
An Orc With A System

Alone, Weak and Outcast. A young Orc, struggled to find his place in the tribe. haunted by the destruction of his clan and the desire for vengeance, Azrakar never knew the true meaning of belonging. One day, the great hunt shifted to unexpected outcome. The young Orc Azrakar suffered a terrible injury. Broken Legs. However, fate intervened to spare this young orc from a destiny far worse than death, bestowing upon him a gift from the heavens. From another world or another dimension, the gift came in the form of a briefcase that held a powerful AI. Follow Azrakar as he grows from a weak petty orc, into a mighty warchief.

Shadow_Library_ · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Chapter 13: After Six Bloody Days!

Six days…Six bloody days!

Azrakar endured more suffering in those six days than he had in his entire life, especially the last four.

That day after slaying the direwolf, Azrakar attempted to lure more monsters to his effective trap. However, that day only yielded two Rot Eaters. Disappointed, Azrakar decided to redouble his efforts the next day.

Sadly, the next day was the same as the first one. He didn't know why, but he didn't find many monsters even after abandoning caution. He only found three more Rot Eaters and a small horned rabbit.

Azrakar, of course, lured the Rot Eaters to his trap, and that horned rabbit he hunted for its meat, that's when he found something truly interesting regarding the quest.

Hunting the small creature contributed to his progress. Initially confused, as horned rabbits weren't considered monsters, however, when Azrakar reread the quest description. He understood why.

The quest objective was to kill one hundred creatures. The key term was 'creatures' not 'monsters'. As long as the slain creature granted Azrakar experience points, it counted.

Unfortunately, even with this revelation, Azrakar was unable to find enough creatures to kill. That night as he took a risk roasting the rabbit meat, he suddenly remembered an old conversation between two orc hunters from his tribe.

One hunter warned his companion to be wary at night, as most monsters were more active during that time. Azrakar cursed himself for not remembering this sooner. He had been wasting precious time during the day when he could have been hunting at night.


Determined to make up for lost time, Azrakar resolved to hunt throughout the night, despite the increased danger. He knew that the rewards would be worth the risk—if he could just find enough creatures to complete the quest.

The third day proved most fruitful. He managed to hunt four Rot Eaters and three horned rabbits during the day. But the night? Oh boy, the night! He hunted more than twenty monsters, all Rot Eaters, for some reason.

Pushing himself relentlessly on the fourth and fifth days, hunting day and night, resting only for two hours each time, Azrakar made significant progress. He eliminated a total of 33 creatures on the fourth day and 26 on the fifth, bringing his total to 91. Just nine more kills to complete the quest.

With that thought, Azrakar made a costly mistake. Fueled by exhaustion, sleep deprivation, and mounting wounds, particularly on his legs, Azrakar's judgment faltered. A handful of Rot Eaters managed to catch him during his luring attempts, and some, displaying a newfound cunning, evaded the trap entirely, forcing him to engage in close combat.

That night, Azrakar intended to finish his hunt and retreat to his hideout to rest and recover. However, blinded by his desire to complete the quest with only nine kills remaining, he disregarded caution and attempted one more round. This decision proved fatal.

He successfully lured five Rot Eaters, but fatigue overwhelmed him as he guided them towards the trap. His clouded judgment and sluggish movements betrayed him. His body failed him.

In his weakened state, the Rot Eaters pounced, sinking their teeth into his legs and shoulders, infecting him with their rotting venom. But that wasn't the worst part.

As Azrakar struggled to fend off the Rot Eaters, he failed to notice his proximity to his own trap. The result? A thick, wooden spike pierced his entire left arm as he tumbled into the pit alongside the Rot Eaters.

Blood streamed freely from his wounds, painting the ground crimson as he attempted to push himself up with his remaining arm. Survival instinct kicked in, and he knew he had to act swiftly if he had any hope of survival. With his right arm, Azrakar reached into his inventory, consuming a healing potion and the antidote.

Fortunately for Azrakar, being an Orc dying from blood loss, or a severed limb was slim, plus the healing potion helped him recover and close the wound.

The good news, relayed by Nexus, was that he could restore his left arm using a system item The bad news? that the item was the second tutorial quest reward. The Physical enhancement pills.

Standing at the edge of the pit, gazing at the carnage below, the look on Azrakra's green face was different from the usual. He was calm and resolute, his eyes reflecting a newfound determination. Despite the pain and the setback, Azrakar refused to be defeated. He had come too far to give up now.

"That's the last of them," he muttered, staring down at the impaled Rot Eaters.

[Third Quest: Complete tutorial (3/10)

Objective: Slay a hundred creatures (100/100)

 Complete the tutorial's second quest 

 Time limit: one week]

He did it, he had slain one hundred creatures in just six days. A feat that would have been impossible for most, but Azrakar did it. Despite the challenges, the setbacks, and the pain, Azrakar persevered and emerged victorious. With a sense of pride swelling within him, he knew that he had accomplished something truly remarkable.

