
An Artificer in Tales of Demons and Gods ( HIATUS )

Zhu's life was irrevocably shattered when a tragic accident led to his brother's death, a misfortune for which he held himself responsible. This calamity fractured his family, leaving his parents to tread separate paths in the wake of their grief. Tortured by guilt and longing, Zhu desperately seeks a way to undo the irreversible — to bring his brother back to life. In his quest for redemption, Zhu strikes a Faustian bargain with the Devil, who demands a perilous task in return: the assassination of the Sage Emperor in the mystical world of Tales of Demons and Gods. Now, Zhu must navigate a realm where magic is reality, and power is won through arcane knowledge and daring. He must master the very forces he once shunned, delving into the arts of sorcery and combat to fulfill his dark pact. As Zhu embarks on this perilous adventure, he is forced to question the true cost of his family's reunion. With each step toward the Sage Emperor, Zhu must decide if he can pay the price demanded by the Devil or if some costs are too high, even for the return of a lost loved one.

Adamo_Amet · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

Chapter no.6 Goodbye

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Time in the world of magic was a peculiar and enigmatic entity. It bore little resemblance to the linear, unwavering progression of time as understood in the mortal realm. Here, within the bounds of this mystical universe, time's influence on the physical form was rendered inconsequential. This unique characteristic meant that if an individual were to step into the world of magic at the tender age of 10, even after the passage of thousands of years, they would remain, in a physical sense, perpetually at the age of 10. The relentless march of time, with its attendant aging and decay, was held at bay, allowing inhabitants to exist in a state of unchanging youth, untouched by the hands of time as they are known in the mortal world.


[ 60 Years Later ]

Morning light streamed through the curtains of Zhu's cluttered room, illuminating a chaotic landscape of technology, broken parts, and half-finished magical contraptions. The serene scene was abruptly shattered by the shrill sound of an alarm bell.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" a voice chanted rhythmically.

Zhu, buried under a heap of blankets, stirred restlessly. "Jarvis, shut up and let me sleep," he mumbled groggily.

"No, Sir, you told me to wake you up," the voice, Jarvis, insisted.

"When did I ever say that?" Zhu grumbled, his voice muffled by the pillow.

"Last night, Sir," Jarvis replied matter-of-factly.

Zhu groaned. "Tell my past self to go fuck himself."

"Noted, Sir. Now please wake up, or I'll show Master Faust your porno holograms."

Zhu sat up, a look of annoyance crossing his face. "Why did I even create you?"

"You said you wanted to be like Tony Stark and needed a computer assistant to, and I quote, 'Deal with the bullshit magic circles since I am not going to remember them,'" Jarvis recited.

Zhu sighed deeply. "Jarvis, would you be sad if I destroyed you and went back to sleep?"

"Sir, my magic circle has been etched into your soul through Dark Arts. You're stuck with me," Jarvis reminded him cheerfully.

"I should have kept you in a box," Zhu muttered, swinging his legs off the bed.

"I also love you, Sir," Jarvis added helpfully.

Zhu stood up, stretching. "What's so special about today?"

"Today's the day you leave the world of magic for your mission, Sir," Jarvis informed.

"Ah, that explains it. Did my past self tell you to threaten me with my holograms?" Zhu inquired, rubbing his eyes.

"No, Sir. I just find it an effective way to wake you up."

Zhu frowned. "Hey, that's not cool, man. It's not my fault I've been stuck in a state of hormonal puberty for the last 60 years."

"Why don't you get a girlfriend?" Jarvis suggested.

"Okay, smart guy, name one girl I could actually get with," Zhu challenged.

"Eula," Jarvis offered.

"She's a fairy, Jarvis. My hand is bigger than her," Zhu pointed out.

"That's xenophobic, Sir," Jarvis joked.

"No, it's not. It's practical skepticism," Zhu retorted.

"Esmeralda then," Jarvis suggested.

"No way. I'm pretty sure she only loves her bed," Zhu said.

"Elara?" Jarvis tried again.

"You know she's not my type. I don't go for girls who insult me all day," Zhu replied.

"I thought you had a humiliation kink, Sir," Jarvis teased.

