
An Omega's Resurgence: A werewolf quest for love and revenge

Betrayed by both her mother, the alpha of her pack, his son and the lycan king, Raine finds herself in the hands of death. But fate intervened when a dying witch breathes new life into her, granting her a second at existence. Reborn as a Hexed Wolf, She was the ultimate hybrid with only one word on her mind:REVENGE. Using her new powers and knowledge of black magic, she brings down all who have hurt her, but what would happen if she finds herself falling in love with the same lycan king that betrayed her?

DaoistKLrWlX · 都市
5 Chs


Raine's point of view.

 The following day, the alpha arrived at My mother's home, his presence was commanding and intimidating. 

 "Raine!" My mother snapped barging into my room. "The alpha is here. Get dressed now."

 I looked at my mother, ever the opportunist.

 I knew she felt this was her chance to secure her future, using me no matter how grim mine might seem.

 "Yes," I said.

 With trembling hands, I did as I was told, slipping my small body into a simple yet elegant gown.

 My hair was styled in a modest braid and I applied lip stick.

"Let's go." Mother ordered.

"Y-Yes." I stuttered, my voice barely above a whisper.

 My heart hammered as I descended the staircase, steeling myself for what was to come.

 The alpha of our pack stood at the bottom of the stairs, his dark gaze fixed on me. "You," He said, his voice deep and commanding. "Come with me."

 I froze, my whole body numb. My mother gave me a firm shove forward.

 "Remember what I told you," she whispered, her voice a low hiss. "You are to be obedient and compliant. Your fate is sealed, girl. Make the best of it."

 I swallowed the lump in my throat,my stomach churning with dread as the alpha led me into a private chamber.

 The Alpha's presence loomed over me, his aura heavy and oppressive. 

He was a straightforward man and did not waste time in getting to the point.

 "You are a curse-bearer, just like my son," The alpha growled, pacing back and forth. "Your bloodlines have been cursed for centuries, and now you just both bear the burden of this legacy."

 My throat went dry, my hands clenching into fists. "What does that mean for us?" I asked, my voice quavering slightly.

 The alpha's eyes gleamed with cold, calculating light. 

"It means that you will be married," he declared his time brooking no argument. "Not for love, but for duty and survival of our pack. You will be the Luna in name only, while my son will serve as the alpha. Together you will produce heirs to carry on our line and ensure that our pack does not fall into disarray."

 My heart pounded, my mind reeling with the implications of the alpha's word. 

"But...what if I refuse?"

 I whispered, a giant flame of rebellion flickering to life within me.

 The alpha's eyes narrowed, his expression chilling as winter frost. "You will not refuse?" He snarled, his fingers curling into talons. "You will obey me or you will suffer the consequences. Remember , Raine, you are cursed and the curse demands a price."

 My breath caught in my throat,my body trembling with fear and anger. But I knew , deep down that I had no choice. My fate was sealed as surely as if I was already dead.

"I—I accept." I whispered, my voice barely audible.

 The Alpha of our pack nodded, a predatory smile curling his lips. "Good," he purred, stepping closer his breath hot against my skin. "You have made a wise decision. And from now on, you belong to the pack , body and would. And you will do whatever it takes to ensure that our legacy survives."

 My world spun, a fog of despair clouding my vision.

 But I knew , in my heart of hearts that I had no choice. I was a curse bearer and this was my destiny.

 I took a deep, shaky breath summoning the last of my courage.

 "What about my safety?" I asked, my voice quivering slightly. "Everyone knows that your son is a rogue, he is dangerous and all of his mates died under mysterious circumstances. What's to stop him from harming me?"

 The alpha's smile widened. "He may be a rogue, but he is still my son," he said, his voice smooth. " and he knows better than to disobey me. You will be safe Raine, as long as you remember your place and do as you were told."

 I swallowed hard, the truth of his words sinking in me.

 I was nothing more than a pawn in this game of power and legacy, a means to an end. 

And yet I knew that if I had no choice but to ally along, if only to survive.

 "And if I bear him a child?" I asked, my heart hammering in my chest. "Will I be allowed to raise my child?"

 The Alpha of our pack snorted, his laughter cold and mocking. "Of course not, " he said, his eyes flashing with amusement.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The child will be raised in the pack's nursery," The alpha continued, his tone dismissive. "It will be taught to be loyal to the pack, to serve its purposes. It will not be yours to love or yours to protect."

 My stomach lurched, my heart aching at the thought of my win child being taken away from me, to be raised in a world where he is nothing but a pawn to be used, to be raised in a world of brutality and cold calculation. 

But I knew I had no peer to stop it...

 "And my curse?" I whispered, my voice trembling. "What will become of me if I succumb to it? What will happen?"

 The alpha's smile vanished, his expression hardening like shine. 

"If you succumb to your curse," he growled, his voice low and dangerous, "then you will be put down like a rabid beast that you are. You are nothing but a common wolf who will serve her pack. You will not bring shame to my pack, Raine. Not while I am still alive and breathing."

 My blood ran cold, fear freezing my limbs and my whole body numb.

 I knew, in that moment that my life was hanging and I would do anything, endure any insults or hardship to avoid the fate that awaited me if I delayed.

"You will obey me or ... face what comes your way."