As he gazed at the kill count, Azrakar felt a mixture of emotions coursing through him—relief, triumph, yet he didn't let this achievement affect him. Yes, he acknowledged that what he accomplished was nigh impossible for a feeble orc like himself. Furthermore, the method he employed, in Azrakar's eyes, was...deceptive.

He couldn't have slayed a hundred creatures without the trap, Azrakar knew that very well. However…

"There was no honor or glory in this," he muttered, the sentiment leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.

Azrakar didn't like it. With his new knowledge, he understood the importance of the trap as well as that some fights can't be won with just brute force or in an honorable way. And he had to accept that sometimes survival required cunning and resourcefulness.

But deep down, in his core, Azrakar remained an orc. An honorable one, an orc who prized strength, courage, and integrity above all else. Despite the necessity of cunning in his recent endeavors, Azrakar couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort that lingered within him.

"Ughh…" A low groan escaped Azrakar's lips. 'With what right can I speak of honor when I'm so weak and pathetic?'" his voice echoed softly in the stillness of the pit as he secured the rope around his waist, descending to collect the monster carcasses.

He'd been peddling the Rot Eater corpses to the system after discovering they contained a trace of mana, earning him a meager amount of system points. He only kept the horned rabbits and the direwolf.

He devoured the rabbits' meat and used the direwolf's fur to craft a warm cloak, providing much-needed protection against the biting cold of the Misty Mountains.

In addition to using its meat as bait and its bones as weapons or trap spikes, he kept its head as a trophy. But he held onto the direwolf's blade-tail for himself, his new favorite weapon.

Reaching the bottom, he swiftly stored the corpses in his inventory before opening the system shop to sell them. A grin stretched across his green lips as he checked his balance.

[6120 SP] 

Apart from his previous 700 SP, selling the corpses netted him between 40 and 60 points each. Based on Nexus' words, it was a decent starting amount for when he ranked up and could purchase more things from the shop.

"Good," with a nod, he called up his status window.


Name: Azrakar

Race: Orc

Class: –

Hunter Rank: F

Level: 25

Experience: 694/60000

Health: 540/540


Stamina: 370/370





Intelligence: 25

Attribute points: 48


[Orcish Fury]

He'd managed to level up rather well thanks to the hundred kills. Luckily, he could earn XP from his trap. The system treated it as if he was the one who did the killing since he set the trap. Other than that, Nexus advised him to hold off on spending his attribute points until after consuming Physical Enhancement Pills since it would amplify his stats if they were low.


A guttural growl erupted from the bushes in front of him the moment Azrakar ascended the pit. He stood there calmly, gazing at the bush. It wasn't difficult for Azrakar to recognize the creature lurking there. After all, he'd been relentlessly slaying its kind for the past six days.

'Ugh...another one? Do they have a nearby den or something?' he thought in frustration.

Instantly a Rot Eater emerged from the bush rushing his way, Azrakar stood his ground watching the hairless wild dog charge towards him. His hand instinctively reached for the direwolf's blade-tail, gripping it tightly as the creature closed the distance.

With a practiced and swift motion, Azrakar sidestepped the Rot Eater's attack, using its own momentum against it. He swung the blade-tail with precision, delivering a decisive blow that cleaved the wild dog in two, ending its life instantly. It was a move honed through countless encounters over the past few days, a testament to his development as a hunter.

[You have Killed: Rot Eater]

[+20 XP]

The System notification was a familiar sound, but this time, it brought a sense of routine rather than triumph. Azrakar had come to understand the rhythm of the Misty Mountains, the cycle of hunt and survival that had become his life, at least for the area around him. He didn't dare stray too far from his trap or hideout.

With a weary sigh, he stored the corpse in his inventory and made his way back to the hollow tree. The inside of the tree had undergone a significant transformation. Azrakar had crafted a few things to make his life a little easier. Given the quest's time limit, he hadn't done much, but he'd made sure to use some of the direwolf's fur as a simple bedroll.

In addition to crafting more spikes and spears, he carved a few wooden bowls to store river water. He'd hoped to buy water from the shop, but there wasn't any, at least for now. Also, after consuming any potion, the glass vial would disappear, so he couldn't use it to store water or collect monster blood.

As Azrakar entered the hollow tree, his yellow eyes immediately fell on the small fire pit in the center. He added a few logs to the dying embers, rekindling the flames. The warmth spread through the hollow tree, dispelling the night's chill.

He sat down, his back leaning against the rough bark of the tree. The fire cast dancing shadows on the walls, creating an eerie atmosphere. Azrakar closed his eyes, his right hand instinctively grabbing his left shoulder, his mind replaying the events of the past few days. He had come a long way, from a lowly orc cast out by his tribe to a survivor, a hunter in his own right.

"I need to keep going," he murmured, his voice resolute. "I can't stop now. Even after completing the quest."

He clutched his hand to his chest, feeling the beat of his heart, he was excited, that feeling after overcoming a challenge and slaying his prey, was addictive.

"Not enough," he growled, clenching his fist. "I need more strength."

yO!. sup? New chapter I hope you enjoy it.

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