
The Beginning

The beginning of the cosmos was due to two Gods, a brother and sister. Julianus, the God of Creation and Suthanok, the Goddess of Destruction. They together collectively made the cosmos as we know it. They made four separate realms. Heaven, purgatory, Earth, and Oblivion with The Void in-between. Julianus created three Archangels to protect against Suthanok's creations. The angels' names were Fafnir the Angel of Time, Zanatos the Angel of the Seasons, and Akontosh the Angel of Harvest. Suthanok's Fallen Angels were no different from her brothers. Styx the Angel of Death, Tauros the Angel of diseases, and Vokanotosh the Angel of fear and sins.

After a 2,000 year old war with their angels, they finally ended it and the Gods created mankind. The first two was a male and a female named Adam and Eve. They lived peacefully on the newly created Earth with something called Death's Eyes, a fruit that grants the ability to kill anyone with the snap of their fingers in their line of sight, being tempted by Styx. Adam took a fruit and ate it, dying in the process. Styx took the opportunity to impregnate Eve with a son named Altair.

When the Earth was destroyed by an argument with Suthanok and her brother, Adam and Eve were long dead and Altair was also dead. There was a fourth Archangel that was fed up with the weak rule of Julianus and decided to try to be above him. His name was Michael, also known as The Grim Reaper. He was the one to judge the souls of the dead. He waged war with Julianus and his brothers. He unfortunately lost.

His last words before he was cast out of Heaven were, "I will ascend to heaven. I will raise my throne above the stars of the Gods! I will sit on the mount of assembly on the heights of Julianus! I will ascend to the tops of the clouds, I will make myself the most powerful God here!"

He was cast out of Heaven and marked with the Spirit Sin of Vengeance, his wings darkened and he lost his halo. He later got the name Reptile Ibn-La'Ahad after the Earth was remade.

After Michael was casted out of heaven, he went to a distant planet and created two people. They were named Anne and Autumn. He told them to be together forever, no matter what. He wandered the universe, looking for an answer as to who is the strongest God. In that wandering time, he created what is now known as the GAC. He went around the cosmos, promoting peace, individuality, freedom from oppression, and unity. He ended up destroying what he was meant to protect. Tearing apart families, bringing governments to their knees, and enslaving billions of mortal lives. Within that chaos, came hope. People who were saved by him praised him as a God and their savoir. They built shrines in his name and called him The Ghost from then on. But, just like all legends, they didn't get the full story. The followers believed he was God when, in reality, he was far from both Gods.

He often said, "I am far from my Creator. I'm better than both of them."

Because of the chaos, Suthanok and her brother sent seven very powerful fallen angels named Wrath, Greed, Lust, Envy, Pride, Sloth, and Gluttony. They were sent to make chaos into order. They failed because Michael had killed all of them at once.

He yelled up to the sky, "Do you see that your creations are weak and pathetic?! Do you see that I am making order?!"

After defeating the 7 Deadly Sins, he made his iconic weapons. The Midnight Sword was a weapon designed to kill his brothers. After he created The Midnight Sword, he was the first Assassin to reach Legend rank and lead it for thousands of years until he met someone that changed his outlook of mortals forever.

He was at a bar, drinking away his assassination money when someone walked up to him. She had bright red hair, hazel eyes, and was overall a Goddess. They chatted with her and he got her name, Amber. They had very similar interests and within a few weeks, they started dating. They got married and a year later, they had Meetra. He started teaching him everything he knew. From assassination to espionage to adaptation, he taught it all. The brand of the Creator was on Meetra as a birthmark, a sign of his heritage. With the mark, he was hunted down by angels all throughout his existence. But one thing he couldn't shake off was his goal: to be stronger than his Creator.