
An Italian in my life

"After you I came to understand why storms and hurricanes are named after people" (Book translated from Portuguese to English. Over ten thousand readers on Brazilian wattpad before being deleted from the same platform). Cibele never imagined that her destiny would have great twists and revelations. Her dream had always been to become a stylist who would be graced and valued all over the world. But she did not expect that in the final stage, her plans would fall apart and be so disastrous for her resume. Leaving her studies about fashion, possibilities, and a passing world, or at least she thought so, Cybele flees to Greece, to the bosom of her hometown to reunite with her family. There was only one resentment in her heart, the fact that she knew Apollo would be there, thinking about a possible re-engagement, but she felt that her love for her childhood sweetheart had ceased, and the secret that she had with her was one more reason that was inside her, and in a few months it would soon be discovered, or maybe not, as fate is always unpredictable when it comes to the people in our lives. A possible passion, improbabilities, suspicion, lies, secrets, omissions, certainties, truths, and a mix of feelings will tell the so promiscuous story of Cybele.

Isadoraalvezzz · 都市
43 Chs

Chapter thirty-seven.

The next morning, Alexia wakes up and goes straight to the bathroom. She's just finishing brushing her teeth, and then she wipes her hands on the towel and goes to pick up her cell phone.

The brunette looked up in amazement, a reply from her father, was in her email. She takes a deep breath and her fingers tremble. She fingered the lock button and locked the cell phone, put on her clothes and went downstairs.

She would meet Apollo at the cafe to study, since it was a holiday. But she didn't want to say anything, when she got there she was silent, and her hands were sweating wanting to tell him about the answer she had.

He plays with the food in the straw. "Are you going to tell me what's pissing you off or? Will I have to decipher?

She twisted her mouth and said quickly, "My dad answered me, and asked me against it, and worse is that I want to meet him, oh I don't know!" She leaned forward, rested her elbows on the table.

He half-smiled — Honestly! I don't know what to say, this is all so complicated." He popped a spring roll in his mouth and chewed and looked at her from the corner of his eyes narrowed.

"That's all you have to say!" ''That's complicated, right'' Then Paolo honestly, she rested her chin in the palm of her hand.

— I'm terrible at giving advice, you know, but I'm going with you! If you want, it's not good to go alone! - He rests a hand on the table, and looks at her - But the question is do you want to go?

She crossed her ankles, sitting more in the chair — Yes, and I will! She perked up, rocking back in her seat.

The girl's heart and body flutter at the thought that she is going to meet her father. She tucks her hair behind her ear and tries to hide her joy.

Alexia widened her eyes and spoke in a low tone, "But if we go, we can't tell anyone." She reached out with her right hand and spread her pinky finger across the table.

He spoke as he chewed, "What? I don't need to take that oath form! - He half-laughed, while she looks at him seriously - Okay! I promise not to tell anyone, but I honestly think I should! I promise not to say anything. He pressed his lips together in a smile.

- No! Paolo, what an idea this is! - She took a deep breath and said quickly: - We'll go, I'll talk to him a little, and ask some questions I always wanted to ask my father, introduce you and that's it! - She leaned back in her chair, and gave a half smile - But thanks for wanting to go with me!

He laced the pinky finger of his right hand through hers, dropping the toothpicks, and picking up a napkin, wiping the corner of his mouth.

"Of course I want to go, we're in this together!" Partners remember? - He licked his lips and gave a smile - Now eat something for God's sake!

"No, now let's study." She laughed and grimaced. "You're the only person in the world I know who eats Japanese food in the morning.

— In fact, I had stopped, but I made a point of getting out of the tension that is at home, he took a book and opened it leaning in his chair — I don't like that Alice, I know she's my nephew's mother more, I think she so forced.

"Yes, one hundred percent! I see her walking around the village with that air of superiority, when everyone knows that Apollo is only marrying her for the baby! She leaned back from her chair and flipped open the book. "Your brother in, how old-fashioned!" She emphasized frowning.

