
An Echo

In the dim hours between dreams and wakefulness, Izumi's world unravels into a haunting tapestry of shadows and echoes. A disquieting nightmare lingers, leaving him entangled in a malevolent dance between reality and the macabre. As the line between sanity and horror blurs, Izumi finds himself tangled in something familiar.

Nakamitzu · ホラー
1 Chs

An echo to the...

Lost in the perplexing maze of a dream, a young man found himself ensnared by an all-encompassing darkness. His eyes, wide with confusion, desperately sought meaning in the shadowy expanse. A sudden chill slithered down his spine, accompanied by a faint but devilish whisper near his right ear -

"So close..." The echoes of sinister laughter resonated through the dream like a haunting melody.

Abruptly pulled from the clutches of sleep, his body drenched in a cold sweat, he glanced at his phone - 2:33 am. As a chronic insomniac, he knew the struggle of reclaiming sleep at this unearthly hour. With a resigned sigh, he decided to face the residual unease of the dream by washing away its lingering touch.

Navigating through the dimly lit house, each step echoed through the silent night. After refreshing himself, he gravitated towards the kitchen. Bypassing the allure of coffee, he opted for a comforting cup of hot cocoa. Seated on the living room sofa, he sipped the steaming drink, enveloped by an eerie quiet that clung to the air like an unseen spectre.

Alone in the rented house, nestled near the university, Izumi pondered the haunting residue of the dream. The weight of the atmosphere pressed upon him, the memory of the chilling voice persisting like a ghostly wisp. The proximity to the university intensified his solitude, casting elongated shadows over the familiar corners of his dwelling.

The empty mug placed on the nearby table, Izumi reclined on the sofa, grappling with the disconcerting events. In the hush of the night, shadows waltzed upon the walls, and the distant ticking of a clock accentuated the suspense. Seeking reassurance, Izumi whispered his name into the quiet void, the echoes intertwining with the mysteries that enveloped both his dreams and his waking reality. Drowsiness claimed him, gently pulling him into a restless slumber on the sofa. As Izumi drifted into an uneasy rest, the dreamscape blurred with reality, the line between the two realms increasingly elusive.

Izumi's eyes fluttered open to the blaring sound of his alarm. The sudden noise snapped him out of the lingering remnants of his uneasy slumber on the sofa. Stretching his limbs, he made his way to the washroom, splashing water on his face to banish the remnants of his disconcerting dreams.

After a refreshing wash, he headed to the kitchen. In a slice-of-life sequence, Izumi prepared a generous bowl of cereal, pouring milk with precision and adding just the right amount of sugar. The morning sunlight streaming through the windows added a warm glow to his small kitchen as he enjoyed his breakfast.

Dressed and ready for the day, Izumi set out for work. The walk to the nearest train station became a leisurely stroll, accompanied by the soothing ambience of the morning. Fresh air, the gentle chirping of birds, and the quiet beauty of the surroundings accompanied him as he approached the station.

The platform was relatively quiet, perhaps due to Izumi being a bit early. Boarding the train, he secured a window seat and allowed his gaze to wander outside. The slow pace of the train allowed him to appreciate the simple joys of the morning commute, and the changing scenery as he moved towards his workplace.


As the day unfolded at the cafe where he worked, Izumi navigated through the motions of fake smiles and the routine of serving customers. After his shift ended, he made his way back home, the routine of the evening commute offering a stark contrast to the morning's tranquillity. Exiting the train station close to his house, Izumi began the short walk home.


An unusual sensation pricked at the back of his neck as if someone was watching him. He turned around, only to find an empty street behind him. Continuing his walk, the feeling persisted, growing stronger as he approached his house. A quick glance revealed a figure standing in the dimly lit environment. The lack of facial features made it impossible for Izumi to identify the watcher, particularly in the fading daylight.


With a quickened pace, Izumi reached his front door and hurriedly entered his house. Peeking through the window, he saw no one in the vicinity. The street lamps were the sole illuminators in the quiet neighbourhood. As he cautiously surveyed the surroundings, the unsettling feeling lingered. A shiver ran down his spine as he double-checked the door, ensuring it was securely locked. Safe inside, Izumi tried to shake off the unease, attributing it to the remnants of his disquieting dream.


