
An Extra's Guide to Surviving

''This can only be a joke. Right?'' Leonardo Grasso, a renowned Italian soldier, opened his eyes only to find himself confronted with a new reality. The reality of a novel. He had now become a student of magic within a clichéd tale. The protagonist? An all-powerful individual whose sole focus is aiding others. The mighty relics and items? Scattered across the continent, eagerly awaiting the protagonist's arrival. And what about Leonardo? He's nothing more than an inept supporting character who knows nothing of magic. An insignificant nameless nobody, to make matters worse! Armed with his almost nonexistent knowledge and equipped with a mysterious System, Leonardo will rise! He will prove that magic is not everything in combat. Feeling like a supporting character as well? Well, what are you waiting for?! Grab your quill and take note, for this is the Ultimate Survival Guide for Extras in a fantastical world!

okaysuredudee · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Gift Assignment (1)

[Greetings! Welcome again, user.]

[To unlock the functionalities of the System, registration is required. Please enter your name in the designated space for action.]

[Put your name here: ___________________.]

The golden words that shimmered before my eyes, refused to be dismissed as a mere illusion. They coiled and danced, tugging at my senses, too vivid to be a figment conjured by my mind.

No, these words held a weight, a truth that whispered through the fabric of my being.

That could only mean one thing; there was no denying it now: that was a System.

A System, huh?

I shouldn't be surprised by something like that in a world as peculiar as this one, yet this kind of thing still elicits a sense of wonder.

This is a concept woven repeatedly into the tapestry of countless tales; it's a clichéd fantasy setting utilized by numerous renowned authors to facilitate the growth of their characters.

From what I know, this is usually applied to the main protagonists and great villains.

David had mentioned it, and as I recall my days as a casual player of Bota 2, the echoes of its familiarity resonate within me.

Furthermore, I recall delving into some works featuring this concept—I had studied a bit about the LitRPG genre to assist David in his story planning.

The swirling doubts lingered in my mind as I contemplated the notion of this "implantation" within my brain, as the ethereal message had proclaimed. Was it a boon or a bane?

I couldn't discern its true nature.

Truly, it all depended on the utility it would bestow upon me, didn't it? If it facilitated my path to empowerment, then it held the promise of being a valuable ally.

But what if, by some caprice of destiny, this enigmatic entity turned against me?

In the past, David regaled me with tales of protagonists who became too reliant on their Systems, only to suffer dire consequences.

We shared hearty laughter at their naivety and lack of foresight.

Nevertheless, now, I found myself questioning: would I succumb to the same pitfalls as those ill-fated heroes?

Am I even a hero, to begin with?

Fuck, I clicked my tongue in vexation.

I'm starting to think like a bloody character from some cheap novel. Surely, the time I've spent in this place is slowly affecting my mind.

Nevertheless, upon careful consideration, I must admit that a System isn't entirely without merit.

It possesses a vast array of potential uses. Particularly for someone like me who is treading the treacherous path of self-improvement, desperately seeking the strength to endure the looming perils of the impending future.

In truth, I remain a novice, teetering on the precipice of my own mediocrity. I repeat it like a mantra, acknowledging my own weakness (and let me assure you, it is a profound weakness).

I mean, they have at their disposal the boundless power of magic and a treasure trove of mystical artifacts.

With but a flick of their wand or a whispered incantation, they could erase me from the face of this Earth. Meanwhile, I possess the wisdom of modern martial arts and the strategic prowess of advanced combat tactics.

In an honest confrontation, it's glaringly obvious who would emerge victorious.

I find myself at a loss for how to properly react. That's why my thoughts were swirling in this nonsensical whirlwind.

To embrace a reality from a novel so willingly goes against the norm; I, too, took my time to come to terms with it. And to make matters worse and further complicate things, now I have a blasted System.

This was not meant for me. I should not have one. It was destined for the chosen one, the protagonist of this world.

Killian Lyurei. The one who would later be hailed as the "Holy Cataclysm" and the "Archdemon Hunter."

And this was not who I was.

Still in a state of bewilderment, I reached out my hand. As soon as my fingers made contact with the translucent surface of that soaring, logic-defying window, a small keyboard materialized, attaching itself to the corner.

