
An Extra's Guide to Surviving

''This can only be a joke. Right?'' Leonardo Grasso, a renowned Italian soldier, opened his eyes only to find himself confronted with a new reality. The reality of a novel. He had now become a student of magic within a clichéd tale. The protagonist? An all-powerful individual whose sole focus is aiding others. The mighty relics and items? Scattered across the continent, eagerly awaiting the protagonist's arrival. And what about Leonardo? He's nothing more than an inept supporting character who knows nothing of magic. An insignificant nameless nobody, to make matters worse! Armed with his almost nonexistent knowledge and equipped with a mysterious System, Leonardo will rise! He will prove that magic is not everything in combat. Feeling like a supporting character as well? Well, what are you waiting for?! Grab your quill and take note, for this is the Ultimate Survival Guide for Extras in a fantastical world!

okaysuredudee · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Gift Assignment (2)

[''Gift number 1'' has been opened], was the first thing that Auxilium announced after I pressed 'Yes'.

[A message has been left in the attached item by the All-Seeing One.]

[It reads: 'Enjoy. This is a contractual compensation for the things you will have to endure. Lucky human. Not many have received such things from me.]

A faint and low hiss emerged, reminiscent of the previous 'Ding.'

Could this be the sound chosen by the System—or who devised it; whoever that person or entity may be—to signify when something 'pleasant' occurred for me?

[Congratulations, dear user! You have been bestowed with a unique-grade item,] Auxilium continued, enthusiasm coloring its tone. [Yet, this item exists outside the confines of this world's expansions. It holds a puzzling aura, defying classification as either a 'relic' or an 'artifact'.]

A relic or artifact would suit me well, as they were both rare and powerful.

But just having something other than "wind" and "air"—in other words, absolutely nothing—at my disposal, already alleviated a part of my anguish.

[The inspection process has been completed without any major issues. No curses have been detected. No malicious external magic has been detected. It is impossible for the item in question to cause any harm to you. So, rest assured, dear user.]

I should be relieved by the content of that message... I suppose?


[The item 'Book of Tales' has been acquired. It has been automatically stored in your inventory.]

That was merely the first gift. Right?

I had been cautious about relying too heavily on the System, as I had previously mentioned. However, up until that moment, it had shown great promise, bestowing upon me some generous offerings.

And, truth be told, I struggled to contain my bubbling excitement.

I mean, couldn't a middle-aged man (in conscience, that is) enjoy himself? Even a little?

I lived two decades with guns and knives around my neck, so a few minutes getting delighted about that kind of thing was no problem.

It was actually a good thing.

[Please wait a moment...]

I looked down. It didn't take long for Auxilium to finish the necessary procedures, and once again, it began.

A new wave of messages, pertaining to the second gift, appeared.

[''Gift number 2'' has been opened.]

Yet, instead of unveiling its contents, the message halted.

[Error! An unknown error has occurred...] it abruptly concluded.

Silence fell. I waited for several tens of seconds, and, again, nothing changed at all.

The messages remained frozen in place, leaving me with my own unsettling thoughts.

The silence stretched on, filling the air with a thick fog of uncertainty.

What could have gone wrong?

[Apologies] Auxilium's message appeared in my mind. [An unexpected error has occurred.]

I furrowed my brow, the excitement fading away.

[Gift number 2 will be delivered in a different manner. I will strictly adhere to the guide provided by the All-Seeing One.]

[You may experience some discomfort. Please be prepared for it.]

A tingling sensation coursed through my arm.

It originated from the spot where I had touched the System's screen, spreading up to my neck. Gradually, the sensation subsided, until it became imperceptible.

Though very faint, causing a few slight twitches in my neck and arm, it was still present. The sensation hadn't vanished; it had merely diminished.

In an attempt to shed light on the situation, Auxilium guided me to read several introductions.

When I finished, he placed me at another crossroads.

