
One Night

Sara and her little sister Mili were sleeping in their rooms. Accompanying them was their little puppy Gruly. She was named so because she has curly hairs, which were hanging through her body. She was 4 month old.

When everyone fell asleep Sara woke up suddenly. And walk passing by Gruly. She was dreaming of her very old friend ,Abel. Whom she loved a lot and he loved her back. Sara never understood the mystery behind his sudden death. He always used to say her "I will soon go to meet myself, to discover who I am." And Sara found the thing most silly, which really doesn't make any sense.

She was astonished where she is standing at that point of time. She was standing at a place where they used to meet each other. Spend some quality time. They make out time from their busy schedule to spend some time together.

She could hear someone calling her name, someone is calling her name in pain, someone is begging her to help her. She opened her eyes. And saw Mili calling her name. And asking her to come back, she was growling at her.

That was the day when Sara realized that she can walk in dreams. She can do everything while she is sleeping. Anything which she misses a lot and wants to do. During daytime everybody can watch her doing such things, and will pass judgement. So her brain choose the midnight time the perfect one.

The next day she woke up with numb and tired eyes. She got ready to go to office.

"When will you come back home?" Mili asked.

"Today I have to attend a party at my colleague's house, so may be I will stay there tonight." answered Sara.

"Don't go for a walk tonight at any unknown place like last night." Mili mocked.

Sara gave her an anger look, picked up her bag and moved out.

That night Sara had lots of drink to overcome the nightmare of last night. And by no time she slept.

Now she could see the boy of her dreams came to him and asked her for another drink. And she didn't refuse. They had drinks. They spoke good words to each other. He took her to a place which was beautifully decorated garland of scented flowers. A kind of heaven it was. And he gifted her a stone pendant. Which she genuinely loved.

"Don't open this, even don't look at it more than three times a day. You yourself can feel its presence on your neck. And don't show this to anyone otherwise you don't know what could happen with us." he said.

"Sure. Okay." nodded Sara.

Now she could hear jingle sounds, bang -bang boom-boom sounds. And she woke up.

She saw the home is empty. And her colleague Myra is doing aerobics.

"Good Morning dear" said Sara.

"Oh! good morning" said Myra.

You were tired last night I guess. So i didn't bother you to wake up. And let you sleep. She smiled at her.

Get fresh, I have made cheese sandwiches for both of us. And let's get ready for office.

Myra was continuously talking. And Sara was thinking about the dream that she had last night.

"Who was that boy? Was he really Abel? Does we ever met? Do we know each other? Or it was just a dream? And what was that pendant all about, does that indicate something." Sara thought.

"Where were you going last night, almost at 12:30 a.m?" Myra questioned her.

Sara was astonished by the statement.

"Oh God! Again" she thought.

"I was finding washroom."

"Its here only at your left side room." Myra said.

"Thanks a lot!" Sara half smiled and said.

"Are you done? Lets go then." Myra asked.

And they both took a cab and went straight to office.

On the way to office Sara's eyes stuck on a park. It was an old park. Where few children comes to play. And there was a garland of flowers. Same as she dreamt. She could feel something in her neck. But didn't gain courage to look at it.

So she stopped the cab there. And went straight to the park. And the park completely looked like the park from her last night dream.

She doesn't invest her time there. And went straight to astrologer. She doesn't respond to phone calls. Mili tried to reach her and dropped a voice message to her.

She went to astrologer, where they said it was nothing but something from your previous birth. She was unsatisfied with the answer.

And went to psychiatrist, and he listened her with great patience. And asked her to show the pendant. But she refused out of fear. So he asked her close her eyes. And tore the pendant and threw it. And she screamed with pain. As if her body is attached to something and she felt pain when that pendant was torn from her body.

And then she was upset for the things that happened to her by last few years.

She went home. And sleep silently.And at that night nothing happened. She woke up in the morning. And saw Mili baking bread for them Gruly was roaming, everything was normal. Mili didn't poke her for those situations.

So, she asked her by her own about last few days. Mili said nothing happened of that kind.

She went out. And went to see that park but there was a central mall. She then go to the psychiatrist, he refused to recognize her.

She then realized it was the dream itself which bothered her and because she wore that stone pendant she saw all those things.All those mischievous things happened to her. There were nobody like Myra in her office. The look of her office was different, on the way to park it was straight street, no small buildings.

The pendant contained her dream, the life she wants to live, friends, party, own rules. Her long time love who died in an accident, who kept everything private, and left a chance to make her feel special. And because the pendant slip off her neck. The dream remained undone. And it was an incomplete dream for her which she genuinely fantasies of thinks of all these things.

Everything that comes in dream doesn't mean it is present in your real life, it maybe the fantasy which haunts you, which encourages you to move on, and try to fulfill your dreams no matter what will happen next. Doesn't matter you can have everything as per your wish, but if you will not dream you will not get to know what you have to do next, so keep dreaming no matter what happens next.