"Fuck you, Jarvis," Zhu shot back.

"Faust?" Jarvis ventured.

"I'm not gay, remember?" Zhu reminded him.

"What about..." Jarvis began.

"Jarvis, we've been over this. Most women in the magic world are either crazy or too focused on magic. I haven't seen a single couple here in 60 years," Zhu ranted.

"That doesn't stop you from making magic items to simulate a girlfriend. You porn addict," Jarvis jabbed.

"We don't talk about that," Zhu said, his face turning red.

"Loser," Jarvis quipped.

"One more word, and you're losing your voice privileges for a month," Zhu threatened.

Silence ensued.

"Good. Now start the morning routine," Zhu ordered.

"That's a horrible name, Sir," Jarvis commented.

"What did I say about talking?" Zhu warned.

"Simp," Jarvis whispered, just before Zhu reached for the magic circle to mute him.


Fresh out of the shower, Zhu snapped his fingers and his clothes materialized onto his body, the fabric swirling around him like a living shadow. It was a magic item he had created decades ago, a solution to the mundane hassle of dressing up.

"Looking sexy, Sir," Jarvis chimed in with a hint of sarcasm.

"Thanks, Jarvis. Your approval means the world to me," Zhu retorted dryly, snapping his fingers again to transform his attire into something more comfortable for the morning.

At the breakfast table, Zhu ate in silence, noticing the unusual quietness of his companions. Breaking the stillness, he remarked, "So, today's the day."

"Do you have to go? Who will thank me?" Eula, the fairy, asked with a tinge of sadness as she hugged Zhu's neck.

"Eula, I have to. But don't worry, I made you a custom robot to thank you daily," Zhu reassured her, patting her head gently.

"It's just not the same, though," Eula mumbled quietly.

"Can I keep the bed?" Esmeralda inquired, her interest piqued.

"Sure, it's all yours," Zhu replied, earning a content smile and a "Good luck" from Esmeralda.

Everyone's attention then turned to Elara, who was quickly finishing her breakfast. She paused, glancing at Zhu. "Don't die out there, loser," she said with a hint of concern masked by her usual tough demeanor.

Zhu couldn't help but smile. Faust, clearing his throat, added, "Zhu, it has been an honor to see you grow these last few decades. You have become someone I am proud to have taught. While I wish you could stay, I know you have a mission. But remember, this will always be your home."

Zhu felt a warmth in his heart. "Thank you, Master," he said sincerely.

"You should have said 'Thank you, daddy,'" Jarvis quipped, earning a roll of the eyes from Zhu.

Ignoring his assistant's annoying remark, Zhu continued to savor the last meal with his found family.


As the afternoon sun cast long shadows on the ground, Zhu stood outside the house, his heart heavy yet determined. Faust and the others gathered around him, their faces a mix of pride and sadness. Before him, a blood-red portal swirled ominously.

"Thanks for everything," Zhu whispered to himself, a swell of gratitude rising within him. He looked back at the faces of his friends and mentors, each smiling encouragingly, though their eyes betrayed a hint of melancholy.

"I think you should confess," Jarvis's voice chimed in, a last-minute suggestion.

"Not now, buddy," Zhu replied, shaking his head slightly.

Turning to the group, Zhu offered a smile filled with resolve. "This isn't goodbye, just see you soon," he said, his voice steady.

With those parting words, Zhu took a deep breath and leaped into the portal. The world around him twisted and churned as he passed through the magical gateway, leaving behind the place and people that had become his second home.

As the portal closed behind him, Faust, Eula, Esmeralda ans Elara felt a pang of loss. They had watched Zhu grow, seen him transform from a curious newcomer into a skilled artificer. Though they knew this was only a temporary farewell, the emptiness left by his departure was palpable

The house, once filled with Zhu's laughter, experiments, and occasional chaos, stood a little quieter that day. Each of them knew that when Zhu returned, he would not be the same person who had just stepped through the portal. He would be shaped by the experiences and trials that awaited him, forged into something even greater.

And so, they waited, hopeful and proud, for the day Zhu would step back through that portal, his mission accomplished, ready to share new stories and continue his journey in the world of magic.