[You now have access to 'gift number 2'. A 'transfer' procedure has been activated to facilitate the necessary adjustments.]

[The user may experience slight discomfort or temporary shock sensations.]

[Would you like to materialize it? Please be aware that this decision is irreversible.]


[Time remaining: 15 seconds.]

[Note: if the user fails to make a decision, 'no' will be automatically selected. 'Gift number 2' will be permanently deleted from your inventory and can no longer be obtained by any means.]

A timer? And why such little time?

It felt like the System didn't want to give me enough time to think properly.

Could it be a trap?

Gift number 1 didn't have anything like this.

Nevertheless, I didn't hesitate and pressed 'yes', not dwelling too much on the consequences.


[Congratulations, user! You have acquired the item 'Promise'!]

[In order for you to use it seamlessly, some modifications need to be made to your body. Luckily, the All-Seeing One has provided you with a cost-free 'Beginner's Package'!]

[Using the 'Beginner's Package'...]

What followed that message was exactly as the System had warned.

The electrifying sensation pulsed in my neck, spreading to every inch of my flesh and muscles.

The problem was that it was much more painful than what Auxilium had described.

My entire body received intense shocks, as if I were in a pool where an electrical cable had fallen.

I trembled, barely managing to contain the urge to scream. I collapsed from the chair, taking it down with me onto the smooth floor of my sparsely furnished room.

"A-Aagh," I groaned uncontrollably—my mechanism to suppress the screams—as I writhed like an otter.

That pain surpassed anything I had ever experienced in my previous life.

It felt like I was on the brink of death once again. Had I made a mistake by accepting that gift?

[The process is 60% complete.]

The System chimed.

[The process is 70% complete.]

And it chimed again.

Amidst the searing pain, my consciousness began to fade.

Would the wolf pay me another visit? I wondered.

[The process is 80% complete. Hang on a little more, user.]

Damn. I couldn't fathom how gruesome the scene must appear, with me writhing in this body.

But I persevered, gritting my teeth.

[The process is 100% complete.]

[We have reached full resolution, user,] the System announced.

I slowly read the fragmented message, the pulsating ache still present in my bones and muscles.

[The gift has been received with minimal issues. Opening connection.]

And an even stranger phenomenon unfolded.

The pain swiftly diminished, leaving me immobilized.

In that very moment, a slight tremor coursed through me—as if a gentle earthquake were transpiring—and seconds later, I felt as though there was an expansive echoing space within my mind.

"Wow..." I murmured unconsciously.

On my right annualry, sudden burn marks and small strands of static electricity stretched towards the center. They flickered back and forth.

It didn't take long for them to converge into an unsightly bundle.

To my surprise, however, what appeared there was a ring; a ring that I vividly remembered wearing at all times in my past life.

The ring my brother had given me when I graduated high school.

The last thing I had from him.

Something I could never forget.

But I had no time to appreciate it.

On the other side of the room, something was hurtling towards me. I didn't have time to react when it shot like a bullet to hit me.

[The connection has been established.]

A mere touch on my forehead from "that thing" was enough.

And I fell...

Fell deeeeeeeeep (really deep) into some kind of slumber.

And all the memories I had slammed into me like crashing into a solid brick wall.

First, a vivid flash of standing on stage, celebrating with a small piece of paper in my hands.

Subsequently, watching David ride his bike across the street for the first time.

Finally, to end that flashback moment, his little foot hitting the brake, causing him to fall flat on the road, while I ran, desperate to help him.

And then it hit me like a fucking truck. In an instant, everything went complete dark.

The thoughts, the pains, the memories, the worries: everything disappeared.

I had fainted.


[Discovering Your True Self (Once Again)!]

[Through extensive research conducted by Auxilium, this concise guide provides an overview of your New Body, its new abilities, and detailed descriptions of the powers you have obtained so far!]

[This exclusive guide is reserved for hand-picked 'Candidates' chosen by the esteemed Gate of Truth decision-making team.]