However, as he turned away from the window, he couldn't shake the feeling that invisible eyes were still watching, and the air within his home felt colder and thicker. Little did he know, the faceless figure had left the street, only to linger in the shadows just beyond the glow of the street lamps, its presence still hauntingly close. Exhausted and perplexed by the peculiar events of the day, Izumi muttered to himself,


"What a weird way to end the day." With weariness weighing on his shoulders, he decided to call it a night. 


A quick shower served as a feeble attempt to wash away the residual tension that clung to him. Too tired to bother with a meal, Izumi crawled into bed. Sleep beckoned, and he succumbed without further resistance. As the world around him dimmed, he found solace in the fleeting embrace of slumber.


However, as the night wore on, the persistent thirst that often interrupted his sleep roused him once more. In the hazy darkness, Izumi stumbled into the kitchen, the familiar routine of his midnight hot cocoa ritual playing out automatically. A mechanical dance of preparing, pouring, and sipping unfolded, shrouded in the comfort of routine.


Unbeknownst to him, in his sleepy stupor, Izumi failed to notice a small puddle near the kitchen counter. A crimson liquid, stark against the muted tones of his living space, went unnoticed as he went about his nocturnal ritual. The significance of this dark pool eluded him, his mind too clouded by fatigue to register the ominous stain.


Satiated by the warmth of the cocoa, Izumi returned to his bed, oblivious to the peculiar anomaly in his kitchen. The room embraced him in its quiet, and as sleep claimed him once more, the shadows deepened, concealing secrets that lingered just beyond the edge of his awareness.

Beep, beep, beep. The intrusive sound of a phone call disrupted Izumi's precious slumber. With lazy eyes, he fumbled for his phone, squinting at the screen to identify the caller. 


"Oh, come on, let me sleep a bit," he mumbled, still half-immersed in the realm of dreams. Reluctantly, he answered the call, and a groggy "Hello, what do you want?" slipped past his lips.


The voice on the other end belonged to Hiro, a close friend with an uncanny ability to interrupt the sweet embrace of morning rest. 


"Oh, come on, why are you still sleeping?" Hiro's voice echoed with a hint of amusement. "My sleep has nothing to do with you. Now, what do you want?" Izumi replied, irritation evident in his tone as the weight of drowsiness still clung to him. Hiro, undeterred by Izumi's less-than-enthusiastic response, got straight to the point. 


"Alright, alright, I'll cut to the chase. Can you watch over Kuru this afternoon? I have an emergency meeting on campus, and I won't be able to go home till late at night. Also, there's no one in my house to look after him." Hiro explained the situation, revealing the reason for his early morning intrusion.


Kuru, a cute black cat with touches of white, held a special place in Izumi's heart. Despite his initial grumbling, Izumi's love for feline companions softened his resolve. "


Fine, fine," he sighed, his sleepy demeanour giving way to a more agreeable tone. "I'll watch over Kuru. Just make sure to bring some snacks when you pick him up later," he added, a subtle smile breaking through the morning haze.


"Kuruuuuuuu, ah, me darline cat... How ya doinnnn?" Izumi exclaimed in a burst of affection, his hands moving with gentle yet enthusiastic aggression as he showered Kuru with love. 


Hiro had dropped off the trouble-making feline at Izumi's house before rushing off to his campus. Chaos ensued as Kuru, with his spirited energy, transformed every inch of the apartment into a playground. The mischievous cat sauntered from the kitchen to Izumi's room, leaving behind a trail of overturned objects and playful mayhem. However, Izumi, seemingly immune to the mess, revelled in the lively company.


Kuru, neither a slow walker nor a model of good behaviour, carried out his own brand of adorable anarchy. Izumi, in response, poured every ounce of remaining energy into entertaining and indulging the whims of his feline guest. Toys were scattered, and the once orderly apartment became a playground for Kuru's antics.


Unfazed by the chaos, Izumi found joy in the delightful madness that had taken over his living space. The young man, fueled by an abundance of affection for the mischievous cat, gladly engaged in the playful turmoil. The duo twirled around the room, Izumi mimicking the cat's playful leaps, laughter echoing in the air.


