

"I love you" She heard him whisper, looking up into his blue eyes. Those blue eyes which constantly makes her feel vulnerable and powerless no matter how much she hated this man. Those blue eyes that made her fall head over heels in love with him over and over again. Those blue eyes which haunted her and made her miss him no matter how much she tried to stop the feelings. Those ocean-strong blue eyes. She could not believe she heard him say that, she could not believe that he could say that to her. She never even thought that they would meet ever again, even though they meet no matter how much she tries to hide from him. But now he was here......he was standing right in front of her telling her he loved her. She does not know if she should believe him ot not, but for some reason, he awakened once more the love she had buried twice because of him. She could not stop herself from feeling loved once again even if it was the third time he was telling her that, when she knew who he was and if it was possible he was lying to her yet again. No....she had to try to not fall for him.....to stay away from him.....and to nurse her recovering heart before he shatters it to pieces which might never be put together....for the third time. She could hardly describe how this made her feel. She knew she had to run away from this beast.....she knew that no matter what she does or no matter how much she loves this man, he would never ever tell her he loves her. Why the sudden change? What happened to the cold hearted Justin she fell in love with? Her tears which she had tried so hard to not shed...not anywhere right in front of him was hard to hold back anymore. Why can't she just walk away and tell him on his damn face that he stinks?...that he is worthless.... That he is a monster? But she had no strength or will to say that, she just wanted to give him a chance. It wasn't him anymore, but 'us'. "I love you too" She said, as tears fell freely from her eyes. She could not ever deny the truth. She loves him....she damn loves him. And even after all he did to her, after all the lies, cheating and giving her a reason to hate the world....she still wanted to be with him. She wanted him to love her. She wanted to be in those arms of his and cry her hearts out. Even after she had acquired everything that could make life comfortable, even after she is known as the youngest woman billionaire the world has ever known, she still wanted to love. She wanted a man who would love and care for her. Maybe that is the reason why she wanted to risk breaking her heart again for the third time, by the same person. All he had done were still fresh in her mind....in her memory. But it is not enough for her to stop loving him....not now Not ever. But he would break her heart again, because he always does.

beautifulpieces123 · 都市
3 Chs


Sun rays come as nature's easel, giving brilliant colour to what was hidden even under the passing starlit night. Dawn brings a sunlight crown, smiling upward at the black heavens, feeling how the passing night welcomes her more with each minute and hour.

Crystal coughed as she sat up, removing dirt from her body. Her head seemed so heavy and her throat felt dry. Holding her head, she looked around where she was and saw she was close to the highway. She knew exactly how she ended up there. For once in a long while, she felt she had slept better than she had ever done and to think it was just beside a highway. She felt something she never thought she would feel.

She felt free.

Getting up from where she had slept for the night, the little girl looked around, trying to know where she was at the moment. Figuring that out in seconds she started to walk, not knowing where she was going but anywhere but that hell she had lived in was better.

Her hands went to the back of her head, hissing as her hand made contact with where it hurt her. Bringing her hand to her vision, she saw blood. It would have been from when she had fallen on the ground due to the fall when her foster mother had pushed her.

Sitting down once again, she tore a part of her very big green gown and used it to tie her head, wanting to stop the bleeding. Wrapping it around her head, she made sure it wasn't too tight or too free.

And then she continued her journey, not knowing where she was going.

She still thought it was a dream...not believing that she was free. She did not have a choice but to walk till she finds a better place to stay. There was no way she was going back there, her foster mother will probably skin her alive.

For three days she walked, not knowing where she was going. When she felt hungry she begged for food, and a few generous people gave her food you eat. No one wanted to even show her hospitality or help her. It made her more aware that she was alone....in this world.

But surprisingly she felt at peace, she was lonely but her life now felt more heavenly than the life she lived in that hell. Everyone she met felt irritated by her smell and looks.

But she did not mind.

She was happy....happy to be free.

Even if she had been raped by a group of boys during these three days' journeys, who did not even have mercy on the fact that she was just a little girl, it did not matter to her. She was used to it.

She was used to that life.

It was her life.

She sat close to a building on her third day out of the streets, planning to retire there for the night. Shivering from the cold, she tried to blow air on her hands to keep warm but it was of no use because the night was so cold.

Lying down on the dirt, she let her mind wander to the things she missed.....

She could not get any.

Her school life was not that bad, having always taken her academic life seriously and done well to the best of her abilities. She had always dreamed to be an independent woman, she never wanted to live in hell anymore. She had always topped her class in every subject.

How will she be able to study and fulfil her dreams now?

Hugging her legs closer, she closed her eyes as she tried to get some sleep. She fell asleep but minutes later, someone woke her up.

"Hello, little girl," The woman said as she squatted to her level, making Crystal scramble for safety.

"Don't worry little girl, I will not hurt you. Are you lost?" The woman asked, her eyes depicting concern which made her confused.

Why was the woman concerned about her? She did not answer, taking this woman's appearance critically. She seemed nice and beautiful.

"Are you lost, little girl?" She asked again.

"Yes" Was her reply. She did not want her to know she had run away from home just in case she was taken back. She never wants to go back. Anything but go back there.

To go back to her torturer. Sometimes she thinks that her torturer imagines herself as some demon of another realm, yet in truth, she is a patsy of the devil.

"What is your name?" The woman asked as she stretched her hand, wanting to hold the little girl's cheek but instead, Crystal moved away. Years of torture had made her always flinch when someone made a move to touch her.

"I promise I won't hurt you" The woman assured softly as she raised both her hands, proving to you this little girl that she does not have any plans of hurting her.

"Crystal," She said, looking into the woman's eyes.

"You have a very beautiful name. I know you do not trust me but I want to take you to a place where you would be taken care of. The streets are too dangerous for you to roam about in. Follow me dearly and I promise I will not do anything to hurt you"

Crystal looked at this woman. Why does she want to help her? Should she trust her? What if she takes her to another place where she would be beaten and maltreated just like the hell she had run away from?

"Trust me, Crystal. It is not safe here" The woman said, stretching out her hand to take Crystal's. She knew she had nowhere to go and since this woman seemed so nice, she would follow her. If she takes her to another hell again she will make sure she runs away from that place.

Hell....she does not want to go back anymore. Only in a money-nexus world that makes cold emotionality a survival skill can we develop people cold enough to kill via torture.