[Put your name here: ___________________.]

[A B C D E F...]

Based on what it said before, that System seemed to know the name of this body: Regulus B. Frontera. Perhaps that wolf had something to do with it?

I contemplated a myriad of things, from the names of once-idolized celebrities in my old world to the name of the toothpaste David used to clean his mouth in the morning.

And then, something came to mind.

The definitive decision flashed before me like a light at the end of the tunnel.

Without hesitation, I typed it. In the next instant, I clicked [Proceed].

The window changed in the beat of a heart.

[You have declared your name as 'Striga.' Know that this name will be used in the Akashic Records as your identification from now on.]

[Do you wish to confirm?]


I pressed 'yes' without much thought.

[The decision has been successfully made.]

[The System has been restarted.]

A few seconds passed with nothing happening. I sat there on the bed, motionless, staring at the ceiling like a fool. If anyone saw me, they would think I was mad or decrepit. Well, at a certain point, they wouldn't be entirely wrong.

[The functions have been successfully enabled!]

[You now have access to the Skills tab.]

[You now have access to the Overview tab.]

[You now have access to the System.]

[Some functions might still be locked.]

I felt a sharp pang behind my eye, as if a needle had pierced through.

[The 'Enhanced Performance' mode has been automatically enabled. Your eyes have been adjusted to the System's will. They will no longer easily tire. The navigation and interaction with System options have been simplified.]

With that final message, I set aside all my thoughts for a moment, leapt out of bed with precision, and walked over to the cabin's sink.

I looked at my new face in the mirror. I had done this hundreds of times before. Yet, it still remained a sight to behold.

Reflected there was not me. Leonardo Grasso could not be seen anywhere but in my own mind.

This new body, twenty-two years younger than the "me" from Earth, brought with it a host of implications.

I looked down from top to bottom. My hair was still full, but of a nearly colorless dark brown. It hadn't changed much from my previous incarnation.

The rest of the body, however, was an unusual thing, that is.

The eyes were impossible to ignore. They were different from before.

This new body of mine had moss-green eyes—a murky green, but with intriguing golden flecks. I had read somewhere that color spots in the iris were nothing more than additional fatty tissue.

So, in short, "I" had fat eyes.

Not surprising at all.

Nevertheless, if they were fat before, they were certainly obese now. It was as if they were reflecting a light that the mirror itself couldn't decipher.

They were golden from the pupil to the edge, where they took on a greener hue than the original. The rim of the iris remained the same: a deep emerald green.

Golden strands of that yellow-gold hue converged towards the depths of my pupils. They formed unmistakable slits, constricted by an otherworldly light that bathed the mirror.

With a determined flick, I extinguished that light, plunging the room into darkness save for the ethereal glow of the floating LED before me.

[The 'Cat Eyes' option has been automatically activated.]

In my previous state, my eyes would have been absolutely blind to anything beyond the murky veil. The closed bathroom door intensified the dimness, wrapping the space in shadows.

However, my "new" eyes swiftly adapted. Despite the undeniable darkness, I could discern every object with clarity. I turned my gaze back to the mirror, captivated by my own reflection.

My eyes, dilated like those of someone intoxicated by potent drugs, reflected some kind of radiance. Then, I turned on the bathroom light, cracking open the door, witnessing the rapid contraction of my pupils.

It happened in the blink of an eye. Only the vivid color, bestowed by the System, remained.

[The 'Cat Eyes' option has been automatically deactivated.]

I jolted back to awareness within mere seconds.

The possibilities that lay before me with these eyes were limitless. If only I had possessed such a gift during my days as a soldier, perhaps my team and I would have evaded that treacherous ambush...?

Tin~ Tin~

To my surprise, a piercing sound reverberated in my mind, causing me to instinctively raise my hand to my forehead. It was undoubtedly the doing of the System. A message awaited, its words etched before my eyes:

[Cheers, Striga! I can see that you're reveling in the functionalities of the System. Splendid!]

[You now have access to the extraordinary computerized system, Auxilium. This System has been bestowed upon you by the 'All-Seeing One'; congratulations on gaining their protection! Would you like to activate it effectively now?]