As the day unfolded into the evening, Kuru, now sated from play, curled up in a cozy corner, munching on some snacks. Exhausted but content, Izumi joined him on the sofa. The two, tired but happy, shared a moment of tranquil companionship. Izumi, fascinated by the creature before him, couldn't help but marvel at the sheer joy a small, adorable cat could bring into his life. The apartment, now a testament to the delightful chaos of the day, stood witness to the newfound bond between a young man and his feline friend.


Feeling the weight of sleep finally settling in, both Izumi and Kuru, now thoroughly relaxed, found themselves in a state of tranquil drowsiness. Suddenly, the main door swung open with a loud creak, Hiro's voice echoing,


"Whassup bois, missed me?" The lively entrance disrupted the serene atmosphere, but the trio soon settled down for a quick chat and tea.


As the evening unfolded, Hiro bid farewell, taking Kuru with him. A tinge of sadness lingered in Izumi's expression as he watched them leave, the newfound bond with the playful cat leaving an unexpected void in the quiet apartment.


Using this melancholy as motivation, Izumi, still drained from the day's activities, began cleaning up the aftermath of Kuru's playful escapades. The scattered toys found their way back into their designated spots, and the overturned objects returned to their rightful places. The apartment gradually transformed from chaos to order, mirroring Izumi's attempt to restore a semblance of normalcy.


With everything finally in its place, Izumi, weary but determined, prepared a hot cocoa. He settled into the sofa, the warmth of the drink soothing both body and soul. The evening had draped the surroundings in a gentle hue, with only the moonlight filtering through the large glass door leading to the balcony. Sipping the hot cocoa, Izumi's gaze wandered outside, absorbing the serene view. After finishing the comforting drink, he decided to step onto the balcony to immerse himself in the moonlit night. The cool breeze, accompanied by the soft glow of the moon, added a touch of tranquillity to the moment.


After a while, he returned inside, ready to surrender to the embrace of sleep. However, upon entering the kitchen, confusion struck. The mug he thought he had emptied now sat on the counter, full once again. A puzzled expression crossed Izumi's face as he muttered to himself,


"Wait, didn't I just finish this? Haha, I'm losing it." Dismissing the odd occurrence with a laugh, he tossed the now cold and full mug into the sink.


With the events of the day lingering in his thoughts, Izumi retired to his bed, allowing the quietude of the night to envelop him. As he drifted into slumber, the apartment stood in silent witness to the whimsical dance of the moonlight, casting shadows that seemed to conceal secrets only the night could unveil.

In the midst of Izumi's nightmarish ordeal, beads of sweat glistened on his forehead, reflecting the moonlight that filtered through his bedroom window. The calming sound of rain, which once enveloped him, had abruptly ceased, replaced by an unsettling stillness. The air turned frigid, and a suffocating sensation seized him.


His tranquil sleep shattered, Izumi gasped for breath, his eyes snapping open to a chilling revelation. Someone was attempting to strangle him. Panic and fear gripped him as he fought against the unseen assailant. In the darkness, a figure emerged, a silhouette of pure blackness with a sinister laugh that echoed through the room.


Desperation drove Izumi to search for a way out, and his gaze met the mirror attached to his wardrobe. Shock and terror overwhelmed him as he realized he was locked in a ghastly struggle against himself. His own hand contorted into a grotesque semblance of malevolence, clamped down on his throat with a bone-chilling force. The air squeezed from his windpipe, replaced by an oppressive darkness that threatened to consume him.


In his frantic attempt to break free, Izumi's fingernails dug into his flesh, leaving crimson crescents etched upon his neck. Blood welled from the wounds, a macabre testament to the ferocity of his self-inflicted assault. Each convulsive gasp for air mirrored the desperate symphony of agony and dread that echoed through the room. A piercing scream escaped him as he recoiled to the safety of his bed, limbs wrapped tightly around himself.


The room plunged into chaos as the bedroom window shattered, a cascade of glass shards dancing in the eerie moonlight. The door burst open, revealing a mysterious figure banging on the wardrobe mirror from within. The room echoed with a deafening thud, each beat reverberating through Izumi's heart like a malevolent drum. With trembling limbs, Izumi focused on the figure, who suddenly ceased their efforts and locked eyes with him.


A momentary respite allowed Izumi to escape to the living room, where he discovered a disarrayed scene with open windows, allowing rain to invade the space. The cold droplets mixed with the fear coursing through his veins. Attempting to leave the house, the main door slammed shut, resisting Izumi's forceful attempts.


