
An Author's Spirit

Featuring a world of different dimensions. The Writers Dimension remain the land of Authors, Poets, Script Writers and more. Jeffrey is a 13-year-old author who loves to read good books. One day with the git from a stranger he gains the ability to enter the novel he reads. Follow the adventure of the young MC as he becomes a bookkeeper and amasse enough experience to write his own book that will shock the different Dimensions.

Twin_Lantern · ファンタジー
57 Chs

Meeting Nala Again

Not long later the king personally came to meet him which made Jeffrey even more confused about his title however he did not ask and instead let the king explain on his own.

"I hope you like the chamber prepared for you. You can decide when to take the portal, you are always welcome to the Elven empire" the king smiled.

'Should I ask now or ask Mangrell when I get out?' Jeffrey then decided on the second option.

Although he had no idea what portal the king was referring to, he decide to check it out anyway. "I would like to take the portal now"

"As you wish" the king nodded and led Jeffrey to the royal garden but instead of the mother tree, the king led him to another huge tree with a portal in the middle.

The King then turned to Jeffrey who somehow knew he had to go through the portal so without any further ado he went across.

* * *

Jeffrey appeared in a dark alley, it was dark and raining heavily coiled up in the corner was a girl hiding under a cover of a makeshift fort.

Jeffrey noticed the girl but what got his attention was himself, he was getting drenched by the rain and was cold.

'What is happening, how did things get real all of a sudden? Do I really have to go through this just to fix a dimension'

Jeffrey frowned and walked towards the girl. "May I join you?"

"Do what you want" the girl said in a low voice without even looking at her.

Jeffrey silently sat beside her, then he noticed her pointy ears. 'So she is Nala' he nodded inwardly.

The night was still young and both of them could only spend the night in the cold.

Jeffrey barely had any sleep throughout the night, it was hard for him to sleep cuddling his legs but at least it was finally dawn.

When he got out of the fort he swear he could hear a crack. 'Are there really people that go through this, if so then my knowledge is limited'

He did a few exercise postures to get his body back together and just when things seemed to be getting better his stomach growled.

'Seriously, I feel like I'm being mocked' Jeffrey sighed and focused his attention on Nala who had just woken up.

She ignore Jeffrey and came out of her fort, then she started walking out of the alley. Jeffrey followed her since he didn't exactly know what his role was.

Nala covered her head with her hood hiding her elf ears, she noticed Jeffrey following behind her but she continued ignoring him.

They attracted a lot of attention as they walked by and it was not for a good reason, Jeffrey was pretty sure it was because they looked like dirt.

Nala continued walking as if she knew where she was going and since Jeffrey did not know either, he didn't point out anything.

After a while, they arrived at an old warehouse where some people were offloading boxes from a truck.

Nala then walked to a man standing at the side and the man assigned her to her work. Then she went to another truck and started offloading the boxes alone.

Jeffrey decided to help and no one questioned him. After bringing down all the boxes they started to carry them into the warehouse.

That went on for quite some time until they fished unloading all the trucks. By the afternoon, Nala and Jeffrey were able to offload 8 trucks because some trucks did not arrive until late morning.

Nala then collected her pay for the day and went to an outdoor restaurant.

She ordered food for Jeffrey too even though he did not say it. He thanked her but she just nodded.

"So how long have you been here?" Jeffrey asked, hoping she understood his question.

"A week" Nala replied plainly and continued eating her food.

Jeffrey silently watched as she ate and also started eating but his ears caught a gossip that piqued his interest.

"I heard he is coming later"

"Why does he even want to buy this place"

"Who knows why rich people do anything? by the way have you found a new place?"

"You speak as if it's easy"

Jeffrey did not focus on the rest of the gossip. Something told him that the male lead might appear soon.

* * *

Meanwhile in the Viewers Dimension, Philip and Zakhir we're playing a game against each other.


"Told you I was a god at this, you can't beat me ever" Philip proclaimed with a cynical laugh.

"I honestly don't know why you feel fulfilled over beating a 200-yearly dragon at a video game" Zakhir said throwing away the console.

Whenever he won, Philip would say it was because of his wisdom and blah blah blah but he got mocked when he lost even though he had gotten used to these just a year ago.

"No excuse, dragon or not you were beaten by me" Philip said with a smug smile. "Do you want to go another round or would you rather go on another date with Serena?"

"You know I've been thinking, what would a roasted Philip taste like" Zakhir threatened.

A layer of sweat formed on Philip's head, he must have really gotten on Zakhir's nerve with that teasing. It wasn't his fault, it's just that he had gotten used to Zakhir and sometimes he subconsciously forgot he was living with a dragon.