
The Eighth Floor [Pt 1]


As a feral beast growled and barked at Rey, he couldn't help but leak out a small smirk.

'Well, that didn't take very long…' He found his thoughts trailing.

The beast in front of him looked like a monkey—no, more like a chimp—but it had a few key differences that made it stand out.

For one, it had white hair all over its body. Secondly, its pale gray skin and bright blue eyes were definitely not primate-like.

Finally, while it was as large as a regular human, thanks to it squatting in a quadrupedal fashion, it appeared shorter than Rey.

'I guess the last one is pretty much in line with monkeys, huh?'

The beast before him had very sharp jaws, as if belonging to a carnivore, and its bright blue eyes exuded nothing but sheer hatred.

Despite all of these, though, Rey found himself calmly assessing the situation.

'I've never seen or heard of this kind of creature before. Is it only native to this Floor?'