[Please note that this message has been automatically generated by the System.]

As I regained consciousness, the first thing that greeted my tired eyes, illuminated by the morning sun that streamed into the disheveled room, were messages from the System.

After enduring that grueling "torture session," my body felt remarkably lighter than ever before.

"I think I got it." I absorbed every bit of information I could.

There wasn't much more to it.

The homepage resembled an expansive brochure waiting to be thoroughly explored.

Just below, a button beckoned, inviting me to 'Confirm Reading Completion.'

Everything seemed straightforward. Once again, the System treated me as if I were a complete fool. I didn't protest; this approach would expedite things.

The brochure was visually appealing, featuring a whitish layout adorned with a few illustrations.

One could envision a striking depiction reminiscent of Da Vinci's renowned study of the human body, with a naked figure enveloped in pulsating energy where the anatomical figure used to be.

[It's Not Just a Valueless Package - It's a Transformative Package] was the headline.

I chuckled softly, recalling sensationalist articles from my previous world. The System had written it as if it were one of those shameless reporters.

[If you're reading this, you have surely noticed the ring attached to your new body. It is not merely a cosmetic feature. Your new acquisition ('Promise') contains an impressive set of abilities and functionalities that work in conjunction with the System, Auxilium, to strengthen the user.]

[It is important to note: Do not attempt to remove the ring! Doing so will only cause you pain! It is impossible to remove it by conventional means in this world.]

[It is also worth mentioning that your body is now slightly more powerful! As a result of using the 'Beginner's Pack,' you will feel healthier for longer and better equipped to fulfill your duties as a recruit in service of the Discipline Academy! But fear not; this is just the beginning of the improvements you will find in your body and System!]

[If you wish to learn more, ask the System directly.]

[Have you finished reading?]

After reading and rereading multiple times, I pressed the completion box.

"How do your functionalities work, Auxilium?" I inquired.

After a brief delay, he responded.

[It's quite simple. If you're referring to my functioning, I'm always available to assist you - as long as you're alive. With the established connection, I can now receive instructions more clearly through the sound of your voice.]

[Would you like to know more?]

With limited things to do, I began, "Yes. Auxilium," and continued. "Are you intelligent by any chance?"

[Not at all. If that concerns you, rest assured. There's no need to dwell on it. Auxilium is equipped with a natural language processor and other systems to understand questions and comments, providing responses that may create the impression of intelligence. However, Akashic Systems like Auxilium itself are not inherently intelligent. This is an automated response to a frequently asked question, for example.]

"What can you do? Could you show me the extent of your abilities?" I tried to keep it concise.

[Of course! With pleasure, Striga!]

[ may not have made this clear before, but I possess a range of abilities that can be useful on your journey in this world. Given the nature of the content, would you like to see a formatted list?]

I drummed my fingers on the floor where I was sitting.

"Please do," I replied.

With a "Ting!", a gigantic list appeared before my eyes.

[If you want to see a list of subcategories, please select a topic and say 'Expand [example-category]'. To perform an action, please say 'Open [example-category]'.]

[This action can be configured according to the user's preferences later on.]

Stretching my fingers, I scanned the list with hope.

Apparently, there were few things that Auxilium couldn't do.

Auxilium could translate texts and inscriptions in languages that nobody, not even experts, could comprehend, making them coherent for me.

It could create and download reports like a USB drive.

It could replay "memories" as if they were videos, though there was a defined limit to this option, as stated in the corner.

It could store a variety of items and equipment to my desired capacity, with a weight limit. It also stored incredible amounts of data from both my current and previous life.

Moreover, it had an option to perform calculations so complex that not even Einstein could manage.

Finally, in addition to the tabs for abilities, overview, and others, I noticed it could diagnose illnesses and offer healing suggestions.

Many of these features were either grayed out or restricted, indicating that they would be activated over time or had limitations.

