
An Assassin's Rebirth

Cynical, apathetic, insane, ruthless, cold. All words used to describe Ciel, however once one finds a person you can open to, things can change. However, with fame and friendship, comes hatred and malice.

RimT3mpxst · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Exploratory Vibes

After 2 hours of rigorously attempting to master his theorized technique, Shadow realized that it was possible, he just wasn't grasping it as quickly as he felt he should.

He was not used to this overly frustrating feeling. Shadow couldn't quite discern what his issue was, he had always comprehended anything handed to him with relative ease.

However, although it was quite irking to feel so incredibly stupid, it was exhilarating knowing he would have to apply actual effort towards something. He could immerse himself in mastering this; Shadow immediately became thoroughly obsessed with integrating himself and his being into this world.

No longer would he be a talented assassin drifting aimlessly through the world on missions, he would be a strong dragon, who dominates any field he wishes to.

Shadow realized he found his purpose and acquired a determined mindset to fulfill it, no matter what.

Having decided to take a break from training since he didn't want to overwork his mind, Shadow concluded he should explore his surroundings, study every shrub, and stick to allow better chances of survival should anything go south.

{I've already had that close call with whatever was by the river, I can't make the same mistake twice.}

Upon peeking his head beyond the outer edges of his cave, Shadow scanned his surroundings with an intense gaze filled with calculative thoughts. He discovered the world around him was surprisingly beautiful.

Bewitching leaves everywhere you look, graceful tree trunks that stretched high into the sky, a plethora of insects of all shapes and sizes no matter which way you turned your head, a sky so pleasantly blue it was enchanting.

Spring trees seemingly glowed with intense vibrance. Energy flowed within every breeze that flowed through his scales. The world seemed to be coated with a heavenly aura that calmed even the most riled nerves.

Shadow had never seen anything like it, just a glimpse put his previous world to shame. He now understood the saying, stop and smell the roses. Just by being so caught up in gaining the strength to survive in what was implied to be a ruthless place ruled by the strong and the wicked. Now he was only now being made aware of the fact that there was magic everywhere he looked, figuratively and literally.

The scenery wasn't short from something taken directly from heaven and placed before his very eyes. He was starstruck to put it simply.

[Sometimes, the quickest way to the peak of power, is to relish in your surroundings]

{Aariv, that was the most human statement you've made to date}

[I have been... analyzing the speech patterns within your thoughts; you talk to yourself a lot]

While basking in the divine appearance of his new home, Shadow let his brain slow down for the first time in both lives.

He simply listened to what his feelings were telling him. Deciding to look within, rather than out, he glimpsed the state of his heart and emotions.

What he wasn't expecting, however, was for his perspective to shift. A thin veil clouded his vision until he stood in the middle of an island surrounded by a vast ocean.

The water quietly churned with small waves kissing the island's edge; an island that was only around 2 acres in size. The sky was relatively bright, but clouded, similar to the veil that most likely brought him here.

With the intricately woven blanket of clouds covering the source of light in the sky, the world was grey and a bit depressing. It felt off, like maybe this wasn't how it had always been, that there was a change at some point, but he couldn't put a finger on it. The island wasn't high above the ocean level, maybe 5 feet at the most, with sparse vegetation and enough trees that you could count them all on both hands.

{Aariv what is this place}

Yet, he was met with silence, something he was no longer accustomed to despite Aariv only having begun to invade his thoughts a few days ago.

{Interesting, this will take some investigation}

Before he could start testing different things out, a shimmer of light appeared, blinding him, only to find the same forestry he was looking at before his mysterious disappearance.

[Something wrong Shadow? You seem distant]

{Hmm, I might have lapsed in consciousness just now, how long was I distant}

[I asked you the moment it happened]

{Oh, never mind, I must've been thoroughly enjoying the scenery and almost dozed off}

[That's... plausible]

{Of course, it is. Say, what do you think we should do today?}

[Do... today?]

{Yea, I say we work on our teamwork on the field with a bit of exploring and evading any powerful foes}

[What do you mean by teamwork?]

{Our synergy on the field. Let's not pretend you can't help me during battle. You've taken control of my body before, assisted me in battle, and even watched over my body while I was unconscious, and I suspect that not every death within that cave had to do with me. I'm not sure why you're pretending you cannot interfere with my activities or the physical world but if you truly want me to survive, get stronger, and avenge the Shadow Monarch, I will need access to all the cards in my deck, and to be notified when something else appears in my hand}

Aariv was stunned. She simply couldn't fathom where she went wrong for him to deduce everything in simply 2 days. Either she severely underestimated his ability, or he was just that capable, maybe both.

Although she suspected he would catch her sooner or later, she had estimated it to take years at the most, her mana reserves wouldn't just bring some random over from another world, but someone catching her within this period is ludicrous. There was only one way to salvage the situation.

[I would like to apologize for deceiving you. I have no excuse, please forgive me]

{You misunderstand me. I am not upset with you, I merely notifying you that whatever plans you had beforehand, aren't ideal now. So, switch up the game plan.}

[I believe I comprehend the meaning behind your words; however, I still don't understand how we could work on this]

{Easy, we will stalk around this forest, I need to brush up on my skills with my new body, find out what I can and can't do now, and most importantly, improve}

[An understandably sound idea with firm logic, I like it]

Seeing he had gotten his point across, Shadow decided it was time to head back to the hole he called home and prepare for the exploration. He had a feeling he would enjoy this a lot, the sights were too beautiful to stay cooped up and training, as much as he wanted to train.

Walking back was like dream-walking. He almost didn't want to enter the dark and damp hole filled with nothing but earthen walls and depressing lighting from his night vision.

{I vow to get so strong; nobody can stop me from seeing what I want. I will view this world and its beauty, and should anyone or anything get in my way, they will reap the consequences.}

[My, my, so strong-willed]

{Was that sarcasm?}

[Of course, not]

{Somehow, I don't believe you. Let's eat and then head out, I'm excited}

Shadow was certain that whatever he found out there in the forest, would surely change his life entirely, for better or worse.

However, he would only find out if he went and checked, his curiosity just couldn't be quenched until he left and explored. He was ready for whatever may come his way, even if it killed him.

Sorry for the exceedingly long break

RimT3mpxstcreators' thoughts