never met them and they are gone but it would feel like I betrayed them." "Is that all?" said Sean. I nodded yes. "If that's the case." Said Ryker. "If I may speak." "Sure go ahead." "I was in the same situation. I never knew my parents either. I too was a baby when they passed away. I was in an orphanage and I was 16 when I was adopted. I also felt like I would betray them. So I said to the people adopting me I would feel like I betrayed my birth parents even if they are gone if I called them that. They kneeled down and said, they would never want to take the place of my birth parents. To think of it as getting me ready to see them again. I didn't have to call them mom and dad. I could call them Ma or Pa or something similar. So I agreed with them. I called her Mum and called him Dad. Although it hurt calling him that I got used to it." "Hmm I see. I'll just stick with mom and dad. I'll manage. OK lets go look around again."


When we all got up I was dizzy all of a sudden. "What the hell?" I held on the table for balance. "Hey Sean. Take me to the carriage. To the castle hurry. Something is wrong. I'm dizzy I can't see." "Oh no. This isn't good. I'll carry him." Said Ryker. "Hurry we need to get him to the castle fast!"


They got to the castle and Sean yelled for a doctor. Then he followed them up to Cace's room. "What happened to the young master?" said the doctor. "We don't know. We were talking to a couple who adopted a couple of our friends from the orphanage then we went to rest. After we were done resting he felt dizzy and all of a sudden couldn't see." Said Sean. "Let me give him a check up everyone out so I can have some room." 


"Cace can you hear me? Can you speak?" "Yes I'm just a little scared." "Your going to be ok. Any other symptoms besides blindness and dizziness?" "No just those. Can you help me? Please." "I'm here to see what I can do. I'm going to do a checkup." He did a normal checkup and asked, "What was the last thing you remember doing before sitting down to rest?" "Talking to my friends parents that adopted them. Then we sat down and all was good. When I got up I felt dizzy." "Are you sure you didn't see anyone else?" "No why? What is going on?" "Someone cast a spell on you Cace. They don't want you to see anyone." "Who would do that? I don't know any witches. Its my first time here. I only saw my twin sister when I was in the art store but that was it?" "Ah so you saw her. Did you speak to her?" "No we didn't even react!" "Ok I'll have Ryker stay here with you. Sean come with me. We are going to find out what happened that day. Lets talk to the castle witch."


I was freaking out not knowing what to do. Then the doctor gave me some medicine to calm down and I fell asleep. An hour later they came back. Saw that Cace was asleep. "Hmm. What is going on? What? Oh right I can't see for some reason. Is someone there?" "Its us Cace." Said Sean. "The castle witch is here." "Your hair!" said the witch. "Its no doubt it was her spell. Sigh. Luckily I can break it. I need to talk with that girls mother about her. Ok let me fix this." She put her hand on Cace's forehead, and a few minutes later he was fine. "Hmm. What?" "How are you feeling young master Cace?" said the witch. I held my face for a bit them wiped my eyes. I blinked a couple of times to make sure I wasn't really seeing things. "Everything is blurry but I'm not blind anymore." "Here these should help." I put on the glasses and saw clearer now. "Ah thanks." Then I looked up. "Who might you be?" "Oh I am the one who helped you. As for the one who did this I know her. Uh my name is Mystria. Nice to meet you your highness." "Oh please call me Cace or young master like everyone else. Uh thanks for the glasses." "Ok well my job is done. I recommend you rest for a bit. Oh and that blurry vision you have is temporary it should be back in a few days." "Oh thank goodness. Thank you Mysteria." "No problem. Now I have to call a woman about a certain daughter of hers." She waved and I nodded. "So I guess I have to take it easy for awhile huh? At this rate I won't get anything done if I keep getting spelled or sick. Its like since I got here something has been wrong with me. Its almost like at the orphanage. I was always sick because me and the guys got me so riled up." "Hey Cace its ok. I'm sure if you ask the king, he will let you visit the orphanage if and when you need to." Then we heard someone clear his throat. "I would suggest you rest first. Once you are well rested, the king would like to see you." Said Nova. So I put my glasses down and closed my eyes. Sean did this thing like a big brother where he rubbed my head until I slept. Then I was asleep almost instantly.