
The Final Reckoning

"Base…base, check in, check in… can you hear me?" the bodyguard called in his comm.

"Loud and clear comrade!"

"Please send me the status of the 'Nga Bo Ma' resistance group. We need their assistance."

"Wait a minute comrade.!"

 After a few minutes of communicating, the bodyguard returned to his boss and knocked on his door.

He was changing his military uniform when he opened it.

"Sir, we have some problem. The convoy of 'Nga Bo Ma' are thirty kilometers from here. We cannot contact Mr. Kyaw Myint either."

"What?... God damn it! What's going on when you needed them?"

He moved towards the door swiftly when he knew his trusted people were not available.

"How about the status inside the hub?"

"No additional information from the base, Sir!"

"Imbeciles!!! Tell the guards to trap and kill those bastards. I don't need them alive!"

Khun Saul was fuming so madly that his blood pressure went a notch higher.

Unable to comprehend the situation, he looked intently on the lone guard closing the door behind him.

"Sir, we have to leave immediately!" his trusted bodyguard urged him.

Khun Saul forced a smile. He did not wait to be told twice.

He took walked off hurriedly with his cane and went down to the emergency exits.

"Don't worry I'm 'A' ok. Call the driver to start the engine. Stay here and assign five guards at these doors. You know what to do!"

"Yes Sir!"

"And please double check the resistance group to meet me on the way towards the helipad."

Han Htoo who was ahead had reached past the 90-degree turn corner followed closely by Remo. 

The underground hub has many rooms. Some chambers were probably not intended only for drugs and firearms but containers for non-perishable food necessities.

It was very clear that this tunnel has been the home base of the 'opium king'. 

With a lot of people around him, he could spend days or even months inside.

A great option to hide since people may recognize him when he goes outside.

Moreover, it was a cover from someone doing illegal business and to avoid being assassinated.

As both uninvited guests wasted no time going deeper, rushing footsteps was heard up ahead.

Han Htoo had to show himself to the incoming threat. More than a dozen of them were rushing forward.

"Hey comrades, greetings. I'm Han Htoo. We're here to inspect the goods ordered for deliveries. Mr. Kyaw Myint wanted to double check them for transport after lunch time!"

Truth be told, the guardians were already aware he was the guy who escorted the intruder.

Hence, they put up their firearms directly at them before letting the bullets fly.

"Damn you! we know you're conniving with him during the breached, you idiot!"

Before the security guards could open fire, a ghostlike image suddenly appeared from nowhere.

It was followed by a surge of energy force, extremely fast and terrifying!

Before the scream of agony was heard, an apparition was seen followed by the cracking of bones and limbs.

"Swoosh!" …

"Who's that?"

"Where is he?"

The attack was so sudden that some could not even tell where his location was before their necks were slashed.

The remaining guardians who saw it were dumbfounded.

Those who were not close enough with him aimlessly fired their guns.

"Brat.tat.tat. Ping…ping…ping!" …Machine guns filled the air.

But firing their weapons only served to kill some of their own.

Han Htoo immediately reacted to dived for his life with the countless firing.

However, he was hit on the legs and his body jerk losing his balance winching in pain.

"Arggh… Damn it...damn it!"

He wailed and screamed in agony.

The remaining security forces recharged again and fired their guns once more.

In light with the situation, Remo knew the execution of innocent people were not in his contract obligations.

Incidentally, a collateral damage was inevitable based from the current situation.

With his eyes and body releasing an energy force, he leaned slightly then started inflicting the ultimate attack.

"Swish…swish…swish…swish" He goes berserk swiftly using the blade past them.

Next, he grabbed the wrist of one man holding a firearm and twisted fiercely.

The sound of a fractured limbs with miserable wail sounded in fear.

"Arghhhh!" …

He put a slashed backward just on the neck on the next victim and again charging quickly into the last group of guardians.

In a couple of minutes, his blade was dancing like a hurricane without let up, they all fell down one after another like a harvested rice with blood spurting out from their mouths.

Countless bodies instantly littered inside the tunnel with no survivor in sight.

It was a bloody massacre; the first time Remo did a brutal slaughter on his entire life.

This was incomparably shocking to him!

He looked around if someone was still alive then walked towards Han Htoo his hands holding unto the strange, bloodied blade.

"Han Htoo tell me the exact location of the exit doors!" he said coldly.

"I…I can't walk. I've been hit on the legs!"

"Then give me directions. Hurry up!"

"S…straight ahead for another 400 meters. T..turn right. There's an exit door passed the control room. Another hallway straight ahead around 50meters then another door to the left going all the way to the car garage."

"Got it!... Stay there!"

Remo kicked off the floor with his feet and rushed towards the direction. His reaction was so fast he was like a bolt of lightning.

"Swoosh!" …

Seeing five guards manning the control room next to the exit doors, he delivered the sharp short knife into their necks.

"Swish…swish…swish!" …

Blood trickled with their heads down, they all fell to the ground.

Leaving them behind, another exit door with a group of bodyguards met the same fate as the first.