— Um, you talk about me, but you also like a gossip. Although I'll tell you Apollo doesn't look happy for someone who's getting married. He chuckled and looked at her with gleaming eyes.

She shook her head and turned her eyes to the book. He smiled shyly and looked at her slowly watching her, he loved the way she read, the sound of her voice to him was music.

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Cybele woke up with an unbearable headache, she opened her eyes but the light hurt a lot in her eyes, she stretched out on the bed slowly, took a look at her body, she was only in her underwear, she felt her strong arms, so she turns around and see Pietro.

Cybele swallowed hard and tried to remember last night, nothing came to her mind, she frowned and then he started to blink his eyes, stretching.

"Boungiorno!" he says rubbing his fingers over his eyelids.

(Translation: Bouungiorno = Good morning! In Italian)

Cybele doesn't answer, she just looked at him scared, afraid of the answer she would ask, sitting on her heels and her knees on her belly, she scratched her calf.

"Didn't we do what I think we did?" We did? She twisted her mouth, and closed her eyes, avoiding contact.

- Of course not! I'm a Signore! - Her expression closed in hard - Don't you remember?

(Translation: Signore = Gentleman! In Italian)

She shook her head, still with her eyes closed.

"You and I got really drunk, I said it wasn't good to go home like that, I asked you to sleep here, and you agreed!" — He scratched his beard and got up from the bed putting on his sandals — But then you saw the pool and begged us to jump in I said no, and you threw me in the pool, and since you were all wet that's why you slept so.

"My God, I'm terrible, sorry! - She got up hastily, and grabbed her dress quickly, the taste of stale food turned her stomach, along with the headache that only increased - Hey how can you look so good?

He took off the shirt that was tight and turned around — I don't get dry, it's a gift from me! - He shrugged his shoulders and smiled and stared at her - It's amazing how prettier you look in the morning! He ran his right hand through her hair, his heart pounding.

Cybele put on her dress, and left in a frenzy, Pietro walked behind her offering an invitation for her to stay for breakfast.

She opens the door and walks fast, she doesn't know what to think, that wasn't her style. He then stays in his suite not understanding anything!

He then stays in his suite not understanding anything!

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Cybele arrives at the village, walking looking at her shoes that seemed to be somehow changed she ended up bumping into someone, blushing the moment she saw Apollo's face on the stairs.

"Gee, where are you going in all this hurry?" He took her arm.

She takes a deep breath and looks into his eyes, those ocean eyes that both confused her and made her heart race.

— Oh, Apollo, honestly it's none of your business! - She said avoiding looking him in the eyes, and passed him quickly.

Avoiding the looks of his ex mother-in-law who looked at them in front of the bakery. She used rudeness to disguise the enormous desire she had to hug him.

Cybele arrives at the door, and she knocks and her grandmother opens it and she hugs her tightly. ''How good it is to be home, and to see her! She was safe from Pietro's tranquilizers''

'What happened to my daughter?' Did something happen? She looks like she saw the ghost. her grandmother asked with her hands on her cheeks.

— Worse than I saw grandma, a ghost from the past! She kisses her grandmother's forehead, and takes small steps into the house.

Dona Agnes looked down and said: — Girl, look at this! Cybele you are barefoot, but tell me what happened girl? - She says closing the door, with a curious expression.

— Oh, little voice, I left in such a hurry that I even forgot my shoes. - She smiled and lifted her chin - But nothing happened I swear! Then grandma I'll tell you everything, let me just take a shower. She untied her ponytail and shook out her hair.

Cibele said going up the stairs, going up the stairs, her grandmother put her hands on her earrings and thought ''There it is?''

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Cybele arrives at the village, walking looking at her shoes that seemed to be somehow changed she ended up bumping into someone, blushing the moment she saw Apollo's face on the stairs.

"Gee, where are you going in all this hurry?" He took her arm.

She takes a deep breath and looks into his eyes, those ocean eyes that both confused her and made her heart race.

— Oh, Apollo, honestly it's none of your business! - She said avoiding looking him in the eyes, and passed him quickly.