His desperation intensified, and with a surge of brute force, he strained to wrench the door open. In the struggle, the sharp edge of the door handle cut into his hand, leaving a crimson trail. As Izumi screamed in pain and frustration, the figure from his room reappeared, a malevolent silhouette that seemed to revel in his torment. Izumi, now desperate and terrified, banged on the door, his cries for release reverberating through the apartment. When he finally mustered the courage to glance back at the figure, it had vanished, leaving behind an unsettling void.


With a racing heart, Izumi sprinted to the kitchen, his trembling hands fumbling to retrieve a knife. The metallic coldness provided a small measure of reassurance as he clutched it tightly, preparing himself for the unknown horrors that continued to unfold. After grabbing the knife, Izumi, now cornered in the kitchen, moved cautiously toward the living room, the cold steel clutched tightly in his trembling hand. As he passed the kitchen, he noticed a sizable water puddle, likely a collection from the rain that invaded through the open windows.


Attempting to navigate around the puddle, Izumi's progress was abruptly halted by an unseen force. A powerful push from behind sent him sprawling onto the water's surface. The landing, however, was not harsh; it felt more like descending onto a liquid expanse. With closed eyes from the impact, Izumi hesitantly opened them to discover he was submerged in an otherworldly water body, holding his breath in the surreal underwater realm.


Survival instincts kicked in, prompting Izumi to swim towards the surface. To his surprise, he found himself able to walk on the water's surface, although fear and the chilling wetness clung to him. As he glanced around, the surroundings were nothing like his familiar living room; it was a foreign environment that seemed to defy the laws of reality.


The sinister laugh echoed menacingly, sending shivers down Izumi's spine. Desperate to locate the source, Izumi turned his head left and right, his eyes scanning the surreal surroundings for any sign of the malevolent laughter that seemed to linger in the air like an ominous fog.Coldness wrapped around his neck as a voice proclaimed,


"Time's up."


A hand pierced through Izumi's chest, shattering bone and tearing through flesh with brutal force. There was no immediate pain, just an overwhelming sensation of emptiness. As his eyes reluctantly opened, he found himself staring directly at the ghastly sight - a blood-soaked hand gripping his still-beating heart, the appendage gruesomely visible through the gaping cavity in his chest. Blood spewed from his mouth and eyes, and his tortured screams echoed through the nightmarish landscape, a symphony of agony etched into his terror-stricken existence.


Suddenly, Izumi jolted awake, his body drenched in a cold sweat, a strangled gasp escaping his lips. The oppressive darkness of the room seemed to close in, suffocating him. Desperately clinging to the fragile threads of reality, he reassured himself that it was merely a bad dream. The clock ominously displayed 4:22 am, casting an eerie glow in the room. The nightmare, though confined to the realm of sleep, lingered in the shadows of his waking mind.


Quelling his frantic heartbeat, Izumi drew in deep breaths, reaching for a water bottle as if to cleanse himself of the residual terrors that clung to his consciousness. The room felt haunted as if the malevolence from the dream had seeped into the waking world. Determined to dispel the lingering unease, Izumi mechanically adhered to his morning routine. The reassuring familiarity of his clean, ordered apartment offered a false sense of security.


As he dressed and prepared breakfast, he couldn't shake the feeling that unseen eyes were watching his every move, the air thick with an unsettling presence. Glancing at the clock once more, Izumi noted he had ample time. Amidst the routine, he prepared a steaming cup of hot cocoa, the aroma a haunting echo of the eerie quiet that permeated the room.


Walking to the train station, the morning sun offered little solace. The shadows cast by buildings seemed to elongate, contorting into grotesque shapes that danced along the pavement. Though not as early as before, Izumi couldn't escape the lingering unease from the nightmarish events.


As he entered the train, searching for a seat, his gaze locked onto a person near a window. This figure appeared to be enjoying the passing scenery with a calm smile. The unease intensified as their eyes met in the reflection of the window. The calm smile on the person's face twisted into something soft yet undeniably terrifying. Izumi's trembling hands released his bag in sheer terror. His face, etched with confusion and fear, stammered,


"It's me, isn't it?"