The name 'All-Seeing One' momentarily seized my attention, but I swiftly cast it aside.

Just as before, the screen displayed buttons, tempting me with 'YES' and 'NO'.

I selected 'YES'.

After another lengthy session of resounding metallic creaks, a deep and somewhat muffled yet undeniably commanding voice broke through the silence.

Even as a seasoned soldier accustomed to life-or-death situations, a shiver ran through my body.

[It's a pleasure to meet you, user!] the voice declared.

The System messages accompanied its words promptly.

[Before confusion takes hold, allow me to introduce myself. I am your faithful assistant, Auxilium! You are currently communcating with your internal System, Auxilium, through the Adaptive Interface of the Silver Serpent! There is no need for alarm,] it reassured.

A brief pause followed.

[Thanks to the gift bestowed upon you by the All-Seeing One, you have received a special integration. Auxilium now possesses the ability to communicate through voice! The sound you hear is directly transmitted to the auditory centers of your brain, ensuring absolute privacy. No other soul can perceive my presence.]

I couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Good. Just what I needed, I thought wryly. Another complication to add to the mix. A voice inside my head; how delightful!

[After this brief introduction, you have the option to mute my voice whenever you wish. I am here solely to assist you. Other settings can be customized according to your preferences.]

Well, at least there was some control over it.

Whoever crafted that contraption must have realized that having a voice chattering away inside someone's mind wouldn't exactly be the most brilliant idea.

[To simplify things, let's start with a few options for you to choose from by responding with 'yes' or 'no'. Right now, Auxilium kindly asks that you say 'yes' and 'no' as instructed, so it can learn to recognize your responses seamlessly.]

[When you're ready, please say the word 'yes' aloud. You may say it at any time.]

The voice fell silent. The messages vanished as well. Everything disappeared in the blink of an eye.

As I tried to process the flood of information I had received, I couldn't help but hesitate, feeling a tad bewildered.

[Please utter the word 'yes' now. The sooner you do, the swifter the outcomes shall unfold], the voice pressed.

I cleared my throat, preparing to comply. "Yes," I proclaimed.

A resonant "Ding!" reverberated through my mind, eliciting a sense of anticipation.

[Your affirmation is duly appreciated. Now, kindly enunciate the word 'no'.]

"No," I repeated, and for a moment, I felt like a fool.

[Thank you for saying 'no'], the voice announced with assurance. [As we progress together, you will learn in due time that you won't need to verbalize these commands for your System to respond to them. However, in the short term, you may find it helpful to vocalize as you get accustomed to communicating with Auxilium.]

"Very well. It seems simple."

[Based on the analyses conducted during the introduction, the texts and voice tone have been altered. These modifications will remain as the foundation and cannot be reversed. This has been done to enhance user interactions.]

[We shall now proceed to the general settings,] I read on a floating line of text directly in my line of sight.

The shimmering text stood out vividly against the backdrop I faced.

Though not reflected on the mirror's surface, a subtle glow pulsated within my retinas. With a touch of whimsy (I confess), I tilted my head, yet the text remained centered.

The contrast adjusted to ensure constant legibility. The System wasn't playing around when it promised to cater to my needs.

I couldn't deny it; it was truly marvelous.

[Warning! You are not in a recommended area for the System configuration.]

[To prioritize your safety, it is advised that during your initial setup session, you find a seated position in a secure location to avoid any potential harm], Auxilium conveyed.

[You have a few moments to locate a suitable spot. Please take a seat.]

Without any desire to rebel against your suggestion, I took a seat.

[Thank you for that.]

"You're welcome," I replied.

In the next instant, just a few centimeters away from me, a small list of messages was projected. I read them from right to left.

[You have received two exclusive 'gifts' from the All-Seeing One.]

[Through their own authority, the All-Seeing One has granted you special permissions. Your System has been slightly enhanced.]

Up until this point, I already knew that. Auxilium had mentioned it right when it introduced itself.

I then proceeded to read the last remaining message.

[You have two unopened gifts in your inventory. Would you like to open them?]


With a tinge of curiosity within me, I pressed 'Yes' for the hundredth time on that day.

But that time, what appeared did not please me.

Not even a little.

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