
Everything in details

Thank you for the food mom...

Anytime my baby.

What about me kiddo why don't you thank me as well?

I will start doing that when you fulfill all the monetary promises you made to me.

Such a heartless sister I have Austin said as he wiped a fake tear.

Stop being such a drama boy you are in the army for God's sake.

So what if I'm in the army? can't I have fun with my kiddo again? Natalia only rolled her eyes to that.

So Natalia tell us everything that happened in school in details don't leave anything out.

Alright mom... so I met your friend's daughter in school today.

Which of my friends daughter did you meet baby?

well is aunty Jane's daughter Nelly.

1,2,3..... mom breath Natalia laughed as she observed her mom's reaction.

Remind me again why you were so against me going to the other school that I choosed myself mom? no wait I know the answer to that.... you wanted me to have someone that I can make friends with because you didn't want me to go on with my quiet and peaceful life.

Well for starters Nelly is a nice girl you won't believe she was the first person to talk to me inspite be being a new student.

I always knew you two will kick off right if you met each other and am glad my intuition was correct.

I nearly blew it off by almost lying to her because I wanted to keep a low profile in school but she somehow managed to know that I wasn't from an ordinary family so in the end I had to come clean with her. She is a bit crazy but she will be a welcomed influence, I Like her already...

I'm glad you do baby.

So Austin I recall she told me that you hangout with her and and brother Richard.

Well... yeah he is my best friend and we are also in the same army school.

Now that I said it could you believe that someone doesn't brag about how beautiful his sister is to his friends?

calm down kiddo is nothing of that sort.

Whenever I mentioned you Richard will start asking when you are coming back....it is just irritating.

Well I would have to meet him to know the kind of person he is but that will be if am going to come to the dinner party.

You are coming young lady and that's it.... no excuse this time. I want you to meet them and be friends with them too. Just give them a chance baby.... I know they won't disappoint.

Alright mom but only for you but I'm going with one of my novels just incase I feel tired from talking to them deal? it's a deal baby. Alright then.