
The Road to Mandalay’s Famous Noodle

9:30 PM

It was Saturday evening. The following day would be a Sunday.

Mayi could not sleep due to her anticipation for tomorrow's trip at the Pagoda.

She remembered loving Remo's "dried sweat smell" when he comes back from site then would approach in front her desk.

His well-mannered gestures when she looked at him secretly makes her heart palpitate with nervousness.

When he put a gaze in front of her breast, she feels a tingling sensation in her lower body which could not be explained.

His rough, strong looks and ruggedness from waist-to-shoulder makes him a real man.

It defined an individual who attracts people.

She likes him…too much, with no exception!

Came Sunday, Mayi arrived promptly in front of his cabin at past seven in the morning.

She was dressed appropriately with a 'long yi' due to the fact that Buddhism honors politeness and discreetness.

Upon her appearance, Remo immediately lead her beside the driver's seat.

"Please fasten your seatbelt. We have to go quickly since your presence with me will draw attention and lead into gossips."

"Okay. I'd liked to avoid it, too! Did the Manager knows you're going outside?"

"Yeah… It's a day off. He gave his approval!"

Immediately he took his seat, fastened his seatbelt, and drove off.

"By the way, have you done this a lot?" Mayi spoked while grinning.

"Nope…Actually, I'm looking forward to visiting the 'Wat.' I was busy lately and this would be an opportunity for me to relax a bit!" Remo declared.

Literally, Mayi actually felt good going for a ride and hang out with him.

He has such a good aura that his presence alone could draw her emotions even more.

It makes her feel closer like they have known each other for a long while.

"He is so good looking. Who the hell could resist that face!"

While the car was traveling in a moderate speed, both discussed their past experiences.

They laughed and smiled most of the time.

Both had a good time exchanging their unbelievable encounters, the emotional happiness including knowing some embarrassing moments in their lives.

"Did you have a girl when you were in studying?" Mayi suddenly asked.

Remo laughs in surprise. "Well, the truth is, I never think of that. I belong to a poor family and need to finish my university to get a job. This was my first employment overseas; hence I have to impress the Japanese."

"LOL, I don't believe you. Who the hell could resist that charming face, hmmm?"

"Are you one of them?" Remo retorted

Mayi inadvertently looked down her phone blushing.

Her heart thumped. She looked away as though she could not recognize the man beside her.

"Very intimidating indeed!" she quips as her heart was pounding.

They become more attached while chatting away.

For a while they've reached the place without even knowing it.

Remo drove the service car inside the parking lot.

As they went towards the pagoda, the gate passing through its front was used in a traditional way.

They took off their shoes, bowed while bending their knees before praying.

After one and a half hours of praying, bowing, and offering with the monks, they finally went out.

They walk a different path from the left side gate before leaving for the car park.

As usual, Remo guided Mayi beside the driver's seat and politely opened the door for her.

"We go to town and have some lunch there. It's 10:30 AM. We can reach the noodle shop before noon."

"Fine with me. I'm a little bit hungry, anyway" Mayi replied back.

Remo started the car and proceeded to the restaurant. He knows the place like the palm of his hand.

He already visited with the Japanese staff beforehand who were also eager to try the famous noodles everyone been crazy about.

This place was really very famous. It was supposed to be the most delicious noodle restaurant all over Mandalay.

The traditional noodle soup found in Myanmar offers a quintessential menu that includes several popular varieties to choose from.

They come in all kinds of sizes, shapes, colors, and textures. You can boil them or throw them into a rich broth for soup, stir fried or deep fried, top them with flavor sauces, stuff them inside flatbreads and spring rolls.

As the vehicle go along the dirt road, most of the sections were narrow and rutted.

This was a typical scenario from low-income and poor countries like Myanmar.

The current state of affairs from the country makes it more difficult for them to receive the necessary funds. It was due to its political, socio-economic human rights and humanitarian crisis.

After nearly two hours of driving, they finally arrived at the restaurant premises.

Remo alighted quickly as soon as he put the brakes and went over to open the passenger's seat.

He did not wait for Mayi to come down by herself.

"Oh my, thank you very much Remo Hunter. Indeed, you're a real gentleman!"

"It's my pleasure beautiful lady. Thank for the compliments!"

As they entered the famous restaurant, you can feel the place has a good ambiance since it was crowded.

"Wow! A lot of customers. This restaurant really is famous. And look at the pretty courtyard with flowers!" Mayi exclaimed while pointing.

As they get inside, the terrace overlooking scenic foothills were breathtakingly beautiful.

It was beyond the entire landscape.

Some clouds can be seen towards the horizon like the place they chose to sit were designed exclusively on their visit.

The building has a rustic and charming, elegance with modern touches. The seating arrangement overlooking an open country field was truly different.

The environment was so serene specially made to enable them to enjoy the rich splendor display of colors while taking their lunch.

It differentiates in comparison from the oppressive country, Myanmar has always been very famous throughout its history.