
The First Assignment

While logging off in the office after 5PM, he suddenly remembered a week was left for him to consider the invitation of Dark Blade.

In the days that passed, he already assessed himself whether his offer aligns with his long-term plan on his chosen career.

He was confident of performing both jobs, and it appears a decision is in the offing ASAP.

Remo casually draw near the table of Mayi.

"You have a minute, babes?"

She did not turn up her head like she used to do.

Actually, Mayi saw him coming but pretended like she was doing her assigned duties.

Of course, it would be abnormal not to notice him since she actually was expecting it.

She avoided rumors leading to unconstrained gossips around.

 After a moment of standing there, she finally looked up.

"What did you just say?" she asked in a romantic voice.

"I will have overtime work with Peter. Can I meet you instead on Saturday night?"

Looking at him for a short while, Mayi toyed as she speak.


 Then she followed later. "Why not make a duplicate key for me?"

Remo chuckled. "You're getting bolder, huh?" he said going away.

That evening, his attention was glued on the name card handed by Aiden Smith.

He was sitting quietly in front of his laptop for a moment now.

A few hours ago, he finally decided to use this chance to act on his future accordingly.

Thinking about the sheer amount of unlawfulness around the society can be completely overwhelming.

Even paralyzing…

The harmful situations around the environment are getting bigger and bigger becoming far too serious for a single person to solve the pressing issues.

From personal losses to national tragedies, global disasters, pandemics, and everything in between.

Should he do anything or give it up? There's no 'should' to begin with!

Now that he has the opportunity to offer his help for the cause, it does makes sense!

He returned his eyes on the name card SAS --- "Secret Assassins Society."

During the conflict at the restaurant, they saw what he can do… stealth, speed and cunning.

They were probably one of those society with the same abilities.

Or perhaps military contractors...

From their appearance, it's not surprising that they're absolute killers specializing in taking out political targets cleanly and quickly without widespread bloodshed.

Remo shuddered…

However, whichever form these people took in the past, their organization was a public interest when risk or threat to the world becomes clear and in present danger.

Moreover, he needs to know the impact of eliminating a person whether it was really important for the cause.

For one, it would help him understand the reasons better.

Some probably did it for the money like those "bounty hunters."

As daylight gradually fades outside, the absence of light emerged in the shadows.

The unique sounds of the night and the rustling of the winds as it weaves through the branches had him pondering if he would proceed or not.

He was already in front of his laptop for a few minutes.

All he needs was to launch the browser and linked his device.

He heaved a sigh of relief before pointing the camera on his phone.

He captures the QR code.

No one was receiving…

Five seconds …

Ten seconds passed …

Twelve, thirteen seconds until a series of audio recording was heard.

"Please wait for a moment. We are transferring your call to a secured line."

"Press three if you're ready!"

Though hesitant, Remo pushed the number.

A face with a golden mask appeared on-screen… SAS logo in background.

"Welcome Remo Hunter! Nice to meet from you."

"The organization was briefed about your abilities. If you accept our contract offer, you may proceed."

"First thing first. I would like to know deeper the specifics on the missions and assignments!" Remo inquired.

"The mission are the same for every agent! Eliminate the enemies of the State around the world."

"Any specific persons on the wanted list? Why kill them? Can the government press charges against anyone for their actions?"

"The subjects are state interests --- dictators, drug dealers, terrorists, even someone from the Government. Anyone who is a menace to society. We need to balance the World to make our living a safer place."

"If you choose to agree, we will discuss further. You have 15 seconds."

Remo remained straight face on the monitor showing no emotions.

"Who is the first assignment?"

"The unfinished target of SAS known as the opium king of Myanmar at the golden triangle."

A picture of Khun Saul briefly was flashed on the screen in five seconds.

"The contract shall be referred to as 'assisted death. Remember, license to kill is not allowed."

A determined look is now playing on Remo's face.

"Proof of life is mandatory before getting the reward!"

"Please be informed your offense does not constitute charges. SAS will guarantee your defense and secrecy of your background."

"Alright, I accept! Give me instructions!"

"You have three weeks to complete your first contract. The reward is $ 3.0M USD."

Remo was speechless knowing the confirmation of the paycheck.

"Deadline starts tonight."

Behind the scenes, 'Dark Blade' was very proud.

In all these years, he was the number one contract killer at SAS.

He promised the old chief and his mentor to retire as a hitman after he finds a replacement.

This job has been his profession for thirty years now.

At the age of fifty-three, he'll soon take over his master who is nearing an old ripe age of seventy-nine.

Aside from Nightstalker and Raven who were his close apprentices, the organization has other agents around the world.

At present, thirty-one professional contract killers are still active. Nineteen good guys have been killed in action, some MIA.

One of his best assassins is operating currently at Nicaragua.

His name is Ryan Finn, an American citizen called the "Fox."

He is a notorious hunter with a scope-eye --- a street legend famous in using an Italian made rifle mounted with telescope.

His record-breaking longest sniping was 3,450 meters.

'Dark Blade' have chosen Remo as the new apprentice after witnessing him very lethal in close combat.

A copycat like him!

On the other side of the conversation, Nightstalker appeared composed, but Raven could sense his resentment.

He knows he sacrificed everything to become a good disciple having had the required quality of high standard.

In doing so, he wanted to succeed Dark Blade when the old chief retires, then he would take his place.

The appearance of Remo Hunter, and the dominance over him looks likely would complicate the succession.

The tension in the air becomes intense. "What else is there to say?" Raven muttered.

"Thank you, Remo Hunter. You have chosen to accept this mission; this conversation shall no longer exist!"

"The company will open a secret Swiss Account in complete secrecy. All benefits are accessible with multi-numbered code and only you with the bank knows alone."

"Till our next call!"