
Lunch break

As soon as it was time for lunch break....The students were seen rushing to the cafeteria to relieve the hunger and thirst.

Natalia and Nelly arrived ahead of the boys and made themselves comfortable.

So you couldn't get yourselves something to eat while waiting for us Shawn commented as soon as he got to their table.

Baby... Nelly whined to him in a low voice.

Why don't you get something for the four of us to eat Natalia asked while looking at George.

Of course it has become a normal thing now George said as he rolled his eyes.

But Natalia shot him a glared and he cleared his voice

he said at your service ma'am.

Good now run along like a good boy Natalia said in a fake British accent.

Lia Nelly called as she burst out laughing with the boys.

Let's go Shawn....George said as he dragged him along.

Soon the all settled and started eating.

As Nelly grabbed an apple to munch on she asked no one in particular....when do we start our group reading?

I recommend we devote an hour each day after school to read in the library before we go home Natalia replied.

We should as give two hours of reading on weekends...the problem is whose house are we going to use for weekend reading George asked the group.

For that I recommend Lia's house but that will be if she's willing Nelly said as she stared at Natalia.

Alright my house then is decided Natalia gave them permission.

So when is the activity going to start today or tomorrow Shawn asked the question bugging him.

I recommend tomorrow because we have to inform our parents about this shift George said to Shawn's delight.

Since we are done eating let's go back to the Class...lunch time is almost up Natalia said as she got up.

They all left for class.