Avoiding the looks of his ex mother-in-law who looked at them in front of the bakery. She used rudeness to disguise the enormous desire she had to hug him.

Cybele arrives at the door, and she knocks and her grandmother opens it and she hugs her tightly. ''How good it is to be home, and to see her! She was safe from Pietro's tranquilizers''

'What happened to my daughter?' Did something happen? She looks like she saw the ghost. her grandmother asked with her hands on her cheeks.

— Worse than I saw grandma, a ghost from the past! She kisses her grandmother's forehead, and takes small steps into the house.

Dona Agnes looked down and said: — Girl, look at this! Cybele you are barefoot, but tell me what happened girl? - She says closing the door, with a curious expression.

— Oh, little voice, I left in such a hurry that I even forgot my shoes. - She smiled and lifted her chin - But nothing happened I swear! Then grandma I'll tell you everything, let me just take a shower. She untied her ponytail and shook out her hair.

Cibele said going up the stairs, going up the stairs, her grandmother put her hands on her earrings and thought ''There it is?''

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Julia was at the restaurant, she was finally able to sleep peacefully. Athena arrives in the kitchen and asks them to talk.

Julia thought it was about some marriage advice, or something about the church, so she is surprised, and unresponsive, to hear her daughter say:

"Mom, I know you know about Sebastian! He told me he told you about... - The redhead looked around suspiciously and completed the speech in a low tone: - About the operation! But mom, what I came here is because I want to know something, that day you came home drunk, you only spoke the name of a man...

Julia swallowed hard, and buried her hands in her hair — Giovanni Santoro! She said, interrupting Athena's speech, lowering her head — But what's wrong with him, my god in heaven? Oh daughter, I'm tired of this name, this story...

- History? Mom, you have something to do with this man, that's not good.. - She folded her hands in her lap. - Mom, I'm your daughter, you can trust me!

She hooked her feet around the legs of the chair — I had my daughter, no! I have nothing to do with Giovanni, but unfortunately we have something that unites us. - She scratched her upper lip and stared at Athena in silence, looking at her with an expression of someone who has something to say - He is Alexia's father, and I love my daughter! But how I wish she had another father...

Athena is in shock, not knowing what to say. She leans back in the white chair and gapes at her mother.

'So what do you say this is old?' She raised her eyebrows — And Alexia knows that right? That's why she stopped bugging you to find out who her father is! Athena turned her face to the side, and her cell phone started ringing in her purse.

- Daughter? Daughter won't answer? She put her hand in front of Athena's face.

Athena yawns and puts her right hand on the bag as she opens the bag looking for her cell phone— Yes, it's my chef! I'm supposed to be at work, she got up from her chair, pushing her away, — But this conversation isn't over yet, Mom! I want you to explain this story to me.

Julia sat in the chair throwing her whole body, and a vein of anger jumped out of her neck and forehead, even away Giovanni had disturbed her life, since he returned to appear in her life.

It only reinforced her thought ''Italian man is cursed''

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Stefan arrives from the hospital where he went to check on Iris' condition, when Gloria his housekeeper calls him into her office to talk.

"Sir Stefan, you know I've worked for you all my life, right? - She said putting her hands over her belly.

He nodded and replied: — Yes, Gloria! What was there? Why are you like this? She looks nervous.

Her face went white — It's just that last night I saw Alice drinking wine, and I scolded her! She told me that it wasn't normal and that pregnant women could, and she deflected it going up to her room, but we both know that's not true...

He put his hands in his pockets, and frowned, "What do you mean by that?"

His mouth twitched — That Miss Alice might not be pregnant! He widened his eyes.

A line appeared between her brows "Oh, that's impossible!" He took small steps to his chair and drummed his fingers on it.

She looked at him and said: — Mr Stefan, with all due respect you rub her head a lot! I know that he gave you the inheritance, as I also know that you are afraid of losing it, even if you have already lost Ricardo, may God be with him! — She moved her arms, making the sign of the cross and blew a kiss in the air — But believe me, Stefan, she's not that girl who liked science and braided hair anymore, something about her has changed... — She pressed her lips together.

