

Richard slow down....Austin called from behind as he hurried up to catch up with him.

What's up man you have been avoiding me since the last time we had dinner at your house....is something wrong Austin asked with a frown.

Chill out dude all is well Richard answered as he tried to keep to keep his composure.

Is it because of your feelings for my sister Austin asked as he came forward with the issue.

Look we are at camp let's leave all the sentiments aside and focus on the mission Richard said as he walked away.

We are still going to have this conversation someday so why are you trying to run away from it Austin queried.

Someday but not today Richard retorted.

Alright I give up Austin slumped his shoulders and left.

Meanwhile in school Natalia was with her group studying in the library.

Alright Nelly tell us more on the topic syntax Natalia asked to which Nelly gave a detailed explanation.

After the rounded up reading George asked if any one had a maths problem.

About that Uhmmm...there is one topic I have been finding hard Nelly said.

Which topic is that babe Shawn asked with a worried frown.

MENSURATION!!! Nelly shouted as she broke into a fit of laugh.

Mehnnn you sure are crazy Natalia said as she chuckled.

Well it is still a mathematics topic you know Nelly said while slyly smirking.

Let's go...the guard will be here to lock the library soon George said as he stood up.

My driver will be here soon I almost forgot about him Nelly said as she packed up.

As they reached the gate they found out that their ride had long arrived.

I guess we don't have to wait for them today Shawn chuckled.

Well till tomorrow fellas Natalia announced and they boarded their ride home.