The options I mentioned earlier, for example, were subject to restrictions that could render them almost ineffective.

But it was better than having nothing to help me at all.

"Auxilium," I said. "Expand [Overview]."


[Name: Regulus Bartholomew Frontera (Leonardo Grasso)]

[Talent(s): Natural Fighter; Blood and Bones; A Weapon for Me!]

[Age: 16]

[Title(s): None]

[Achievement(s): None]

[Abilitie(s): None - 0 points available]



[Available stat points: 0]

[Strength: 4]

[Agility: 4]

[Endurance: 5]

[Intelligence: 14]

[Magic: 2]

[Luck: 1]

As described in the novels I once read, the System had a very simplistic layout. It was kind of rustic for something that was supposed to be ''modern'' and ''futuristic''.

Obviously, it reminded me of the character evolution screen of some games I played as a teenager.

But the news I got when I opened [Overview] wasn't exactly the best.

I wasn't sad at all. Disappointment would be the right word to say, but I already expected such a result.

In a way, the numbers, especially intelligence and resilience, seemed more pleasing than I had initially imagined.

"Do the same for the talents, abilities, and items," I explicitly requested. "If possible, provide a brief summary of them."

[Below is a brief description of each chosen category.]

[Let's start with the abilities. The user currently does not possess any abilities. However, the abilities they learned in their past life can be easily obtained through the System!]

[This also applies to abilities that can be acquired in this new world.]

[Available abilities for learning: 427~]

[Note: There are two ways to acquire new abilities - through experience and repetition (which is more challenging), or by using points in the Abilities tab. Currently, you have 0 ability points.]


[Now to the items. You have two items with you, at this moment] said Auxilium.

[Book of Tales]

[Type: Item (not native to this world)]

[Description: It is a small, intricate pocket-sized book with blank pages. It can be described as surprisingly beautiful for its kind. It fits in the hand of even a 5-year-old child. Only the user can see it.]

[Effect(s): Locked.]

[Cooldown: Unknown]

[Note! To unlock its functionalities, reach 20 intelligence!]



[Type: Item (not native to this world)]

[Description: "A promise never fulfilled." A ring filled with the memories of a family that endured various traumas over the years. It is impossible to remove through conventional means.]

[Effect(s): 1- Evoker: You can easily connect with mana and other energies, if you know how to do it. 2- Locked. 3- Locked. 4- Locked. 5- Locked.]

[Cooldown: Unknown]

[Note! To unlock the next effect, reach 5 mana!]

Nothing out of the ordinary. Stat growth would lead to unlocking new equipment options.

That was a little interesting -- not so much for me, actually, since all my stats bordered on mediocrity.


[Last, the Talents. To be clear, talents are soulbond abilities that enhance your overall capabilities and provide unique advantages in specific areas.]

[Natural Fighter]

[Type: Talent]

[Description: Your innate fighting abilities are exceptional, giving you an advantage in combat situations.]

[Effect: Enables easier point gain in physical-type statistics. Learning new martial arts styles will be a less arduous task for the user.]

[Cooldown: none.]


[Blood and Bones]

[Type: Talent]

[Description: you have a deep understanding of anatomy and physiology, allowing you to exploit your opponents' weaknesses and maximize your own strengths.]

[Effect: This talent grants you an advantage in combat, as you can target vital areas with precision and leverage your knowledge to gain an upper hand in battles. Whether it's exploiting pressure points or understanding how to strengthen your own physical abilities, your expertise in anatomy gives you an edge.]

[Cooldown: none.]


[A Weapon for Me!]

[Type: Talent]

[Description: ...]

As I glanced over the words that described that final talent, I felt a surge of excitement.

Satisfied, a faint smile appeared on my lips without me even realizing it.

"This could prove to be useful," I squeezed my fingers. "Very useful indeed."

If you find any error, let me know; vote with your powerstones and comment your thoughts too if you want more chapters :D

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