"Glory my daughter is pregnant!" She's getting married, tonight we're going to her engagement dinner and that's the end of this conversation ok? He pulled out the chair and sat in it.

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Cybele offered to stay with Iris at the hospital, as Tereza was very tired. But her happy daughter had moved her fingers.

She walks to her cousin's room, when she finds two nurses and a doctor entering Iris' room, but it wasn't the same usual doctor, so she knits her eyebrows and enters the room right after.

— Hello good afternoon! Why are you here. — Cybele said holding the door.

The doctor is startled with the syringe in his hand, — Hello, it's just a medical procedure please wait outside.

Cybele takes two steps towards them —But who told you to do this procedure? She shook her head and looked around. "You're not the doctor who follows my cousin's case!"

He then closed his face and spoke harshly: — Ah ma'am, you need to leave. - Lift your breasts so that it is firm.

Cybele raised the corner of her mouth, and raised her eyebrows and said in a firm tone, "No, I'm not leaving here until you tell me what procedure this is?" Cybele stamped her foot.

The two nurses then passed her and left the room in a hurry, and to the surprise of the doctor who remained, Dr. Claudio, who was accompanying Iris's coat, entered her room. At the same time the doctor hid the syringe inside his coat pocket.

—"Cybele, how are you?" — He turned his face towards the other doctor who was holding the syringe — Doctor Matheus, what are you doing here?

He bit the corner of his mouth, he was highly nervous, and sweating a little, so he said softly, "Nothing, I just got the patient wrong, have a good day!" He left, bowing his head.

— Doctor, that man was going to inject something into my cousin's serum!

— Which? He said startling. "Cybele are you sure?" He glared at her.

Before she can even respond, Iris lets out a moan, and moves her hands slowly. They approach.

Iris wakes up slowly and bats her eyelashes slowly, everything in her body hurts but nothing hurts more than the words Alice spoke in her ears.

Her blood boils and she looks at Cybele who has the relief and joy of seeing her cousin well, the doctor smiling still confused.

"Iris, thank God!" I missed you so much. - Cybele hugs the Cousin and tears fill her eyes. "They were going to want to do something with you, but I didn't let them, I didn't!" She pats her cousin's forehead.

Iris tries to speak but her voice fails, Cybele asks the doctor to fetch water, she didn't trust leaving her cousin alone.

Iris drinks the water and speaks slowly:

"Yes, I know, I know!" Iris says with wide eyes, terrified. distant and bitter tears run down her face. "I ask for my baby!" Ci what pain I'm feeling, my baby I lost.

But there was a problem there, Iris couldn't feel her legs. Her lower back also hurt a lot, but soon she felt it again because she got excited in bed, her cousin asked for calm and started talking again.

Her heart was in a thousand pieces. Cybele puts her hand on her shoulder trying to calm her cousin who doesn't want a hug, she was upset.

Cybele speaks loudly: — What? Are you sure of it, Iris this is serious, today she is going to marry...

— Apollo I know, she came here to pay me a visit, said horrible things, I was motionless just listening without being able to answer anything Ci — Iris clenches her fists and takes a deep breath taking the sheet off her, slammed her fist on the table Beside the bed.

"Hey, are you really okay to get out of this bed?" She wasn't sure what to do. She crossed her ankles in front of her. "Tonight is the engagement dinner!" Do you think it will be okay to go there?

— Well? No Cybele I'm torn apart, I lost my baby because of her, and another thing she's not pregnant, this proposal is based on a hoax! — She gestured with her hands — Come cousin, let's prevent an engagement! She said lifting her chin.

Cybele is speechless in the face of Iris' revelations, everything seemed like something out of a movie, a clueless villain, she comes back from the trance that was wrapped in her thoughts.

Helping cousin out of bed. The doctor asks Iris to stay, insisting. But she says no, and Cibele helps her get to the Uber, to take Iris home, they would stop that wedding.