
Fulfilled Wish


Adrien raised his voice in frustration as he returned to his tent, anger clearly visible on his face.

His clenched fists sought a place to release all the tension coursing through them, but he controlled himself despite the overwhelming sensation that coursed through him.

He couldn't afford to go rabid after everything that had just transpired.

"Huu… haaa…" Closing his eyes, he inhaled and exhaled multiple times until the fiery frustration in his heart receded. 

Once he was satisfied, he went to his seat and calmed himself once more.

'We just finished the meeting regarding the problem of the Elves and how they were able to destroy the second wave. Looks like everyone is on edge…'

The Generals were particularly upset by the outcome that had befallen Adrien and the Commanders.

How could they have lost? It brought shame to the Dragons.